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ISI chief won't appear in US court over 26/11: Pakistan PM

A very "logical" response by our P.M after a very long time,and yes its in response to the move made by the CIA station chief of PAK.

Cheif Justic Iftikhar Choudhry should issue the summons of Indian COAS and DG RAW for the hand of anIndian army officer in the arson attack on samjhota express that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Pakistani passengers
But it is binding on the US government. The very same government that signs your paychecks and gives you military equipment & which is not yet condemning you outright on the use of terror as an instrument of state policy.

Use of terror as an instrument of state policy? Let me be first to remind you, that we are here fighting the TTP as a frontline ally against terrorism.

Just imagine what happens when all this support disappears. Your economy is already sinking and is largely kept afloat with the help of US aid.


What evidence do you have to believe that our economy is solely supported by USA economic aid?

By the way, our country is doing its best to improve the economic situation, such as increasing exports to other countries, and our export has been soaring since then. Not to forget that even though the floods have occured, our growth rate is still between 2.5-3.0% which could have been much worst. We also have been trying to overcome the energy crisis by signing the TAPI and IP gas pipeline.

Let me also remind you that just because India is the 2nd fastest growing economy, which will reach 2 trillion GDP in a couple of years, does not give you the right to look down at other country's economic situation. Let me refresh your memory, that 2 decades ago, India was at this exact position Pakistan was.

American backing has helpd you from yet being declared a terrorist state. Just imagine American leaders saying what David Cameron, France, Germany & the Russians have already said on the issue of terrorism. At this rate Pakistan might very easily find a spot on the new axis of evil!!

Axis of Evil?:what:

While sacrificing almost 10,000 Pakistanis, and almost 50 billion USD on this war, you would still think that other countries would label Pakistan a terrorist state? I am sure you could come up with better arguments.
The real important issue is this:

Can the ISI and the related agencies be made answerable to the LAW in Pakistan, and to THEIR OWN NATION, for their roles in "disppearances" and "off the record infinite detentions" of hundreds of PAKISTANI nationals with any DUE PROCESS AT ALL?
Use of terror as an instrument of state policy? Let me be first to remind you, that we are here fighting the TTP as a frontline ally against terrorism.

Nearly every country in the world seems to think otherwise. Countries like Britain, France, Germany & Russia has asked Pakistan to stop the use of terror. If you don't get my point even now, then you are simply living in denial.


What evidence do you have to believe that our economy is solely supported by USA economic aid?

Anyone who understand basic economics knows that. Apart from that many reputed economists have said so. Just Google it up & you will understand what i am saying.

By the way, our country is doing its best to improve the economic situation, such as increasing exports to other countries, and our export has been soaring since then. Not to forget that even though the floods have occured, our growth rate is still between 2.5-3.0% which could have been much worst. We also have been trying to overcome the energy crisis by signing the TAPI and IP gas pipeline.

Ya, good luck with that. Frankly you are just being too optimistic. Read a little bit more from reputed sources & you might get the hang of it.

Let me also remind you that just because India is the 2nd fastest growing economy, which will reach 2 trillion GDP in a couple of years, does not give you the right to look down at other country's economic situation. Let me refresh your memory, that 2 decades ago, India was at this exact position Pakistan was.

Was making a point about the implications for Pakistan. You don't have to get defensive & drag India in the equation. Bottom line being that Pakistan is in the economic doldrums, while India is just in the opposite position.

Axis of Evil?:what:

While sacrificing almost 10,000 Pakistanis, and almost 50 billion USD on this war, you would still think that other countries would label Pakistan a terrorist state? I am sure you could come up with better arguments.

The Brit's have nearly done so & even refused to apologies, the French, the Germans & the Russians have nearly endorsed the British view. Now you decide how far the actual branding remains. Ironically they didn't give a damn about the 10,000 Pakistanis killed or the 50 billion $ USD. What makes you think that they will give a damn later!!??
Goes to show that Pakistan CAN show the middle finger to the US when it wants to... Why we dont do it more often is the million dollar question...
Nearly every country in the world seems to think otherwise. Countries like Britain, France, Germany & Russia has asked Pakistan to stop the use of terror. If you don't get my point even now, then you are simply living in denial.

Nearly every country? You sure about that, its more like a handful, most countries couldn't be bothered.

The basic logic you failed to understand is that, what makes you think we will continue using terror, when the whole Pakistan itself is feeling the heat of terrorism.

If really these countries believe that the Government of Pakistan is involved in terrorism, what efforts have they done to counter this, rather than blabbering at a corner?

Ya, good luck with that. Frankly you are just being too optimistic. Read a little bit more from reputed sources & you might get the hang of it.

I think I have read enough reputed source, if you had known that I post most economic articles on the economy section. Yes inflation could escalate, and it all lies on the government hands.

Anyone who understand basic economics knows that. Apart from that many reputed economists have said so. Just Google it up & you will understand what i am saying.

Prove me with credible evidence that we are supported by aid then. Its totally unbelievable to accuse Pakistan' economy running on aid. IF that's the case then its pointless for us to increase exports, and reduce the fiscal deficit.

Was making a point about the implications for Pakistan. You don't have to get defensive & drag India in the equation. Bottom line being that Pakistan is in the economic doldrums, while India is just in the opposite position.

No intentions to drag India into it, you can't expect me to avoid a knee jerk reaction while you criticise Pakistan's economy.The bottom line is that every country has faced financial crisis, and making fun and laughing at it when one have undergo it is selfish.

The Brit's have nearly done so & even refused to apologies, the French, the Germans & the Russians have nearly endorsed the British view. Now you decide how far the actual branding remains. Ironically they didn't give a damn about the 10,000 Pakistanis killed or the 50 billion $ USD. What makes you think that they will give a damn later!!??

So a few powerful countries, endorsing the view that Pakistan is supporting terrorist, proves Pakistan is involved in terrorism?

They won't give a damn now, but they definitely do give a damn about their soldiers dying in Afghanistan, and if they do not cooperate with Pakistan, things would go out of hand.

If they really believe Pakistan is involved in terrorism, report it to the UN, and put full effort in it, don't just mention about it and leave the topic hanging there. Its easy to criticise but to put the effort to correct the mistake,.

Furthermore, as I see it France, UK mentioned about the terrorism during their visit to India, and could have substantial political motive, that's my point of view of course.

There are news online of countries such as China and USA acknowledging Pakistan' war efforts.
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Anyone who understand basic economics knows that. Apart from that many reputed economists have said so. Just Google it up & you will understand what i am saying.

That's f*cking ignorant. I posted somewhere else about this too - it's a common myth and delusion bharatis have created. We are surviving on 500m/year? Because that's how much aid we're getting.
The real important issue is this:

Can the ISI and the related agencies be made answerable to the LAW in Pakistan, and to THEIR OWN NATION, for their roles in "disppearances" and "off the record infinite detentions" of hundreds of PAKISTANI nationals with any DUE PROCESS AT ALL?

Its a secondary and transitory issue. Transitory because when IS situations arise, certain folks will be detained and held indefinitely. This is just the nature of the beast. This is a problem but because of the nature of the threat. A lot of times, the people being held cannot be produced in court because by divulging the proof, you are hurting operational secrecy. If there was a better way to do this, it would have to be accommodated within the Pakistani law, until then suo-moto is it.

As fas as being made answerable to the law, first bring about the culture of *everyone* being answerable to the law and those in uniform will immediately follow suit.
Its a secondary and transitory issue. Transitory because when IS situations arise, certain folks will be detained and held indefinitely. This is just the nature of the beast. This is a problem but because of the nature of the threat. A lot of times, the people being held cannot be produced in court because by divulging the proof, you are hurting operational secrecy. If there was a better way to do this, it would have to be accommodated within the Pakistani law, until then suo-moto is it.

As fas as being made answerable to the law, first bring about the culture of *everyone* being answerable to the law and those in uniform will immediately follow suit.

I don't agree with the first, but the second statement is truly important. That is why education, health and rule of law are the three basics needed much more than anything else if Paksitan is to join the rest of the world in the 21st century.

However, I don't see the status quo changing anytime soon since these three sectors require 30 to 50 years of sustained effort to bear lasting fruits.
Nearly every country in the world seems to think otherwise. Countries like Britain, France, Germany & Russia has asked Pakistan to stop the use of terror. If you don't get my point even now, then you are simply living in denial.

what matters is what the US military command says about Pakistan war effort not thsse political stooges who dont know how to handle the economic crises and are talking while visiting India.

how Ironic for the likes you that despite all that Americans continue with the military assistance and repayments for using our ports and war effort.

if these countries dont care about thousands of Pakistanis lost in the terrorism then fine.. their leadership can join you in the corner and drop their pants and whine like a hooker for all I care when next time their soldiers are attacked by taliban in Afghanistan..

as far as Cameron's speech in Banglore is concerned he is a joke and even in UK he is being ridiculed.. their security services had a panic attack when Pakistan decided to back out from sharing anti-terror information when UK goverment leaked information of some terror related arrests, completely ommitting the fact that it was on the tip of the much maligned ISI and they made it appear in the media as if it was the fault of Pakistani state.. after getting the jolt they re-phrased their statement and expressed the importance of the anti-terror cooperation..

I am more interested in what general petraeus is saying... you can continue to live your life as you want.

Edit: Unnecessary comments removed
Indians have a very common tendency to severely overestimate anti-Pakistan news and anti-Pakistan perceptions and severely underestimate any positive news. Do look at what they say with some degree of precaution.
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