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Is Saudi Arabia the next big heritage tourism destination?

100,000-year-old archeology site discovered in Riyadh
A joint Saudi-French mission has revealed sites dating back to the Paleolithic period in the mountains of Riyadh

Published: September 18, 2018 08:53Mariam M. Al Serkal, Senior Web Reporter


A joint Saudi-French mission discovered archeological sites back to 100,000 years in the hills surrounding the Al Kharj Mountains of Riyadh.Image Credit: Saudi Press Agency

Dubai: Archaeologists in Saudi Arabia have uncovered a 100,000-year-old site in the mountain range south of Riyadh dating back to the Paleolithic period.



The joint Saudi-French mission was carried out at archaeological sites under the supervision of the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage, which included field surveys at the hills surrounding the Al Kharj Mountains, part of the hills overlooking the Mawan valley, Ein Farzane and the hills overlooking the town of Al Shadidah.

This is the first time that sites from the Paleolithic period were discovered in Al Kharj as well as sites that originated from the Upper Paleolithic period, according to the Saudi Press Agency (SPA).

The Paleolithic period was also known as the Stone Age that ranged from 2 million to 10,000 years ago, while the Upper Paleolithic period began about 40,000 years ago.

The mission included 18 members of the Saudi and French scientists and specialists in the field of archaeological excavations.

The joint Saudi-French mission was carried out within the framework of an agreement signed between the two parties on September 21, 2011, to explore the archaeological sites at the Al Kharj governorate in Riyadh.

Prince Sultan Bin Salman, president of the tourism commission, appreciated the efforts of the mission and stressed the importance on preparing the site to receive visitors.


Saudi Arabia has world-class cultural heritage sites
February 26, 2019


Sigha Al-Shammari


Our country has many ancient monuments and unique historical sites. This heritage is a tourism asset that has remained unused for many years. In the past, cultural and heritage tourism was limited as it was difficult to show others our monuments and historical sites. However, with the radical changes that Saudi Arabia is witnessing today on so many levels, the tourism sector has been reawakened and is opening its arms to everyone from all over the world.

The world will soon realize that we are a country with an extraordinarily rich material heritage. We have more than 6,300 cultural heritage locations, many of which are linked to Islamic history and cannot be found in any other part of the Islamic world.

There are hundreds of public and private museums spread around different regions of the Kingdom with great treasures that have not yet been promoted. All of this material inheritance will make Saudi Arabia an exceptional tourist destination. This will raise our economy to new levels while we expand the range of our source of income instead of relying only on oil.

It is up to researchers and scientists to study our ancient monuments and sites so that they can be reintroduced to the world and people can come to the Kingdom to learn about our culture and heritage.

We need professional historical research of an international standard. We need to look upon our material heritage with respect and appreciation, so that others will recognize its true value.

Twiitter @SighaAlshammri

Saudi Arabia rich with undiscovered archeological sites

  • “Our discoveries confirm that Farasan Island was inhabited by humans since prehistoric times,” says archaeologist
  • 10,000 sites have only been discovered in recent years
RIYADH: Archaeological digs in Saudi Arabia, according to Dr. Abdullah Al-Zahrani, General Director of Archaeological research Studies at the Saudi commission for Tourism and National Heritage, are increasing at an unprecedented rate.

“We discover new sites every day in Saudi,” he said, adding that there are over 100,000 sites of archaeological interest in the country. “Today we have more than 44 Saudi and international missions working in the Kingdom. Of those, 21 are from Germany, France, Italy, the US, the UK, Japan and China.”

It is a strange scenario, especially given that 10,000 of those sites have only been discovered in recent years. “The largest number of missions are from France,” Al-Zahrani added. “They are very interested in the history of the Arabian Peninsula.”

The Saudi-French archaeological mission in Jazan region, led by Dr. Soline Marion de Bros, an archaeologist from the French National Center for Scientific Research, is one of the most prominent – and successful – teams working in the Kingdom today. Working to uncover the past of the Arabian Peninsula, it has been carrying out archaeological excavations on Farasan Island since 2017.

So far, the team has revealed 30 sites dating back to pre-Islamic periods, including a number of settlements, animal remains including deer, cows, horses and turtles, and various finds including ancient Arabic inscriptions, and sites dating back to the Roman Empire.

“Our discoveries confirm that Farasan Island was inhabited by humans since prehistoric times,” said de Bros. “Since then, Farasan Island has been known for its cultural and commercial activities in the southern regions of the Red Sea, and in the northern part of the Great Farasan.”

The future of archaeology on Farasan Island is exciting. The next steps, according to de Bros, are to map the entirety of the island’s sites, creating a guide to its historical timeline and development. More local archaeologists, from academics to diggers, are also set for specialized training, to help uncover and preserve some of the Kingdom’s most precious new sites.

For Al-Zahrani, the progress is hardly surprising.

“Most of these missions have unanswered questions about our history and they know that the answers can be found here,” he said. “At the beginning of the 19th century, the Arabian Peninsula was a mystery to Orientalists, but they didn’t want to venture into the desert sands. However, in the late 19th century they came and got to know the lands and the people.

“Many sites were registered at that time, especially in the 1970’s, when a comprehensive archaeological survey was done. The results of that time provided a vast list of archeological sites,” he added.


Uncovering secrets of mystery civilization in Saudi Arabia
By Sylvia SmithBBC News, Saudi Arabia
  • 3 October 2019
Image copyrightRICHARD DUEBEL
Image captionThis rock tomb is just one of the monuments left in the area by the Nabataeans
A team of researchers is carrying out the first in-depth archaeological survey of part of Saudi Arabia, in a bid to shed light on a mysterious civilisation that once lived there. The Nabataean culture left behind sophisticated stone monuments, but many sites remain unexplored.

The rock-strewn deserts of Al Ula in Saudi Arabia are known for their pitch-black skies, which allow stargazers to easily study celestial bodies without the problem of light pollution.

But the region is becoming even more attractive for archaeologists.

A long-lost culture known as the Nabataean civilisation inhabited the area starting from around 100 BC and persisted for some 200 years.

While the Nabataeans ruled their empire from the stunning city of Petra in Jordan, they made Hegra (the modern Mada'in Saleh) in Al Ula their second capital.

Now, archaeologists are planning to carry out the first in-depth survey of a chunk of land here that's roughly the size of Belgium.

The large international team of more than 60 experts has started work on an initial, two-year project to survey the core area of 3,300 sq km in north-western Saudi Arabia.

This is the first time such a large area of more or less scientifically uncharted territory has been systematically investigated.

Image copyrightRICHARD DUEBEL
Image captionThe sophisticated Nabataean culture inhabited Arabia and the Levant in antiquity
The Nabataeans
  • They inhabited northern Arabia and the southern Levant from the fourth century BC until AD 106
  • Their capital was Petra in Jordan, but Mada'in Saleh in Saudi Arabia was also an important centre
  • Their sophisticated architectural tradition was influenced by the Mesopotamians and Greeks. They carved the fronts of temples and tombs out of rock cliffs
  • There are many examples of Nabataean graffiti and inscriptions, but no substantial texts or literature have been found
  • Their status as an independent civilisation came to an end with the conquest of Nabataea by the Roman emperor Trajan
Image copyrightEPA
Image captionThe Nabataeans made their capital at Petra in Jordan
Excavations have been carried out in and around Mada'in Saleh and other recognised Nabataean sites for some time by a group of Saudi archaeologists including Abdulrahman Alsuhaibani, a lecturer at the King Saud University in Riyadh.

"I have focused on the earlier Dedanite and Lihyanite civilisations," he explains. "Now that the Royal Commission for Al Ula is involved there will be greater scope for deeper understanding of how early societies evolved."

The involvement of the Royal Commission ensures that cutting-edge technology is at the disposal of archaeologists experienced in the field.

While Google Earth and the trained eye can often distinguish natural and man-made features, it is light aircraft equipped with specialist cameras that offer the most detailed imagery of the territory - which includes the Al Ula wadi and its feeder valleys. This can capture hitherto unknown archaeological features.

According to Rebecca Foote, the American archaeologist in charge of the survey for the Royal Commission for Al Ula, previous efforts have concentrated on excavation, because a systematic survey on this scale requires time and resources that are only now available.

Image copyrightRICHARD DUEBEL
Image captionArchaeologists are surveying the Al Ula wadi to uncover hitherto unknown archaeological features
She believes that the scope of the undertaking will put Saudi Arabia on the ancient history map.

"A great deal is known about the first to third millennium BC and we're well informed about ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia," she acknowledges.

"Yet comparatively little about the Arabian peninsula in ancient times has been discovered. Exactly how our findings will impact on understanding of ancient history, we don't yet know. But it is likely to reshape the world view of earlier periods."

Foote spent many years working in Petra, the ancient city in Jordan that remains the best known monument left by the Nabataean civilisation. She says aerial archaeology will be key to exploring the culture's funerary architecture, standing stones and more unusual sites that would otherwise take years to investigate.

"The technology now provides a reliable and comprehensive overview," she explains. "Nothing like this has been done before on this scale."

While earlier French-led excavations revealed a loosely controlled incense trading network running up the western side of Arabia and passing through Al Ula, Rebecca Foote is keen to build on this and learn more about the role water played in the area's prosperity.

Image copyrightRICHARD DUEBEL
Image captionMany civilisations have inhabited the area - and left their mark
She comments: "We can guess that they had a successful agricultural economy, but was there a tax on incense? How did they manage their water?"

With the hydrology study about to start, answers should begin to come in thanks in part to the work of the aerial archaeology team, which helps pinpoint specific locations.

Flying at between two and three thousand feet, the integrated survey group led by Oxford Archaeology's Jamie Quartermaine has already covered half the anticipated 11,500 sites. Often known as preventative surveys, this work is usually carried out to ensure that no future building work will come near archaeological sites.

"We've learned from the mistakes of other countries and we're taking the time to prevent any damage here," he says. "Being accessible to the general public, as is planned for the future, doesn't mean a free-for all."

The survey also helps provide answers for specialists in fields such as rock art. "Even five years ago GPS just wasn't accurate enough," Jamie Quartermaine explains. "Today we are using several different methods of photography including drones, cameras suspended below the body of light aircraft and cutting-edge aerial orthophotography."

Providing an adjusted image every two to three seconds, the thousands of pictures measure true distances - having been adjusted for topographic relief. Specialist software combines these into a high-resolution, detailed model of the landscape.

The cameras are set at a 45-degree angle and so far have found burial sites, Bronze Age funerary landscapes and burial structures. Additionally, drones are used with cameras set at the same angle. "This allows us to view not only the horizontal plane, but to some extent the vertical," he continues. "We're forewarned as to the likelihood of finding rock art in particular locations."

The final stage of the survey sends specialist team members, such as rock art expert Maria Guagnin, out into the field on foot. Having spent five years in northern Arabia, Maria is impressed by the huge database being created that covers all periods.

Image copyrightRICHARD DUEBEL
Image captionAmr Almadani works with the Royal Commission for Al Ula, which is backing a systematic survey of the area
"For the first time, we're looking at every aspect of the archaeological landscape," she points out. "Our knowledge of the prehistoric distribution of animal species is so far largely dependent on the location of excavated archaeological and palaeontological sites.

"Many species have been assumed to have been absent from the Arabian peninsula, but rock art panels have shown otherwise."

The presence of previously undocumented mammal species in Al Ula provides new information regarding their distribution, as well as the types of habitat and vegetation that were available in prehistoric landscapes.

Animal depictions also help with dating. It is considered unlikely, for example, that horses or camels with riders existed before 1,200 BC.

Domesticated cattle, sheep and goats were introduced to the Arabian peninsula between 6,800 and 6,200 BC. They were domesticated in the Levant and brought to Saudi Arabia. That provides a way of dating rock art, because prior to that date it's unlikely domesticated animals were in the area.

The vast amount of information being collated by the Al Ula international team is likely to be of use to sites such as Petra, including revealing likely routes between Petra and Mada'in Saleh (Hegra).

Abdulrahman Alsuhaibani has been excavating for some years at Dedan, a site holding evidence of a civilisation that pre-dates the Nabataeans. He says the scope of the work is such that it will take generations to get to grips with the results: "What makes this work so important on the world stage is that it will provide an account of not just Mada'in Saleh and Petra but earlier civilisations that are largely unknown to us."

One of Abdulrahman's roles is training students from the King Saud University in Riyadh, which has a small outpost in Al Ula.

"They are learning in the context of one of the most extensive surveys and subsequent excavations," he says. "Today's students may well make discoveries that we can't even imagine today."

Saudi Arabia's historical sites are every bit as splendid as their better-known neighbours

Tourists are already beginning to discover the archaeological treasures that form a rich heritage, just weeks after a new visit visa was introduced

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Performing aerial photography and ground survey in Khaybar, Saudi Arabia

The oasis town of Khaybar has a history dating from the Paleolithic to modern times. Khaybar arguably has some of the densest concentrations of archaeological remains in the world, including radiating avenues of funerary structures, desert kites (animal-hunting traps), Mustatil, and several phenomenal forts dating to the time of the prophet. Our project seeks to document, identify and analyse these structures, illuminating the past of this archaeological landscape. It will use satellite imagery, aerial photography, drone photography, three-dimensional modelling and more traditional survey techniques.

See more:


A long-lost civilization in Saudi Arabia

An international team of more than 60 experts is working on a two-year project to survey 3,300 sq km in north-western Saudi Arabia. Archaeologists and other specialists are surveying the rock-strewn deserts of Al Ula – an area roughly the size of Belgium – in search of a long-lost civilisation which once lived there.

See more:

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