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ISI chief won't appear in US court over 26/11: Pakistan PM

The summoning of the ISI chief by the US court, is likely to have major ramifications in the near future.

The US government will be bound by any ruling that the courts give, if they find the ISI guilty (which they most probably will, thanks to Hadley), then the whole agency & the Pakistan army by extension will be guilty in the eyes of US law. This will mean no funding & further cooperation. Not only will it open a Pandora's box for Pakistan, it might go as far as declaring it a pariah state provided the Americans are out of Afghanistan by then.

:rofl: thanks to headely ??? hahah recently he threatened the yankees over mumbai otherwise he will spill the beans lolzz

and anyway US court's verdict is not binding for us we are not US citizens
Well its Pakistan choice and India/USA cant do nothing about it, then to attack Pakistan, which will not happen.

So this is a foregone conclusion, however will destroy ties between the 2 nations.
Well its Pakistan choice and India/USA cant do nothing about it, then to attack Pakistan, which will not happen.

So this is a foregone conclusion, however will destroy ties between the 2 nations.

:P SO when is India attacking Pakistan?

Secondly forget about ties between US and Pakistan we had been having sweet-sour relations not a new thing.
CIA Chief should be summoned for the illegal drone strikes being conducted by the CIA, plus all the previous CIA chiefs be asked about their illegal activities of the past. Will the CIA chief come ?? Off course no, then why they asking for ours, when they can't send their own.

Last i heard, the local CIA chief ran away since he was about to be called by the court.
CIA Chief should be summoned for the illegal drone strikes being conducted by the CIA, plus all the previous CIA chiefs be asked about their illegal activities of the past. Will the CIA chief come ?? Off course no, then why they asking for ours, when they can't send their own.

Last i heard, the local CIA chief ran away since he was about to be called by the court.

First prove that attacks were illegal.
Go over this

US has paid you money for war and lives.

US and Pakistan Armed forces work together and everything done(Drone attacks) is comes under collective work.
This is what your Ambassador to US says.
If someone wants to understand the intricacies of usa-pak relations must watch following interview of Brezenski on msnbc where he was feveriously protecting pakistan where he say pakistan is not our enemy india is.

Morning Joe

To quote him from the video....
"MSNBC video today of Zbigniew "Brzezinski. He is asked by the Hostess, "if Pakistan is our enemy".
And immediately this Zbigniew launches into a defense of Pakistan:

If we think the Pakistan as our enemy, we are shooting ourselves not in the foot, but in the head.

And then there is India , which is fighting Pakistan for influence in Afghanistan. And in this fight, Indian are together with Iran .....
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First prove that attacks were illegal.
Go over this

US has paid you money for war and lives.

US and Pakistan Armed forces work together and everything done(Drone attacks) is comes under collective work.
This is what your Ambassador to US says.

Weren't you going from the forum perm??? Anyway.

For legality and other issues, plz google and see wha you find, you may even find the UN related reference to this issue. Here to just help you out:

" Governments must come clean on their methods for killing suspected terrorists and insurgents — especially when using unmanned drones — because they may be committing war crimes, a U.N. human rights expert said Wednesday. "

UN expert: Drone attacks may be illegal - World news - South and Central Asia - Pakistan - msnbc.com

US has paid us nothing compared to what we have suffered, economically and human cost wise.

Well whatever the ambassador said, he should consult what the UN has to say.
Bullshit. I think many CIA's personal in Pakistan should be brought to justice and all those Indian people who had originally planed this 26/11 to frame Pakistan. That's right don't be surprised you all know this was all pre-planned attack to hurt Pakistan. India and USA will never be our friends they only want to destroy Pakistan but INSHAALLAH nothing will happen to Pakistan because ALLAH is protecting our lovely country.
Weren't you going from the forum perm??? Anyway.
Yeah, but than i thought its better to go by getting banned. At least it proves things. You would get it one day:)
For legality and other issues, plz google and see wha you find, you may even find the UN related reference to this issue. Here to just help you out:

" Governments must come clean on their methods for killing suspected terrorists and insurgents — especially when using unmanned drones — because they may be committing war crimes, a U.N. human rights expert said Wednesday. "

UN expert: Drone attacks may be illegal - World news - South and Central Asia - Pakistan - msnbc.com

US has paid us nothing compared to what we have suffered, economically and human cost wise.

Well whatever the ambassador said, he should consult what the UN has to say.

WoW, now you depend upon voice of UN.
Common US-Pak is happy, than why are you listening to what UN says.All is done with the mutual AGREEMENT. So you should complain to your own nation itself, not others.

To bold part.
It was game. US played their cards well and were able to buy lives at low price.. Again it was AGREEMENT. Your leaders agreed and accepted the price. If you think price wasnt enough, go and support leader who could do negotiations and ask more money.

Simple thing is there is NO point in Complaining to US. Unless you look within yourself, your leaders, your nation.

Common, Pakistan ambassador to US first needs to Consult with UN before stating anything.You must be kidding.
Lets see what US say about this....:pop:

They can say whatever they want to..from Pakistan all they are bound to get is "LPC". (sorry for the unparliamentary use of such words but those who know what this means will know what I mean).

nice but they are already getting CLPC from chinese and BLPC from Talibans.:lol:
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Sikh insurgency was jointly planned by CIA and ISI..India did not summon CIA cheif after golden temple incident.!:flame:

Yes agreed but India did not summon the ISI chief either. By this logic are you equating Pakistan with the United States!!

India in 1984 was a different place all together than what it is today. The summoning of the ISI chief is likely to have very wider ramifications in the future,if not you your government seems to be aware of it, for the Pak PM himself to make a statement on the matter is proof enough about the seriousness with which they are looking at it.
:rofl: thanks to headely ??? hahah recently he threatened the yankees over mumbai otherwise he will spill the beans lolzz

and anyway US court's verdict is not binding for us we are not US citizens

But it is binding on the US government. The very same government that signs your paychecks and gives you military equipment & which is not yet condemning you outright on the use of terror as an instrument of state policy.

Just imagine what happens when all this support disappears. Your economy is already sinking and is largely kept afloat with the help of US aid. American backing has helpd you from yet being declared a terrorist state. Just imagine American leaders saying what David Cameron, France, Germany & the Russians have already said on the issue of terrorism. At this rate Pakistan might very easily find a spot on the new axis of evil!!
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