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ISI seeks data about CIA operatives

America considers itself the most civilized nation of the world. But it is spying in its ally country Pakistan. These are dual standards of , so called , Super Power
America considers itself the most civilized nation of the world. But it is spying in its ally country Pakistan. These are dual standards of , so called , Super Power

there is nothing odd about it and its not double standards. all countries spy on other friendly and hostile countries where they have a strategic interest.
Europeans and Americans spy on each other too. Israeli Mosad spies on USA and in many occusions such American double agents have been uncovered.

Arab and Chinese also spy on us. lets not signle out America on this one. it is not a desirable situation for a country that is being spied on but its a fact.
normally once such spies are exposed they are quietly expelled (in case they are part of a diplomatic mission) otherwise they are locked up or charged depending on the sensitivity of their operation.
Hundreds of American spies are engaged in Pakistan.
Indeed , every country has spies and agencies. But such open and excessive spying will be against the interest of this region. On the other hand , it can affect Pak American relations.
America is also ordering us that we should not prosecute their spies. (Chori , upar se sina zori).
Considering the ISI knows every square inch of Afghanistan, I find it very very hard to believe that the ISI does not know each and every CIA operative in Pakistan.
CIA is more active than ISI. CIA has now established a strong network of intelligence in FATA , KPK and south Punjab. It was also spying in ISI and sensitive locations. CIA injected large number of spies due to loose visa policy. Although ISI was monitoring CIA agents but Raymond Davis shows penetration of CIA to every one. ISI is now examining all USA visas and has sought list of agents from CIA.
"treat us as allies , not as satellites" ISI official.
The title of the news and the myths spreaded/created in favor of ISI contradicts itself. How on earth ISI is asking the list of operatives active in Pakistan, considering their abilities of spying?
According to New York Times , the ISI CIA relations are worst now a days.
These are not myths. These are the news of NYT , DAWN , The News , The Nation.
Too late I will say they shud have done it earlier now I think the CIA network is more stronger and I very frankly believe isi has been weakened very systematically and deliberatly and now it only works as an assisting arm of the American CIA
as CIA will give them what a kiddish demand . they should know better abut there own country rather then ask to CIA
ISI has allowed them to do so in the past, jo boya hai wo kat rahe hain..
Guyz just relax. Let the players make the plays. We are of course talking about the ISI. We know what they are capable of. This is the first time the game has been exposed so publicly. Counter espionage activities by the ISI have been going on since long before this episode. And its not the first time the ISI will be dancing with the CIA. Just sit back and watch the game progress.
I think that ISI is more crucial now because political front is empty and ISI has to face all conspiraces lonely.
It our government's blame that allowing CIA deploying in Pakistan due to fake visa, passport, name, plates, info etc.

ISI is working hard to dig out deeply.
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