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Is it time for Pakistan to reveal the Taimur(ICBM) ?

No country makes an entire ICBM system, and "stores" it for when the time will come.

C'mon, stop teasing @Zarvan....even you know that! Lol

Whoever told @Zarvan about the ICBM obviously did not know better himself. Saying Pakistan has the "capability/know-how" to build an ICBM is so vague and downright disingenuous. Pakistan has "capability" to do alotttttt of things if we just go by the theories our scientific community knows lol

Pakistan has no 7000km+ ICBM in the works. Pakistan neither needs it nor can it afford it.

Pakistani deterrence is against india, not the U.S. We don't need ICBM for india. Some other modifications to our arsenal are needed, and they are being worked upon (albeit at a painfully slow pace).

All of this has been clarified by senior members like @Oscar and @The Deterrent multiple times.

According to the available interview of Dr. Mubarakmand ; What is a ICBM but another stage onto an existing missile system.

We have enough knowledge base to put one together; just have ZERO requirements to.
The right time to test would be AFTER foreign troops leave Afghan soil. That way, Pakistan can test numerous times in the case of failure without having to worry about special forces on the Western border preparing contingency plans to destroy nuclear facilities and confiscate weapons.

This is a very valid scenario as the OBL Raid has shown that certain superpower has the ability to conduct surgical strikes on Pakistan, leaving it unable to retaliate let alone even detect them.

This is the biggest non sense I have read.
Nothing un-towards happened, in which Pakistan was not a partner. Marines were so damn scared that despite all arrangement they still crashed one Helli. The Rest I cannot disclosed.
If you have any doubt, listen to the statement made by then Chief of Air Staff at the time.
No No, the right time would be when India reveals Surya missile.
PS:- For the naive mind who dont understand sarcasm, I dont believe Surya exists. Hence neither does Taimur.
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