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Is this meme (Persian contributions to islamic Golden age)fair?

But yes, someone happy to be living under an ancestral feudal that is also protected by Indian military which participated in the non-participation of prevention of the genocide of 237,000 Muslims of Jammu in late 1947 but participated happily in the genocide of 3.5 million North Koreans in 1950-53 and then almost participated in the genocide of Iraqis starting 2003 and then in 2011 happily watched NATO planes bomb Muammar's compound in Tripoli and participated in the Kunan-Poshpora gangrapes in Kashmir in 1991 and has been happily participating in the genocide of Indians in the Naxal movement but hasn't been participating in a single action against Bhakts, that Bhutani is a sane person indeed. :)
So much progressive garbage yet not a post on the genocide of Hindus in East Pakistan? Hypocrisy much? :lol:
So @Corruptistan associating Iranis with Black Afros makes him an idiot ?

Do you think all Iranis have white skin, light eyes and blonde hair ? The Irani who made these posts doesn't think so and the many pics he posted include these :
Persia was an Empire composed of many peoples..Some mixed with my ancestors and stayed.. just like any other Empire..Rome had many different color people as well.

90% of Iranians today are original people that joined 3500 years ago and created Iranian nation..Azaris and Medes were the original Persians and remain so to this date which includes Kurds..The rest were conquered people who are now in Iran (not sure about baloch a mystery to me!)...And Iran is the land of Aryans indeed...

PS: I did not bring up the subject of race to the topic..the Saudi did so he needed some reminder of who he is ..a desert semite and cousin to the jews
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1. So @Corruptistan associating Iranis with Black Afros makes him an idiot ? :) Why are you being hateful against Blacks in addition to mindlessly championing the largely non-existent Irani achievements ( you haven't answered that question of mine ) ?

Compare these two light-skinned terrorists from Iran :

...with this Black revolutionary from Africa :

2. Do you think all Iranis have white skin, light eyes and blonde hair ? The Irani who made these posts doesn't think so and the many pics he posted include these :


Taymiyyah from the little I know of him is much loved by the Tableeghis of today, the embarrassing dawah bois of Britain etc. That surely removes him from any suggestion that he was philosophical. :)

There is a PDF member who carries him as his profile pic.

What "astonishing number" ? Do you really believe those Bhakts who declared that those 50,000 people of Haldwani who are about to be thrown out of their houses by the state's Bhakt government in the winter of the Himalayas, they are Bangladeshi just because most of them are Muslims ? How did those 50,000 "Illegal Bangladeshis" cross 1886 kilometers from Bangladesh to Uttarakhand ? And when did they begin living there ?

And do you think those BSF soldiers who killed that BD girl Felani on the border fence in 2011 not deserve the same fate ? And this is a nice art :

Where did you find a lie ?

Bhutan is not Southeast Asia but South Asia and part of SAARC.

But yes, someone happy to be living under an ancestral feudal that is also protected by Indian military which participated in the non-participation of prevention of the genocide of 237,000 Muslims of Jammu in late 1947 but participated happily in the genocide of 3.5 million North Koreans in 1950-53 and then almost participated in the genocide of Iraqis starting 2003 and then in 2011 happily watched NATO planes bomb Muammar's compound in Tripoli and participated in the Kunan-Poshpora gangrapes in Kashmir in 1991 and has been happily participating in the genocide of Indians in the Naxal movement but hasn't been participating in a single action against Bhakts, that Bhutani is a sane person indeed. :)

And how can you not blame the ancestrally feudalist ruler of Bhutan while you condemn the ancestrally governing leader of DPRK ?

Do you not shit ? But I didn't understand what you are talking about.

Ignore the clueless 70 year old troll. He needs a pair of new glasses or a dictionary. Either that or he is desperately trying to change the topic from my 100% factual post (post number 25 in this thread). I suspect that this is the case along with his nonsense accusations.

Afro-Asiatic is a linguistic group and has nothing to do with skin color. Nor did I even once mention any skin color or even appearance as anyone (not an idiot) reading my post can easily see.

Iranians, like other Western Asians such as Arabs, are mostly people with an olive or brown complexion. There are communities of people of African origin (Afro-Arabs and Afro-Iranians) but those are not your average Arab nor Iranian. This does not need to be explained to anyone remotely knowledgeable about Western Asia as a region.

To stay on topic, it was the Arabs that contributed the most to the Golden Age of Islam and that time period in Islamic history (which lasted 500 years) all occurred under the rule and leadership of Arab Caliphates, empires and kingdoms on 3 continents (Asia, Europe and Africa) as was already showcased in post 26 in this thread.

Not only that almost all of the early "progressive" movements within Islam, such as the

were an "Arab movement" so to speak.
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I agree, Muhammed bn Abdul Wahab is inspired by ibn Taymiyyah but he's 10x more hardcore. There's really nothing that differs ISIS from the Najdi movement, virtually identical, except that ISIS eventually failed whereas the Najdi revolution succeeded.
It's a tragedy really how this lunatic is so influential today when even though his own father disowned him and warned about him. A tragedy really.

Nonsense. Muhammad Ibn Abd Al-Wahhab was a reformer and a progressive for his time who shunned unnecessary superstition and applied logic instead. Hence his movement being compared to the Protestant movement by outside (non-Muslim) religious scholars. The common idea of his beliefs by certain circles of his written scholarly work being against orthodox Sunni Islam or even against Sufism (he was never against Sufism but instead praised it) is a later invention.

As for supposedly being "disowned" by his father, this is not necessarily a bad thing. Prophet Muhammad (saws) was greasy opposed by some of his closest family members. As is often the story of revolutionaries/reformers, they are met by opposition by the establishment.
I am not sure if one can even use that to prove anything. Moreover his beliefs did not originate in a vacuum he spent time in Makkah, Madinah, Cairo, Baghdad, Basra etc. and had plenty of interactions with leading Islamic scholars of the time, including Al-Sindhi.

So-called Wahhabism is essentially Hanbalism which is 1 of the 4 traditional schools of thought in Sunni Islam. This is also the prevalent opinion of practically every scholarly expert.

If anything the modern-day example of the Khawarij are the Ibadis.

I suggest reading up on them.

For the record even in taymiyyah was better than the modern day salafists he studies philosophy and science despite his extremism.

What exactly was/is the fault of Ibn Taymiyyah? Can you elaborate. For standing up to the genocidal Mongols and eventually succeeding through his scholarly works and inspiration?

Why are historical persons/scholars given attributes that they did not have by modern-day people, including extremist/terrorist groups and hate preachers? Anyone with an malicious agenda can take quotes out of context or invent anything to suit their interests. No need to mention the tactics of anti-Islam people themselves and their entire agenda in regards to Islam.

The real world does not work like that. So when/if ISIS, Taliban and other terrorists quote the Quran, we as Muslims, are supposed to shun the Quran as well? Is that the logic now?
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If Bangladesh is so sane, how come such a small region keeps sending an astonishing number of illegal immigrants all over the vast country of India?

@Hecig @Abdul Rehman Majeed @Skull and Bones

Whole of South Asia belongs to the Muslims.

Hindu fascists need to shutup.
"Sultan Sallahudin Ayubi was a Kurd, and he didn't do anything for Kurdistan."
View attachment 913009 it's a somewhat popular opinion but imo is exaddurated and unfair, Arabs contributed a lot, al Andalus had little Persian presence but was still central to islamic Golden age

Greek and south Asian knowledge specifically Indus regions of Pakistan also played an important role which is often times overlooked

@Mirzali Khan @xeuss @hydrabadi_arab @M. Sarmad @Talwar e Pakistan
It's largely nonsense, there has been a revisionist trend to remove "Islamic" from the "Islamic Golden Age" but this simply doesn't hold up in history.

Indus Valley ? Nothing of the IVC culture is known. The IVC existed before the Brahmans arrived into India from Iran in 1000 BC. It is not known if the IVC died out before the Brahmans arrived or they were subsumed into Hinduism forcibly just like the Shudras, Dalits and tribals were and given demeaned position or the Brahmans just wiped them out. The IVC people are supposed to have come from the current Iraq region.
Indus Valley and the Indus Valley Civilization are two very different things.

Everything else you're spewing is incorrect as well.

"Brahmans" did not arrive from Iran. If you're talking about the Indo-Aryans, they did not arrive from Iran either.

Nor did the "Brahmans" subsume or wipe out the IVC.

Brahmanism and the concept of Brahmins that you're thinking about is an indigenous development that began in the Ganges region, over half a millennia after the Indo-Aryan migration. Hinduism as we know it today, was largely developed in modern-day North India as well; the main doctrines of Hinduism such as cow worship, reincarnation, caste system, avatara, even the current pantheon of gods (Ram, Krishna, Ganesha, Hanuman, Shiva, etc...) and much more were not found in the religion of the Early Indo-Aryans and were later developments.

Also, people of the IVC did not come from Iraq, but were instead farmer communities from the Southern Iranian plateau that first migrated to modern-day Balochistan during the Neolithic period, forming the Mehrgarh culture before migrating further into the Indus Valley. IVC had collapsed prior to the migration of the Indo-Aryans, however this translated to a breakdown in urban settlements, not complete depopulation as is commonly thought. Today, modern-day Pakistanis, East Afghans and North-West Indians derive a majority of their genetic admixture from the people of IVC.
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