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Is blasphemy a pardonable offense?

He used bigoted and derogatory terms about women in general while giving references to Hadhrat Aisha. This caused havoc in Pakistani clerical community!
What was more fascinating to see was how quickly Maulana Tariq Jameel and co jumped ship and left JJ hanging...I like MTJ but damn that was cold.
He used bigoted and derogatory terms about women in general while giving references to Hadhrat Aisha. This caused havoc in Pakistani clerical community!
Funny thing about him is that he managed to offend both the liberals and the conservatives (clerics) by making blanket statements about women that definitely upset women (not just feminists) and about Hazrat Aisha (offending most religious people).
I wouldn't call him bigoted, seeing the context in which those statements were made, however I certainly disagree with them.
Well, he did apologize properly - I'd say there's no harm in forgiving him as that is clearly what Islam advocates.
Funny thing about him is that he managed to offend both the liberals and the conservatives (clerics) by making blanket statements about women that definitely upset women (not just feminists) and about Hazrat Aisha (offending most religious people).
Aik Teer Se Do Shikar :D!
There are other Islamic countries that have adopted Shariah to a far greater degree than Pakistan has - Saudi Arabia for example.

Let us not kid ourselves - Pakistani laws are in direct contravention of Shariah.
Do the non-Muslims of Pakistan pay Jizya?
Do the Muslims pay zakat?
Is Pakistani financial system not based on riba'a?
Is there amputation for crime like thievery ?

If the answer is No, then No, Pakistan has not implemented Shariah.


There is no need to implement shariah----shariah is like digging for gold in barren mountains----. You waste your life and end up at the losing end of the stick.

All that is needed is the justice for the weak and the poor, expedited justice and justice for one and all---. Shariah is just a name and excuse----.

Look at it this way---the most corrupt muslim country---most searches for pornographic material on the web-site in the world---commit crimes that are extremely horrific in nature---gang rapes---murders to hide murders---you name a crime and they practice it----how perverse could a nation and its citizens be---.

There is no need to implement shariah----shariah is like digging for gold in barren mountains----. You waste your life and end up at the losing end of the stick.

All that is needed is the justice for the weak and the poor, expedited justice and justice for one and all---. Shariah is just a name and excuse----.

Look at it this way---the most corrupt muslim country---most searches for pornographic material on the web-site in the world---commit crimes that are extremely horrific in nature---gang rapes---murders to hide murders---you name a crime and they practice it----how perverse could a nation and its citizens be---.
When it comes to perversity believe me Pakistan is not even close to some of the Western nations.
I think it's great that someone like JJ got done for this. It's only when the laws start affecting the establishment that people start to question it.

Trust me, another million non-Muslims could get convicted and there would be no change - but a moulvi falls foul and everyone thinks twice about the law!

That said, the irony that a self-righteous bigot like JJ fell foul of this law is delicious! :enjoy:

There is no need to implement shariah----shariah is like digging for gold in barren mountains----. You waste your life and end up at the losing end of the stick.

All that is needed is the justice for the weak and the poor, expedited justice and justice for one and all---. Shariah is just a name and excuse----.

Look at it this way---the most corrupt muslim country---most searches for pornographic material on the web-site in the world---commit crimes that are extremely horrific in nature---gang rapes---murders to hide murders---you name a crime and they practice it----how perverse could a nation and its citizens be---.
All that is needed is the justice for the weak and the poor, expedited justice and justice for one and all---. Shariah is just a name and excuse----
Sharia is a mechanism to just that. Whether you use it or not is your fault, not the mechanism's.

most searches for pornographic material on the web-site in the world
Incorrect - it had the highest Google ratio statistic for a small period of time (i.e: for each and every other search, there is an x number of **** keywords used) and Fox News made a big deal out of it. Most other countries don't need to Google their pornography, they simply go directly to the websites - If you were to look at the website statistics you'll see Pakistan isn't even close to the top.

This is what Google said about their own stats :
''The data Trends produces may contain inaccuracies for a number of reasons, including data-sampling issues and a variety of approximations that are used to compute results. We hope you find this service interesting and entertaining, but you probably wouldn’t want to write your Ph.D. dissertation based on the information provided by Trends.''

Quote from another website post:
But, if instead of those search terms you actually enter "p*rn" on google trends, the top 10 regions are:

1. Ireland
2. United Kingdom
3. Australia
4. Canada
5. India
6. United States
7. Italy
8. Turkey
9. Finland
10. Sweden

If you enter "p*rn" on google Insights, the top 10 regions are:

1. Papua New Guinea
2. Trinidad and Tobago
3. United Kingdom
4. Ireland
5. Bangladesh
6. Canada
7. New Zealand
8. Australia
9. Zambia
10. United States

Insights tells you what search words they used to generate the data. I believe the Insights ranking is influenced by searches for "free ****", that's why it's different than the trends ranking.

But again, even these numbers, even if they were accurate, don't tell you what country views the most ****, just what region has a high ratio of keyword searches with "****" relative to all their other searches.
When it comes to perversity believe me Pakistan is not even close to some of the Western nations.


The difference here is that the western nations don't claim themselves to be the saints as the Pakistanis claim themselves to be.

There is a difference being sinful and perversity---the western nations can be called sinful----but perversity----most of them don't even come close to pakistan.

Over here---they don't gang rape opponents women---they don't make them walk naked by force---the Pakistanis on the other hand hold the qura'an in one hand, swear by the name of Allah and his prophet in ne breath and lie and cheat and steal and be deceitful knowingly and then laugh at it all with pleasure and joy----that is a level of perversity that is only a muslim can perform.
He used bigoted and derogatory terms about women in general while giving references to Hadhrat Aisha. This caused havoc in Pakistani clerical community!

I think all he stated was Women are special creatures unlike guys and they demand attention and so he quoted the example of a sarcastic conversation between husband and wife. He tried to show that women have tendency to respond back with a quick response , and women are different in term of their mind set if they don't get attention.

Not sure what is negative aspect about what he stated

Prophet had a sense of humor and he was having a conversation with his wife and that conversation was captured in the book
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It needs to be regulated very very tightly.
And the false accusers should be delt with even more harshly.

I doubt that in the state that we live in today nobody would ever think of committing blasphemy regardless of if they were muslim or christian.
It needs to be regulated very very tightly.

Should there even be a blasphemy law? At the end of the day, we're punishing someone for hurting the feelings of another person. Scrap it.

I think it's great that someone like JJ got done for this. It's only when the laws start affecting the establishment that people start to question it.

Trust me, another million non-Muslims could get convicted and there would be no change - but a moulvi falls foul and everyone thinks twice about the law!

That said, the irony that a self-righteous bigot like JJ fell foul of this law is delicious! :enjoy:

It's very amusing seeing the beardos cannibalize eachother. It's a perfect method for dealing with them.
Should there even be a blasphemy law? At the end of the day, we're punishing someone for hurting the feelings of another person. Scrap it.

It's very amusing seeing the beardos cannibalize eachother. It's a perfect method for dealing with them.
Oh believe me, I am watching with glee! Lets see what acrobatics the mullah brigade will do to untangle their own!
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