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ISIS announce laws to impose gold Jizya (tax) on Christians in Provincial Capital


May 30, 2013
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
An al Qaeda splinter group has demanded that Christians in a Syrian city it controls pay a levy in gold and curb displays of their faith in return for protection, according to a statement posted online on Wednesday.

The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), mainly composed of foreign fighters, is widely considered the most radical of the groups fighting President Bashar al-Assad, and is also engaged in a violent struggle with rival Islamist rebels.

Its directive to Christians in the eastern city of Raqqa is the latest evidence of the group's ambition to establish a state in Syria founded on radical Islamist principles, a prospect that concerns Western and Arab backers of other rebel groups fighting Assad.

ISIL said it would ensure Christians' safety in exchange for the levy and their adherence to restrictions on their faith, citing the Islamic legal precept of 'dhimma'.

It said Christians must not make renovations to churches or other religious buildings, display religious insignia outside of churches, ring church bells or pray in public.

It demanded every Christian man pay a tax of up to 17 grams of gold, a levy that was common in Muslim states centuries ago.

The directive also bans Christians from owning weapons and from selling pork or wine to Muslims or drinking wine in public.

The concept of dhimma, governing non-Muslims living under Islamic rule, dates back to the early Islamic era in the seventh century, but was largely abolished during the Ottoman reforms of the mid-19th century.

Raqqa was the first and only city to fall completely under rebel control last year. After repelling an offensive last month by rival Islamists and more moderate rebels, ISIL has turned its attention to setting up a state based on a radical interpretation of Islamic law.

It issued a more general set of restrictions for all residents of Raqqa last month, but this week's notice included the most extensive restrictions yet on Christians.

The statement, dated Saturday, was posted on a Twitter account of a purported ISIL supporter. The text matched a statement distributed by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an anti-Assad monitoring group, which condemned it.

The recognized al Qaeda affiliate in Syria, the Nusra Front, has demanded ISIL submit to mediation to end the infighting that has killed about 3,300 people this year, saying it will "eradicate" them if they do not comply in the coming days..

Raqqa was the first and only city to fall completely ISIL rebel control last year.

Islamists demand levy from Christians in Syrian city| Reuters
ISIL demands gold to 'protect' Christians - Asia-pacific - Al Jazeera English
What BS is this???
These kind of things bring a bad name to Muslims.
And so it starts... Good going America... Liberate Syria from Assad and give to these peaceful saints.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A dhimmī (Arabic: ذمي‎ ḏimmī IPA: [ˈðɪmmiː], collectively أهل الذمة ahl al-ḏimmah/dhimmah “the people of the dhimma”) is a historical term referring to non-Muslim citizens of an Islamic state. Dhimma allows rights of residence in return for taxes. According to scholars, dhimmis had their rights fully protected in their communities, but as citizens in the Islamic state, had certain restrictions. They were excused or excluded from specific duties assigned to Muslims, did not enjoy certain political rights reserved to Muslims, and were subject to payment of a special tax (jizyah), but were otherwise equal under the laws of property, contract and obligation.

Under sharia law, dhimmi status was originally afforded to Jews, Christians, and Sabians. The protected religions later came to include Zoroastrians, Mandaeans, Hindus and Buddhists.Eventually, the Hanafi, the largest school of Islamic legal thought, applied this term to all non-Muslims living in Islamic lands outside the sacred area surrounding Mecca, in modern-day Saudi Arabia.

As an example of the distinctions between Muslims, dhimmis, and others, sharia law permits the consumption of pork and alcohol by non-Muslims living in Islamic countries, although they may not be openly displayed. These same commodities are expressly forbidden to Muslims. Modern Hanafi scholars do not make any legal distinction between a non-Muslim dhimmi and a Muslim citizen.

What BS is this???
These kind of things bring a bad name to Muslims.
I suppose Dhimmitude is Islamic..


From its beginnings in the seventh century, Islam was spread by means of its practitioners' violent conquest of non-Muslim lands. For more than a millennium (from 638 to 1683), these conquests expanded Islam's empire over vast territories in Africa, Europe, and Asia. During that period, the conquered "infidels" (non-Muslims) -- who each possessed their own unique religion, culture, and language -- constituted a significant majority of the population of the newly Islamized lands.

As early as the eighth century, a formal set of rules was created to govern the relationships between the conquering Muslims and the defeated infidels. The framework of these regulations is known as "dhimmitude," a term connoting the lowly legal and social status of Jews and Christians who are subjected to Islamic rule. Dhimmi was the name applied by the Arab-Muslim conquerors to the indigenous non-Muslim populations that surrendered by a treaty (dhimma) to Muslim domination.

A non-Muslim community that is forced to accept dhimmitude is condemned to live in a system that will protect it from violent jihad on only one condition: if it is completely subservient to a Muslim master. In return for that subservience, the community is granted limited rights, although dhimmis could be capriciously subjected to such depredations as mass slavery, abductions, and deportations.

According to Dr. Mitchell G. Bard, director of the Jewish Virtual Library:

“Dhimmis were excluded from public office and armed service, and were forbidden to bear arms. They were not allowed to ride horses or camels, to build synagogues or churches taller than mosques, to construct houses higher than those of Muslims, or to drink wine in public. They were not allowed to pray or mourn in loud voices as that might offend the Muslims. The dhimmi had to show public deference toward Muslims, always yielding them the center of the road. The dhimmi was not allowed to give evidence in court against a Muslim, and his oath was unacceptable in an Islamic court. To defend himself the dhimmi would have to purchase Muslim witnesses at great expense. This left the dhimmi with little legal recourse when harmed by a Muslim. Dhimmis were also forced to wear distinctive clothing. In the ninth century, for example, Baghdad's Caliph al-Mutawakkil designated a yellow badge for Jews, setting a precedent that would be followed centuries later.”

Dhimmitude was abolished from the Islamic world during the 19th and 20th centuries under European military pressure, or by direct European colonization. But it has recently made a resurgence -- along with jihad itself -- as a consequence of the Islamic wars in Sudan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Algeria, and Israel. Moreover, non-Muslim minorities suffer severe discrimination in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Pakistan, and countries that apply or recognize the shari’a law. Ultimately, dhimmitude is an outgrowth of the fact that Muslims consider themselves to be in a perpetual state of war with their non-Muslim neighbors.
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So, Shia are Muslims? :rofl:
they are
salafis are muslims too

anyway these attitudes from old times ... are not compatible with our times.
now nations are giving the people from any religion the same duties

if in Iran as a muslim i don't want to respect some duty (let's say ramadan)... i have to pay.. for exemple for ramadan i can give a penalty/money to poor people ... i need to act good , i need to show how much i keep being a good muslim even if for one good reason i couldn't respect the duty
still this is my own responsability... if people don't want act in respect of this, they do whatever they want ... that 's their own problem/business.

so even for a muslim i can't imagine giving lessons, how can a muslim consider a muslim duty should have compensation in non muslim community. especially in a world that people live together and pay nation taxes, where all citizens should have equal rights ?

of course this is islamic since muslims did it. being anti dhimmi is a choice by lot of muslims so islamiic too.
like killing human being is human attitude but doesn't mean all humans do it .
so instead of thinking it is islamic or not, we should think . ... is it right ?

and i understand non muslims see us retarded.. i can see in France the picture we give to the world , or in Asia or anywhere i travel when non muslim majority. people change, societies change ... if we don't want change then we are against genetic laws , then we consider as well the nature will of God is anti islamic . :D
And so it starts... Good going America... Liberate Syria from Assad and give to these peaceful saints.

At least the Islamists promise to protect the Christians for a fee - I see nothing wrong. ;)

Though I have a fair idea what the "protection" actually means.
At least the Islamists promise to protect the Christians for a fee - I see nothing wrong. ;)

Though I have a fair idea what the "protection" actually means.

It's like a contract, you respect the laws and traditions of Muslims and worship at church only and in return we let you be part of the miniature Islamic state we have currently and if any wars ever come up no Christians are required to fight. Christians are exempted from military service and it's upon Muslims only to fight any invaders once of course there actually is an Islamic state in Syria. :lol:
I'm shaky on Islamic history, but during the reign of Muhammed (SAW), the people who he went to battle with (who were usually aggressors themselves) were given 2 conditions.
Accept Islam or pay Jizya.
Now, in this case, there was no war going on between Muslims and Christians, was there? Neither were the Christians directly taking part in most of the fighting. If the Christians were neither aggressors or fighting, then why pay Jizya?
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