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What is the common culture of Saudis do you presume? Also your entire argument revolves around Arabians not having any "culture" at all. Which is the same exact ignorant argument that most Iranians make without bothering to read at least two paragraphs.

There is no "Saudi culture" if that is what you mean, Saudi Arabia is a collection of numerous Arab group cultures that are their own separate entities.

Najdis have their own culture, Hijazis have their own culture, So are Jizanis. Also what is the "common culture of Saudis"? Please enlighten me with your half assed assements based on half assed assumptions.

Now that you have a head start in maybe trying to educate yourself a little, you can go and do a little bit more reading.

Read a bit here:
Hejaz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's the cultural group I belog to anyways.
I'm not talking about Arabs in general. I'm talking about Saudis and Yemeni people. Lebanese, Iraqis etc... all have their history and modern culture to be proud of. They're still very tribal and religious, but there's something to replace the traditional culture with. A Saudi doesn't. Can a Saudi openly talk against Islam in front of his family and friends out in the open and get away with it? Nope. Do you have your version of Mesopotamia and multiple Persian dynasties to be proud of? Nope. Do you celebrate non Islamic holidays and festivals like Norooz, charshanbe soori, Shabe Yalda etc...? Nope. Islam, specifically wahabi Islam, IS THE ONLY common culture in Saudi today. So when you act like you're above it all, you're not fooling anyone.

Your parents don't share your opinions about Islam. Neither does the rest of your family or your Saudi friends. In essence you don't really believe it either. Islam is ingrained into Saudi culture so there's no getting away from it.
I'm not talking about Arabs in general. I'm talking about Saudis and Yemeni people. Lebanese, Iraqis etc... all have their history and modern culture to be proud of. They're still very tribal and religious, but there's something to replace the traditional culture with. A Saudi doesn't. Can a Saudi openly talk against Islam in front of his family and friends out in the open and get away with it? Nope. Do you have your version of Mesopotamia and multiple Persian dynasties to be proud of? Nope. Do you celebrate non Islamic holidays and festivals like Norooz, charshanbe soori, Shabe Yalda etc...? Nope. Islam, specifically wahabi Islam, IS THE ONLY common culture in Saudi today. So when you act like you're above it all, you're not fooling anyone.

Your parents don't share your opinions about Islam. Neither does the rest of your family or your Saudi friends. In essence you don't really believe it either. Islam is ingrained into Saudi culture so there's no getting away from it.

How dumb are you farsi? Arabia is one of the oldest civilizations with dozens of ancient pre-Islamic cultures - some of them are among the oldest in the world such as the Dilmun Civilization (older than anything found in Iran), Nabateans, Thamud, Gerrha which are several millennium old civilizations just to mention a few that were found in what is now modern day KSA. I have not even mentioned those found elsewhere on the Arabian Peninsula or those that were founded by people originating from Arabia in what is now nearby Iraq and Levant.

Even the Sumerians are thought to have originated in eastern Eastern Arabia (modern day Eastern Province of KSA) and they regarded Dilmun as holy land as written in the Epic of Gilgamesh.

For God's sake Arabia as a entity predates Persia. I am not even talking about Arabia as a whole which is the oldest inhabited area of the world outside of Eastern Africa. Arabia is home to some of the oldest continuously populated cities in the world as well.

Nabataeans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dilmun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thamud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Magan (civilization) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Eastern Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gerrha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tylos - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pre-Islamic Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Watch this documentary and come back here spreading your obsessive bullshit.

People from what is now KSA founded 3 of the 11 largest empires the world has seen. More than any other ethnic group in the top 15. Ruled the Islamic Caliphate for 1000 years. Founded the Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid and Famitid caliphates and countless of other kingdoms, sultanates, emirates, imamates, sheikdoms etc on 3 continents.
Spread Islam to all corners of the world. The Arabic language (in the top 5 of most spoken languages in the world), their culture, left 50 or so World UNESCO Heritage Sites on 3 continents. Arabs left over 10 in Spain alone etc.

List of largest empires - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Up to 25% of all Spanish words are of Arabic origin ffs. Arabs from Arabia influenced the cuisine, architecture, language, culture, religion (obviously) etc. of most of the Islamic world.

Their influence is unrivaled in the region. What you have left though are some columns in Persopolis, a few festivals (lol) and a dead religion that nobody outside of Farsis give a crap about.

Makkah alone has more foreign visitors (and will always have) than your entire country.

Don't make me laugh.:rofl:


Are you ******* kidding me? It's one of the oldest civilizations on the planet. Home to dozens of ancient civilizations, kingdoms, home to the oldest recorded queen in history (Queen of Sheba) etc. Yemen has the second most ancient mummies after Egypt in the world etc.

Ancient history of Yemen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

History of Yemen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am not even talking about Semitic history. All the ancient Semitic civilizations and Semites themselves originated on the Arabian Peninsula.

Just on PDF there are several non-religious Saudi Arabians.

@Yzd Khalifa @Mosamania @Bubblegum Crisis @Naifov etc. That's like 20% of all Saudi Arabian users here ffs.

Atheism is moreover quite big in KSA for ME standards. According to a Gallop survey in 2012 5% of all Saudi Arabians are convinced Atheists.

Atheism explodes in Saudi Arabia, despite state-enforced ban - Salon.com

Islam originated in KSA. Of course this will have a huge influence on the current culture. Nobody is following ancient Semitic pagan Gods (the most ancient religions in the region and world), are Christians or Jews anymore (fellow ancient Abrahamic/Semitic religions). But in theory people could adopt all that if they wanted as it is part of their heritage.

You Farsis on the other hand have been conquered by the same Arabs that you bitch/obsess (been ongoing for the past 1500 years, lol) about 24/7 militarily, religiously, culturally, linguistically etc. So of course you can go back to a certain date and find something "indigenous" (although you copied most from the Semitic Assyrians) as you are already following foreign ideologies, religions etc.

Saudi Arabians on the other hand are following their own indigenous religion, culture etc. completely which not many people can say.

"Wahhabi this and Wahhabi" that.:lol:

"Estimates of the number of adherents to Wahhabism vary, with one source (Michael Izady) giving a figure of less than 5 million Wahhabis in the Persian Gulf region (compared to 28.5 million Sunnis and 89 million Shia).[22][23]"

Wahhabism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An ignorant like you do not realize that KSA is home to EVERY single Muslim sect as KSA is the cradle of Islam. Most people in KSA do not follow the Hanbali fiqh ("Wahhabi"). There are millions of Shias. Sufism is strong in Hijaz, you have Hanafis, Malikis, Hanbalis, Shafi's, Shia Twelvers, Shia Islamilis, Shia Zaydis. No single country in the world has as many indigenous Muslim sects.

KSA is a HUGE country with distinct ancient historical regions located thousands of km apart from each other influenced by nearby Egypt, Levant, Yemen, Mesopotamia etc.

But of course you have no ******* clue about anything that has been written in this post. Not even if I wrote this to you in the bastardized Arabic (farsi) your brain would not have been capable to store the information.

Now Gypsy go back to your section and cry about Arabs 24/7. Last time I checked the conflict in Iraq (an Arab country) has nothing to do with you Farsis or whatever you are. You might be a Qashqai Mongol.

Doesn't look like him at all.

Wow you are a bigger idiot than I thought.

Why the hell are you wasting your time with that retard? He would be unable to locate the Arabian Peninsula on a world map despite being the by far biggest peninsula in the world. That's what we are up against. He probably has no idea what a Semite is either nor does he obviously know anything about pre-Islamic Arabia. Let him bark like other clowns on PDF.

Also lol at all the *** licking that those farsis make in this thread. Never knew that they were so concerned about a bunch of Arabs suddenly. Meanwhile the Arabs of Iran (most identical to the Arabs of Southern Iraq) are treated like dirt and live in third world provinces despite being the richest in the country.:lol:

Expect a "too long to read" kind of reply if any by the retard. After all facts hurt when they do not fit your agenda.

Besides Arabia is not composed of only KSA. Arabia is one and has always been like that. Most Arabians do not even recognize those new borders in the first place. But like any borders they change like they have been doing for millenniums.

@Halimi @Ahmed Jo @JUBA @Antaréss @Dr.Thrax @Rakan.SA @Gasoline @BLACKEAGLE @Algeria @Full Moon @Arabian Legend @Mootaz-khelifi @Tunisian Marine Corps @Bubblegum Crisis @Altamimi @Awadd @FARSOLDIER @Haitham @Chai @Andalusi Knight @thefreesyrian @fahd tamimi @tyrant @farag @Mahmoud_EGY @Hechmi Seif @Arabi @Frogman @Amir_Pharaoh @Hell NO etc.
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yes my friend sinan, this is another Worthless talk he said...
and what is Serpentine said is exactly true...
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How dumb are you farsi? Arabia is one of the oldest civilizations with dozens of ancient pre-Islamic cultures - some of them are among the oldest in the world such as the Dilmun Civilization (older than anything found in Iran), Nabateans, Thamud, Gerrha which are several millennium old civilizations just to mention a few that were found in what is now modern day KSA. I have not even mentioned those found elsewhere on the Arabian Peninsula or those that were founded by people originating from Arabia in what is now nearby Iraq and Levant.

Even the Sumerians are thought to have originated in eastern Eastern Arabia (modern day Eastern Province of KSA) and they regarded Dilmun as holy land as written in the Epic of Gilgamesh.

For God's sake Arabia as a entity predates Persia. I am not even talking about Arabia as a whole which is the oldest inhabited area of the world outside of Eastern Africa. Arabia is home to some of the oldest continuously populated cities in the world as well.

Nabataeans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dilmun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thamud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Magan (civilization) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Eastern Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gerrha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tylos - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pre-Islamic Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Watch this documentary and come back here spreading your obsessive bullshit.

People from what is now KSA founded 3 of the 11 largest empires the world has seen. More than any other ethnic group in the top 15. Ruled the Islamic Caliphate for 1000 years. Founded the Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid and Famitid caliphates and countless of other kingdoms, sultanates, emirates, imamates, sheikdoms etc on 3 continents.
Spread Islam to all corners of the world. The Arabic language (in the top 5 of most spoken languages in the world), their culture, left 50 or so World UNESCO Heritage Sites on 3 continents. Arabs left over 10 in Spain alone etc.

List of largest empires - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Up to 25% of all Spanish words are of Arabic origin ffs. Arabs from Arabia influenced the cuisine, architecture, language, culture, religion (obviously) etc. of most of the Islamic world.

Their influence is unrivaled in the region. What you have left though are some columns in Persopolis, a few festivals (lol) and a dead religion that nobody outside of Farsis give a crap about.

Makkah alone has more foreign visitors (and will always have) than your entire country.

Don't make me laugh.:rofl:


Are you ******* kidding me? It's one of the oldest civilizations on the planet. Home to dozens of ancient civilizations, kingdoms, home to the oldest recorded queen in history (Queen of Sheba) etc. Yemen has the second most ancient mummies after Egypt in the world etc.

Ancient history of Yemen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

History of Yemen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am not even talking about Semitic history. All the ancient Semitic civilizations and Semites themselves originated on the Arabian Peninsula.

Just on PDF there are several non-religious Saudi Arabians.

@Yzd Khalifa @Mosamania @Bubblegum Crisis @Naifov etc. That's like 20% of all Saudi Arabian users here ffs.

Atheism is moreover quite big in KSA for ME standards. According to a Gallop survey in 2012 5% of all Saudi Arabians are convinced Atheists.

Atheism explodes in Saudi Arabia, despite state-enforced ban - Salon.com

Islam originated in KSA. Of course this will have a huge influence on the current culture. Nobody is following ancient Semitic pagan Gods (the most ancient religions in the region and world), are Christians or Jews anymore (fellow ancient Abrahamic/Semitic religions). But in theory people could adopt all that if they wanted as it is part of their heritage.

You Farsis on the other hand have been conquered by the same Arabs that you bitch/obsess about 24/7 militarily, religiously, culturally, linguistically etc. So of course you can go back to a certain date and find something "indigenous" (although you copied most from the Semitic Assyrians) as you are already following foreign ideologies, religions etc.

Saudi Arabians on the other hand are following their own indigenous religion, culture etc. completely which not many people can say.

"Wahhabi this and Wahhabi" that.:lol:

"Estimates of the number of adherents to Wahhabism vary, with one source (Michael Izady) giving a figure of less than 5 million Wahhabis in the Persian Gulf region (compared to 28.5 million Sunnis and 89 million Shia).[22][23]"

Wahhabism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An ignorant like you do not realize that KSA is home to EVERY single Muslim sect as KSA is the cradle of Islam. Most people in KSA do not follow the Hanbali fiqh ("Wahhabi"). There are millions of Shias. Sufism is strong in Hijaz, you have Hanafis, Malikis, Hanbalis, Shafi's, Shia Twelvers, Shia Islamilis, Shia Zaydis. No single country in the world has as many indigenous Muslim sects.

KSA is a HUGE country with distinct ancient historical regions located thousands of km apart from each other influenced by nearby Egypt, Levant, Yemen, Mesopotamia etc.

But of course you have no ******* clue about anything that has been written in this post. Not even if I wrote this to you in the bastardized Arabic (farsi) your brain would not have been capable to store the information.

Now Gypsy go back to your section and cry about Arabs 24/7. Last time I checked the conflict in Iraq (an Arab country) has nothing to do with you Farsis or whatever you are. You might be a Qashqai Mongol.

Why the hell are you wasting your time with that retard? He would be unable to locate the Arabian Peninsula on a world map despite being the by far biggest peninsula in the world. That's what we are up against. He probably has no idea what a Semite is either nor does he obviously know anything about pre-Islamic Arabia. Let him bark like other clowns on PDF.

Also lol at all the *** licking that those farsis make in this thread. Never knew that they were so concerned about a bunch of Arabs suddenly. Meanwhile the Arabs of Iran (most identical to the Arabs of Southern Iraq) are treated like dirt and live in third world provinces despite being the richest in the country.:lol:

Expect a "too long to read" kind of reply if any by the retard. After all facts hurt when they do not fit your agenda.

@Halimi @Ahmed Jo @JUBA @Antaréss @Dr.Thrax @Rakan.SA @Gasoline @BLACKEAGLE @Algeria @Full Moon @Arabian Legend @Mootaz-khelifi @Tunisian Marine Corps @Bubblegum Crisis @Altamimi @Awadd @FARSOLDIER @Haitham @Chai @Andalusi Knight @thefreesyrian @fahd tamimi @tyrant @farag @Mahmoud_EGY @Hechmi Seif @Arabi @Frogman @Amir_Pharaoh @Hell NO etc.

Yes I agree, he indeed is a retard. Apparently only Persian Dynasties are the ones to be celebrated according to him. He is not worth your or my time.
about those who are fighting about civilizations and Antiquity history! please enough! all of the middle east are the oldest places and cities in the world history. iran, yemen, iraq, syria, palestine, egypt, turkey, pakistan, afghanistan, and all other are had ancient civilisation and oldest human settlement like towns and cities and villages, older than anywhere in world, all of Archaeologists know that...
no need to Contention,especially iran, syria, iraq, turkey, yemen, lebanon, and egypt all have thousands years history, even more than eight thousand years culture...
everyone know that, please enough Contention with each other!
How dumb are you farsi? Arabia is one of the oldest civilizations with dozens of ancient pre-Islamic cultures - some of them are among the oldest in the world such as the Dilmun Civilization (older than anything found in Iran), Nabateans, Thamud, Gerrha which are several millennium old civilizations just to mention a few that were found in what is now modern day KSA. I have not even mentioned those found elsewhere on the Arabian Peninsula or those that were founded by people originating from Arabia in what is now Iraq and Levant.
For God's sake Arabia as a entity predates Persia. I am not even talking about Arabia as a whole which is the oldest inhabited area of the world outside of Eastern Africa. Arabia is home to some of the oldest continuously populated cities in the world as well.

Nabataeans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dilmun - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thamud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Magan (civilization) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Eastern Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gerrha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tylos - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pre-Islamic Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Watch this documentary and come back here spreading your obsessive bullshit.

People from what is now KSA founded 3 of the 11 largest empires the world has seen. More than any other ethnic group in the top 15. Ruled the Islamic Caliphate for 1000 years. Founded the Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid and Famitid caliphates and countless of other kingdoms, sultanates, emirates, imamates, sheikdoms etc on 3 continents.
Spread Islam to all corners of the world. The Arabic language (in the top 5 of most spoken languages in the world), their culture, left 50 or so World UNESCO Heritage Sites on 3 continents. Arabs left over 10 in Spain alone etc.

List of largest empires - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Up to 25% of all Spanish words are of Arabic origin ffs. Arabs from Arabia influenced the cuisine, architecture, language, culture, religion (obviously) etc. of most of the Islamic world.

Their influence is unrivaled in the region. What you have left though are some columns in Persopolis, a few festivals (lol) and a dead religion that nobody outside of Farsis gives a crap about.

Makkah alone has more foreign visitors (and will always have) than your entire country.

Don't make me laugh.:rofl:


Are you ******* kidding me? It's one of the oldest civilizations on the planet. Home to dozens of ancient civilizations, kingdoms, home to the oldest recorded queen in history (Queen of Sheba) etc. Yemen has the second most ancient mummies after Egypt in the world etc.

Ancient history of Yemen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

History of Yemen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am not even talking about Semitic history. All the ancient Semitic civilizations and Semites themselves originated on the Arabian Peninsula.

Just on PDF there are several non-religious Saudi Arabians.

@Yzd Khalifa @Mosamania @Bubblegum Crisis @Naifov etc. That's like 20% of all Saudi Arabian users here ffs.

Atheism is moreover quite big in KSA for ME standards. According to a Gallop survey in 2012 5% of all Saudi Arabians are convinced Atheists.

Atheism explodes in Saudi Arabia, despite state-enforced ban - Salon.com

Islam originated in KSA. Of course this will have a huge influence on the current culture. Nobody is following ancient Semitic pagan Gods (the most ancient religions in the region and world), are Christians or Jews anymore (fellow ancient Abrahamic/Semitic religions). But in theory people could adopt all that if they wanted as it is part of their heritage.

You Farsis on the other hand have been conquered by the same Arabs that you bitch/obsess about 24/7 militarily, religiously, culturally, linguistically etc. So of course you can go back to a certain date and find something "indigenous" (although you copied most from the Semitic Assyrians) as you are already following foreign ideologies, religions etc.

Saudi Arabians on the other hand are following their own indigenous religion, culture etc. completely which not many people can say.

"Wahhabi this and Wahhabi" that.:lol:

"Estimates of the number of adherents to Wahhabism vary, with one source (Michael Izady) giving a figure of less than 5 million Wahhabis in the Persian Gulf region (compared to 28.5 million Sunnis and 89 million Shia).[22][23]"

Wahhabism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An ignorant like you do not realize that KSA is home to EVERY single Muslim sect as KSA is the cradle of Islam. Most people in KSA do not follow the Hanbali fiqh ("Wahhabi"). There are millions of Shias. Sufism is strong in Hijaz, you have Hanafis, Malikis, Hanbalis, Shafi's, Shia Twelvers, Shia Islamilis, Shia Zaydis. No single country in the world has as many indigenous Muslim sects.

KSA is a HUGE country with distinct ancient historical regions located thousands of km apart from each other influenced by nearby Egypt, Levant, Yemen, Mesopotamia etc.

But of course you have no ******* clue about anything that has been written in this post. Not even if I wrote this to you in the bastardized Arabic (farsi) your brain would not have been capable to store the information.

Now Gypsy go back to your section and cry about Arabs 24/7. Last time I checked the conflict in Iraq (an Arab country) has nothing to do with you Farsis or whatever you are. You might be a Qashqai Mongol.

Why the hell are you wasting your time with that retard? He would be unable to locate the Arabian Peninsula on a world map despite being the by far biggest peninsula in the world. That's what we are up against. He probably has no idea what a Semite is either nor does he obviously know anything about pre-Islamic Arabia. Let him bark like other clowns on PDF.

Also lol at all the *** licking that those farsis make in this thread. Never knew that they were so concerned about a bunch of Arabs suddenly. Meanwhile the Arabs of Iran (most identical to the Arabs of Southern Iraq) are treated like dirt and live in third world provinces despite being the richest in the country.:lol:

Expect a "too long to read" kind of reply if any by the retard. After all facts hurt when they do not fit your agenda.

@Halimi @Ahmed Jo @JUBA @Antaréss @Dr.Thrax @Rakan.SA @Gasoline @BLACKEAGLE @Algeria @Full Moon @Arabian Legend @Mootaz-khelifi @Tunisian Marine Corps @Bubblegum Crisis @Altamimi @Awadd @FARSOLDIER @Haitham @Chai @Andalusi Knight @thefreesyrian @fahd tamimi @tyrant @farag @Mahmoud_EGY @Hechmi Seif @Arabi @Frogman @Amir_Pharaoh @Hell NO etc.

It's so sadly that we're wasting our time with less minded people.. lol

I expect more illiterate people since the matter is related to Farisis especially when talking about history , civilization and development !

Yeah ,Yemenis and Saudis have nothing to be proud of whether it's history ,civilization , development or other things because they're not Persians' allies ... While Iraqis and Lebanese have many things to be proud of especially the friendship or alliance with Farisis .:rofl:

I don't know why some people put himself in stupid positions .:tsk:
It's so sadly that we're wasting our time with less minded people.. lol

I expect more illiterate people since the matter is related to Farisis especially when talking about history , civilization and development !

Yeah ,Yemenis and Saudis have nothing to be proud of whether it's history ,civilization , development or other things because they're not Persians' allies ... While Iraqis and Lebanese have many things to be proud of especially the friendship or alliance with Farisis .:rofl:

I don't know why some people put himself in stupid positions .:tsk:

I said everything that needed to be said. Backed up with facts as well unlike bullshit.
Yes I agree, he indeed is a retard. Apparently only Persian Dynasties are the ones to be celebrated according to him. He is not worth your or my time.

Yes, especially as we Semites have dozens of much older civilizations, cities, cultures, languages, alphabets, more ancient heritage sites and more numerous numbers of them etc. Not to mention much bigger past empires in terms of size, power and influence.

Nobody can rival those Farsi civilizations in terms of copying. Assyrians (who btw originated from the Arabian Peninsula like all other Semites - several Assyrian kings died in exile in Northern KSA). Need I say more, lol? Anyway let us return to the topic.

Sometimes you got to silence obsessives dogs. Especially farsis on PDF. Giving out candies does not work online. Somebody tell them to worry about their starving cousins in Tajikistan or Taliban in Afghanistan. Or those golden tombs of long-gone Hijazi Arabs at home that are visited by millions upon millions of them. Floods of crying included. Or the thousands upon thousands of "Black Turban" heads. Maybe stick to their main exports to the markets of Dubai, Abu Dhabi etc. if you know what I mean….
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It's better to squeeze them into a single neighbirhood to create minimum damage. Don't forget many of the IS families are with them, they will eventually raise the white flags and surrender just like they did in Farsiyah if their families are in danger. Then we could let the women and children out and just execute all them men. BTW this is the only on front. They are still waiting for the eastern front from Alem. Once that succeeds then Tikrit will be fully surrounded.

Thank God Iran has a military industry, we would have been drained by now if it weren't for Iranian weapons. These kind of systems are probably 200% more expensive have they been for the US, and they probably wouldn't even sell us in large quantities.

Anyways. PMF testing Nasir grenade launcher. They acquired 500 of them. Thanks to 1000 for letting me know about it.

alshawi1234. my friend, yes you right, i am one of the QODS IRGC members, first be sure operation of tikrit will end soon! it will take The maximum next few weeks for complete retake the whole city of isis and Ba'ath traitors, we will win and retake full baiji too, Very soon, we dont need coalition airstrikes! iraq and soon iran together take the airstrikes and support ground forces in these areas with ucav and jets... then we go to free the other Occupied cities and towns, know we have the above hand on them...
about weapons we are not look military industries as economy trades! iran gave everythings free to iraq militia and army, kurds, syria, lebanon, hemas and our friends in world, we dont take money from them, besides we are not see military industries as Patented Technology like west and east does, we Transition technology to most our trustworthy friends and allies, we have now many Programs and developing them with domestically producing air jets 4 and 5 generations and stealth advanced uavs, that they probably will be complete maximum until 2025, then we will produce many of your military needs on your own factories in iraq, until that time we just make full secure and peace in all over iraq and put an end on all terrorisim groups in iraq to get rebuild it again and make iraq powerfull...
alshawi1234. my friend, yes you right, i am one of the QODS IRGC members, first be sure operation of tikrit will end soon! it will take The maximum next few weeks for complete retake the whole city of isis and Ba'ath traitors, we will win and retake full baiji too, Very soon, we dont need coalition airstrikes! iraq and soon iran together take the airstrikes and support ground forces in these areas with ucav and jets... then we go to free the other Occupied cities and towns, know we have the above hand on them...
about weapons we are not look military industries as economy trades! iran gave everythings free to iraq militia and army, kurds, syria, lebanon, hemas and our friends in world, we dont take money from them, besides we are not see military industries as Patented Technology like west and east does, we Transition technology to most our trustworthy friends and allies, we have now many Programs and developing them with domestically producing air jets 4 and 5 generations and stealth advanced uavs, that they probably will be complete maximum until 2025, then we will produce many of your military needs on your own factories in iraq, until that time we just make full secure and peace in all over iraq and put an end on all terrorisim groups in iraq to get rebuild it again and make iraq powerfull...

Yes Iraq cannot wait to get help from a terrorist government that brings more trouble than good. All the fighting in Iraq is done by local Iraqi Sunni Arabs and Iraqi Shia Arab volunteers outside of the mixed army. A few photos of some farsis is not going to change anything.

Of course then there is the coalition and their numerous bombing raids.

What is the obsession about the Arab world of Mullah supporters? You GDP per capita (nominal) is lower than that of war torn Iraq and Jamaica (!) for instance. Don't you have better things to do? Locals in those provinces that are occupied by Daesh are not interested in your "help" unless it benefits them.

At the same time your fake wannabe Arab Mullah's are supporting the stateless Kurds which are parasites in Iraq on all fronts. First start to treat the Iranian Arabs that live in the richest provinces of Iran as humans and then worry about Arabs in Southern Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Syria etc. Most of which do not want anything to do with you.

What about helping your cousins in Tajikistan? It's another Afghanistan. They need your help. Or maybe they are too insignificant?

The entire world is against Daesh. It's hardly breaking news. So it's not Mullah's on a crusade against Daesh all alone.:lol:

Or are you one of those hundreds of farsi Mullah clowns on PDF that think that the Mullah's saved 8-9 million big Baghdad from falling into the hands of Daesh?:lol:

Wait it's that @MOHSENAM clown and his 100's of double users that has reappeared again.
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hi my brother , they are good guys, i Respect the others will and belive, i respect them both, they are my compatriot too, but i belive they are believed very in material world, human made to worship! if men don't worship gods! man worship a statue like zeus or even a women! like those people worship mistresses, goddesses or space fantasies! anything else even more false things! man need to worship something why dont worship the only and real god! the maker, allah is that one...
the nationalism is good thing, but when it goes very deep inside! it going to be apartheid and Racism! like zionist tell the jewish orthodox the people and chosen by god! or persian, arab, turk and.... the fact is all of us are sons and daughters of adam and eve, we all are humans, so why say and have very Insistence on that too much, it is good to have love for motherland but just know the two sides of men! one is evil the other is good!
this is the zion work in these days! they say and Stimulation us! to tell over and over! turk, arab, persian, sunni, shiite, kurd, christian and ....
they want put war and cross between us so they can be safe and dominion us, they want use of this, we all middle east people just be wise and Informed of they plans...
With all due respect bro, but the reality is, the real deal is the believe of the man.

Zionist don't grab people from hand or put gun on their hand to comit suicide among innocents people just because they are differ.

Bro I've read their scholars fatwa about the other muslims and how they think us......

See I don't like to cheat my self at all I just ike to point to the things and name them by their right names.

This is the right way to tell a bad one hey you are bad not keep covering his sins for some reason.

You can't help a sick person to get well if you don't tell him what was wrong with him and what he needs to recover.
With all due respect bro, but the reality is, the real deal is the believe of the man.

Zionist don't grab people from hand or put gun on their hand to comit suicide among innocents people just because they are differ.

Bro I've read their scholars fatwa about the other muslims and how they think us......

See I don't like to cheat my self at all I just ike to point to the things and name them by their right names.

This is the right way to tell a bad one hey you are bad not keep covering his sins for some reason.

You can't help a sick person to get well if you don't tell him what was wrong with him and what he needs to recover.

you exactly right bro, zions don't have horn on their heads to people know that, but many people are don't know that and be gulled of their global lies in all countries, especially in last century and now...
we cant ignore them, we just try to Enlightenment them! maybe they know the truth and wake them from sleep...

Banu Hashim, pal...
i dont have problem with you guys! iran is ancient like some other arab and turk countries in middle east like jordan, yemen, iraq, syria, egypt and turkey, but about what you said! see these for a few example:
Iran Historic Sites in the UNESCO List | Destination Iran
Iran's Attraction - www.IRAN.IR
Shahr-e Sukhteh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Land of Iran and Early Civilisations « Iranologie.com

and you can see this to:
History of Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
in this page even you can find out oldest human artifacts and settlements even in one hundred thousand years ago!!! in
Paleolithic era and Neolithic to Chalcolithic era in central of iran and in west and my city kermanshah!
go read those...
again i dont have any problems with arabs or the others...
More nonsense. Iran is not home to anything that is most ancient. Maybe bullshit. Nobody is interested either. You got more history in one small corner of the Arab world which is the cradle of civilization.

Nice way of ignoring all the points that were written to you.

We don't care about you either unless you are meddling in internal Arab affairs. If you sticked to Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Afghanistan then be sure that no Arab would care the slightest. Since the Mullah's took over some 36 years ago this has been impossible for obvious reasons.

Don't give me the "Shia" bullshit excuse. Shia Islam originated in Hijaz and there are more Shias in the Arab world than in Iran. Genuine Shias. Not the Wilayat al-Faqiqh terror nonsense. KSA alone has 3 million or so Shias if not more.
Yes Iraq cannot wait to get help from a terrorist government that brings more trouble than good. All the fighting in Iraq is done by local Iraqi Sunni Arabs and Iraqi Shia Arab volunteers outside of the mixed army. A few photos of some farsis is not going to change anything.

Of course then there is the coalition and their numerous bombing raids.

What is the obsession about the Arab world of Mullah supporters? You GDP per capita (nominal) is lower than that of war torn Iraq and Jamaica (!) for instance. Don't you have better things to do? Locals in those provinces that are occupied by Daesh are not interested in your "help" unless it benefits them.

At the same time your fake wannabe Arab Mullah's are supporting the stateless Kurds which are parasites in Iraq on all fronts. First start to treat the Iranian Arabs that live in the richest provinces of Iran as humans and then worry about Arabs in Southern Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Syria etc. Most of which do not want anything to do with you.

What about helping your cousins in Tajikistan? It's another Afghanistan. They need your help. Or maybe they are too insignificant?

The entire world is against Daesh. It's hardly breaking news. So it's not Mullah's on a crusade against Daesh all alone.:lol:

Or are you one of those hundreds of farsi Mullah clowns on PDF that think that the Mullah's saved 8-9 million big Baghdad from falling into the hands of Daesh?:lol:

Wait it's that @MOHSENAM clown and his 100's of double users that has reappeared again.

our help and aid to them is not your decision to make, we offer help to them and they accept, both shia and sunni, kurds and the others accept that help and offer, what u do for them!!! support and helping isis is to kill them all is the only thing you do in iraq, of course this is iraqi people are fighting with terrorism above everything, this is their duty for themselves and their country, and what we do is we help them, are u upset of this?

and! our GDP is our problem not yours! we reform it quickly in next iranian year that will begin in next two weeks our oil money in budget going down to 25% of budget it means A quarter of budget are on oil money, two years ago we had 75% of budget from oil money, last year was 55% and in this year 45% depends on oil, next year is going to be 25% and the year after them it is 15%, dont worry! in next 3 year we no need oil money in budget at all! we are reform and reformation our economy so fast, after that sanctions and anything else wont deep effect on us and we grow real part of GDP and build an strong economy that can stand against outside Pressures, and we are not weak and cry for money and aid of global powers like saudi...
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