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Iraqi FM: Iran cuts flow of 42 river tributaries to Iraq without warning

Anyway its silly that we fight here while you a good dude I think you're innocent to be faced with all that

Saif bro you didn't see what we shia of Iraq have seeing bro its our country we're the majority all the resources in our land yet Basra drink salty water

I know we have corrupted politicians and religious but all these scums are going we stay

Peace bro sorry if I bothered you trust me I don't like to hurt no ones feeling

Well, as I wrote, I have nothing against you personally (I am sure that you are a great person as most of our brothers and sisters from Southern Iraq are, if not KSA would not have hosted you and have very close and cordial ties people to people (forget regimes here whether Saddam, House of Saud, Al-Maliki, Al-Abadi or whatever) and most have family ties too. I am sure that you have too.

Look, I have never argued even once that a majority do not have the right to rule a country, in this case Iraq. I share the same view about Syria next door. However I am talking about ideology and worldview. Forget about sect here. BTW it has to be said that the majority can be wrong quite easily. Many examples of this. It's not about who is the majority or minority but about doing what should be done and what will benefit the country and people the most. I struggle (very strongly) to see where the Mullah regime (that most Iranians dislike, let's be honest here) come into the picture here. What is it exactly that they offer?

I don't care about sect at all (in fact to tell you the truth, I have become more and more delusional when it comes to religion as a concept lately to the point that I believe that secularism is the way forward in every single Arab country but as usual this is just my personal opinion and I have no intention to force anything onto other people) but I do care about Iraq, deeply, for familial, personal, historical, political etc. reasons and as such it pains me to see Iraq in this condition.

Look, if I was all about sect, you would never see me criticize the likes of Turkey for instance or the behavior of the "saved Muslims" on this forum regardless of origin.

This is about what is in the best interests of Iraq and the Arab world. To me that is and always will be much more important than sects. Sects from the same religion moreover.

This is not even about Iran or Iranians as a people (the only truly annoying lot are those deluded Brown "Aryans" that have no clue about how much their entire recorded history has been influenced by Arabs and our Semitic ancestors to the point that there would no Iran as we know it today on any front basically) but about a regime (Mullah's that moreover claim to be of Arab origin so in theory I should praise them) who for the past 40 years have done nothing but harm as I see it. We see it in Yemen today. Everywhere where they are present there is some kind of chaos, proxy groups, division etc. All the countries that have close or no ties to that regime (Maghreb, Egypt, most of GCC, although Oman, Kuwait and UAE have closer economic and people to people, due to hosting the largest diaspora community of Iranians outside of the US, many are Iranian Arabs but still), do not suffer from those problems. It's no coincidence.

Another incredibly important point, sectarianism is a ideology that must be combatted every time it shows its ugly head everywhere in the Arab world. We have seen that it has given nothing positive.

Greater inclusiveness in the Arab context would solve a lot of challenges, problems and misconceptions.

Once again, why should a Zaydi Yemeni from Ta'iz have hostile ties to a Sunni Yemeni from Ta'iz? Why should a Iraqi Sunni Shammari from Mosul be at odds with a Shammari Shia from Samawah when they share everything in common expect for sect and thus (most likely) ideology and how they look at history?

BTW I was serious when I asked you if you could find me some Iraqi or Arabic sources that show that Iraqi Shia Arabs were discriminated during the monarchy, Qasim and Al-Bakr.

See post 24 and reread it again.

This is all about the bigger picture. We should not forget this.

When we grow into old age (if we are this lucky) what we are discussing now, most of those problems will no longer be relevant (same with the regimes ruling, most likely) and as such we should already move in the correct direction (to speed this process up) rather than foster division which is not in the interests of any Arab-Arab relations and will only (as history is my witness) benefit foreigners that have their own selfish interests (as do most nation states). As much as you identity with some Shia Iranians (the religious lot), that bond will not change the fact that there are no people closer to you on every front that fellow Arabs, whether Shia, Sunni, Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Spaghetti Monster believers or irreligious people. By large that is because even siblings can be at conflict, parents, grandparents, family etc. It's natural.

I don't know a single sane Arab that is satisfied with the current situation in the Arab world. What is going on in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine or Yemen. Changing that situation for the better requires a change from the people and cooperation. Reaching some kind of understanding and respecting each others differences. Otherwise a minority will always be at conflict and some will use the barrel of a gun rather than the pen or in our case now (the keyboard).
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Thats not me I don't care about your religion as much as I care about your behave and morales

Iranian people at the end our brothers at least they didn't help the American to topple their brother then send the terrorists to make a civil war

At least Iranians helped us against ISIS while the others were busy dividing the Iraqis

( Bro) you're the devil here

Anyway Our country will never ruled again by minority's do all that you can youll always fail

One more thing if Iran help the Shia keep in power then that very good and blessed.

Oh you need me to right like one thousand word forget about it
The only sunni beloved to us is Qassim now unfortunately he lost his life on the hand of his (brothers) the snakes
Qassim is real Iraqi not like the other goons they were sectarians to the Bone just like you people its in your Gene your breakfast, launch and dinner

When you got into Malaysia you made it shithole till Mahateer woke up and took power too the first thing he did you know the second he will kick every one of you out of his country

Look at Pakistan today Egypt every where you go that place turn into ruin

God help
Iran did help in destroying Iraq from the 80s to now and before that with supporting barazani

Iranian loyal militias helped the american and british in the south and diyala also most of the support against ISIS came from west wether military support or training and supply or intelligence,satellite images, drones and other staff

Iran only supported in loyal outlaw militias and not the official Iraqi military and their support was to gain more control and influence in Iraq and not for the sake of the Iraqi people or for the sake of Iraqi sovereignty
Iran did help in destroying Iraq from the 80s to now and before that with supporting barazani

Iranian loyal militias helped the american and british in the south and diyala also most of the support against ISIS came from west wether military support or training and supply or intelligence,satellite images, drones and other staff

Iran only supported in loyal outlaw militias and not the official Iraqi military and their support was to gain more control and influence in Iraq and not for the sake of the Iraqi people or for the sake of Iraqi sovereignty
My point is Iraq for Iraqis we are not suppose to have problem with this or that

All those who are loyal to Iran or Turkey Or any country will be dealt with but now who can do it

Even Alsadr can't do it now you know the man isn't pro Iran

Bro the situation in Iraq is very complicated

All we need now is to keep this democracy because its our hope into the future our democracy still fragile

The last thing we need now is a war between us

The Sadr Al hakeem plus Al ibadi all trying hard to make better ties with all the unbiased policy worked so far but with a lot of innocents lost their life remember

we're in the middle of two rivals they both pull us towards them, well some of them are dreaming of war between us and Iran

Can we afgord such disaster NO

@SALMAN F @Saif al-Arab millions of iraqis have no houses even those who have theirs are nothing but ruins

Bro these days their are investment in najaf alone there are tens of housing projects big nice houses
some infrastructures people are breathing again after decades of wars and unrest

Who wants dictator and oppression




and there's more
Cut all imports from Iran and Turkey, import from elsewhere. Tax the Ashura visitors from Iran. Iran is an enemy indeed a historical one trying to spread the Islamic revolution with its Mullahs, a foreign state that interferes too much, they will only stop once put back in their place they must have forgotten the war. Qasem should stop roaming around like a monkey claiming victories as he did nothing. I hope an airstrike takes that monkey out together with his other mullahs.
The only way to beat Mullahs and Qasem is to outsmart them, but in reality they've outsmarted you. I would completely agree with you, IF your country has real leverage, but you don't. Just giving my 2 cents.
The only way to beat Mullahs and Qasem is to outsmart them, but in reality they've outsmarted you. I would completely agree with you, IF your country has real leverage, but you don't. Just giving my 2 cents.

No need to beat them, they're not the enemy. Their interference is, all that has to happen is for interference to stop. But then you got another problem with is Iraq itself, Iraqis are a problem for Iraq. These people are ashamed of work, they consider work to be a shameful thing. Goodluck with such a people.
Tbh Iraq is relatively lucky with the soft Iranian regime and their relatively kind behaviour towards Iraq. For example not claiming any war reparation from Iraq, sending millions of tourists to Iraq, rebuilding holy sites at cost of Iranians, helping Iraq against ISIS while not seeing benefit back (Turkey has bigger role in Iraqi economy) and there are more things which I can mention.

As you know the soft, islamist and internationalist regime in Iran has caused water shortage in Iran and Iran needs water, that's why some measures are taken. Even Afghanistan has closed water flow to Iran, but Iran takes in extra afghan refugees.. they're doing it 40 years.

They are relatively good for ummah and destroyed Iran internally, because internationalist communist-minded umma-ist boys/islamists rule our country.
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Tbh Iraq is relatively lucky with the soft Iranian regime and their relatively kind behaviour towards Iraq. For example not claiming any war reparation from Iraq, sending millions of tourists to Iraq, rebuilding holy sites at cost of Iranians, helping Iraq against ISIS while not seeing benefit back (Turkey has bigger role in Iraqi economy) and there are more things which I can mention.

As you know the soft, islamist and internationalist regime in Iran has caused water shortage in Iran and Iran needs water, that's why some measures are taken. Even Afghanistan has closed water flow to Iran, but Iran takes in extra afghan refugees.. they're doing it 40 years.

They are relatively good for ummah and we destroyed Iran internally, because internationalist communist-minded umma-ist boys/islamists rule our country.

Iran is not good for Iraq in this state. Iraq is better off with Iran having a Aryan/nationalist leader again. Iraq is capable of being independent from neighbors as it has been for long, Iran's inteference causes internal problems. Only ones who dream of Ummah are Asian muslims

Indeed Iran has water shortage, IRI is good for nothing. Hanging their own people by cranes and stoning women yet there`s mullah fanboys here on PDF.
Iran is not good for Iraq in this state. Iraq is better off with Iran having a Aryan/nationalist leader again. Iraq is capable of being independent from neighbors as it has been for long, Iran's inteference causes internal problems.
There are bad effects, I agree. However don't paint islamic republic interference as black and white. There have been also positive effects for Iraqis.
Today Iraqis have not a good life, but imagine something 2 or 3 times worser than this.
There are bad effects, I agree. However don't paint islamic republic interference as black and white. There have been also positive effects for Iraqis.
Today Iraqis have not a good life, but imagine something 2 or 3 times worser than this.

Worse was during 1990-2003, country was very isolated. I visisted right in 2004, the effects of the sanctions could still be seen.

IRI interference has caused a load of bloodshed, so I am not sure what you mean with worse. IRI is not good for us not in any way, Iraq is not poor to need Iranian aid either as you know. Currently the IRGC supports militia`s that act against the army and police. Not helpful in any way. Sending some arms does not mean anything, they were paid for to start with. It can easily be concluded that IRI does more harm than good for Iraq. Not to mention how sectarian tensions would fall down if IRI were to fall.
Worse was during 1990-2003, country was very isolated. I visisted right in 2004, the effects of the sanctions could still be seen.

IRI interference has caused a load of bloodshed, so I am not sure what you mean with worse. IRI is not good for us not in any way, Iraq is not poor to need Iranian aid either as you know. Currently the IRGC supports militia`s that act against the army and police. Not helpful in any way.
Then I'm happy that Iraq has improved compared to saddam era. Is the Iraqi economy, living standard, safety, human right at this moment better? Could you explain?

Could you explain how IRI caused bloodshed? how would Iraq fight against Isis or balance other powers if there was no Iran?
Could you explain how many percent Iran had a role in not letting Iraq be taken over by ISIS? 10%? 25%? 50%?
Whether Mullah regime or other regimes (Shah) Iranian influence in Iraq is almost solely negative as already discussed, explained in detail and agreed with (as history is a proof of).

This might change in the future but I am doubtful about this since Iranians as a whole seem much more obsessed about Arabs than vice versa and some are still living 1400 years ago.

I see most potential for fruitful cooperation with Southern Iranians (where the real genuine Persians live) and here even today, despite the political conflicts, people to people relations between people of the Arabian Peninsula (mostly Eastern Arabia), Iraq (only two regions of the Arab world that have direct ties with Iran, if we exclude terrorist and proxy groups like Hezbollah etc.) and Southern Iran (Iranian Arabs, Baloch, genuine Persians from the South, Lurs, Bakthiaris) are mostly cordial.

Anyway the Mullah supporters who are gloating that they influence/control a few overall failed and rogue elements in the Arab world (less than 0,0001% of the 500 million Arabs) which only increases the Arab hostility towards the Mullah regime and Iran, they are doing themselves a very big disservice longterm and short-term.

Not to mention that the same Mullah's are doing a wonderful job at destroying their own country by themselves.

A little reminder, tiny UAE has an economy the size of 80 million Iran next door. Food for thought.

Their resistance crap has failed utterly ,their charm offensive in the Arab world has failed tremendously (had the exact opposite effect post Syria) and their internal policies have created extremists on both sides (Islamists, nationalists etc.).

Deluded Islamists among them dream about some Shia Caliphate and the Brown "Aryan" nationalists are having similar funny and unrealistic dreams that will never succeed. Common for both those groups is that they dislike Arabs and most people around them. The first group (Islamists) try to hide it (but mostly fail) while the other group (deluded nationalists) are open about it. Both those groups are present on PDF and both groups prove my "theory" time and time again.

No point claiming or pretending otherwise.

BTW, the Arab states that have close to no ties with the Mullah regime (not even diplomatic) like all of the Maghreb, Egypt, Jordan, most of the GCC (with the exception of Kuwait, Oman and now Quntar) are not dealing with the "wonderful" effects of Mullah influence like largely failed/struggling countries like tiny Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iraq deal with. No coincidence!

Kuwait, while diverse (Sunni and Shia) does not have similar problems because it is a part of the GCC and KSA is next door. Similar with Bahrain and Oman. If not, they would have fallen victim to this cancerous influence as well.

I don't follow Iranian internal politics of who could potentially replace the Mullah's down the road but I have a hard time imagining that their successors will be as bad! If not, future cooperation can become peaceful and mostly economic in nature which should be welcomed.

No need to start any wars either as that will benefit nobody but certain players in the region and world instead.
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Then I'm happy that Iraq has improved compared to saddam era. Is the Iraqi economy, living standard, safety, human right at this moment better? Could you explain?
Oil exports were completely banned between 1990/1991 and 2003(except for a shitty oil for food programme LOL. Imports very heavily constrained, there was a complete isolation between Iraq and the rest of the world. The economy, living standards, connection with the outside world improved on every front. Medicine was in short supply and as a result hundreds of thousands of kids died, the country basically became North Korea and this is what started a wave of migration out of Iraq. What went backwards is security.

Could you explain how IRI caused bloodshed? how would Iraq fight against Isis or balance other powers if there was no Iran?
Could you explain how many percent Iran had a role in not letting Iraq be taken over by ISIS? 10%? 25%? 50%?
ISIS is a later story, you have to go back to 2003 and Iran's interference in organizing, arming Shi'a militias which then fought public security forces (The ISF) such as in Baghdad (Sadr city district mostly), Basra and many other area's. These same groups previously killed random Iraqis in Baghdad and elsewhere based on sect which gave Al Qaeda in Iraq fuel to recruit others. This all developed further and further into the Askari shrine bombing of 2006 which led to a civil war. Surely this cannot be blamed on Iran completely, however when you have a neighbor that is an Islamic Republic and meddles extensively in other states it's obvious what impact they have. Had Iran not meddled this would not have been the mess it has become. Remember that prior the the invasion Iraq was an area where Iran was unable to do anything, once Saddam was removed they did so to ensure that it would not become a hostile state to them again. However the process was destructive for Iraq and nowhere in our benefit as Iranians themselves seem to believe. Not to mention the countless of Iraqi air force pilots assasinated after the invasion, who else but Iran would have an interest in that.

As for IS and Iran's support, Iran offered major support (offering Iranian ground troops in 2014) but if Iraq had accepted that the country would have entered another civil war and been broken up. The US led coalition took the largest role in support.

In the end Iraq(is) does not need or want Iranian interference, the country is capable of fulfilling all its needs including military. Any such inteference only fuels hostility as is evident in the country where people in Baghdad and Basra as well as the north protest Iranian involvement. The many PMU groups would not exist without the IRI, they're nothing but complication and decreasing military effectiveness by tieing armed brigades to political figureheads who will take decisions based on playing the political game which only hampers military effectiveness. We don't need Hezbollah, and Asaib ahl al Haq, Kataib Sayyid al Shuhada, Badr Brigades and all that shit. Similarly Iran does not have 50 militia's they only have the regular army, the IRGC and Basij as they understand the importance of centralizing command. But when it comes to other nations they do not want other countries to have centralized command as that could be a threat to them. It's not in our benefit but in the benefit of IRI.
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Oil exports were completely banned between 1990/1991 and 2003(except for a shitty oil for food programme LOL. Imports very heavily constrained, there was a complete isolation between Iraq and the rest of the world. The economy, living standards, connection with the outside world improved on every front. Medicine was in short supply and as a result hundreds of thousands of kids died, the country basically became North Korea and this is what started a wave of migration out of Iraq. What went backwards is security.

ISIS is a later story, you have to go back to 2003 and Iran's interference in organizing, arming Shi'a militias which then fought public security forces (The ISF) such as in Baghdad (Sadr city district mostly), Basra and many other area's. These same groups previously killed random Iraqis in Baghdad and elsewhere based on sect which gave Al Qaeda in Iraq fuel to recruit others. This all developed further and further into the Askari shrine bombing of 2006 which led to a civil war. Surely this cannot be blamed on Iran completely, however when you have a neighbor that is an Islamic Republic and meddles extensively in other states it's obvious what impact they have. Had Iran not meddled this would not have been the mess it has become. Remember that prior the the invasion Iraq was an area where Iran was unable to do anything, once Saddam was removed they did so to ensure that it would not become a hostile state to them again. However the process was destructive for Iraq and nowhere in our benefit as Iranians themselves seem to believe. Not to mention the countless of Iraqi air force pilots assasinated after the invasion, who else but Iran would have an interest in that.

As for IS and Iran's support, Iran offered major support (offering Iranian ground troops in 2014) but if Iraq had accepted that the country would have entered another civil war and been broken up. The US led coalition took the largest role in support.

In the end Iraq(is) does not need or want Iranian interference, the country is capable of fulfilling all its needs including military. Any such inteference only fuels hostility as is evident in the country where people in Baghdad and Basra as well as the north protest Iranian involvement. The many PMU groups would not exist without the IRI, they're nothing but complication and decreasing military effectiveness by tieing armed brigades to political figureheads who will take decisions based on playing the political game which only hampers military effectiveness. We don't need Hezbollah, and Asaib ahl al Haq, Kataib Sayyid al Shuhada, Badr Brigades and all that shit. Similarly Iran does not have 50 militia's they only have the regular army, the IRGC and Basij as they understand the importance of centralizing command. But when it comes to other nations they do not want other countries to have centralized command as that could be a threat to them. It's not in our benefit but in the benefit of IRI.
But the country is majority Shia (70%) and Iran is majority Shia (90%) too. What do u have to say about it? A rational answer or some random blabbering again...

Your Arab (Mixed-Arab) superbla...

Btw the countries that ruined your country are GCC (especially Saudi regime) and the US not Iran.

Even if it wasn’t Saudi and the US (wahhabi - American green light) Iran-Iraq war could not happen.
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But the country is majority Shia (70%) and Iran is majority Shia (90%) too. What do u have to say about it? A rational answer or some random blabbering again...

Here are the differences.

Iran is an Islamic Republic ruled by a Grand Ayatollah, exporting the revolution has been a prime objective since Khomeini took power. Iraq is not an Islamic republic.

Qom and Najaf are at odds.

Velayat Faqeh is rejected in Iraq.

Your Arab (Mixed Arab) super bla.....

Btw the countries that ruined your country are GCC (especially Saudi) and the US not Iran.

There's no 'ruined'. I am not crying about ruined as the country isn't ruined, it can be built in a decade or 2 if its people weren't so lazy. Iraqis don't work much, which is basically how the entire region is. I'm stating Iran's negative effects, you want to deny them then address them instead of this blabbering nonsense.


Not sure what you are trying to tell me here. Anyway, i'd be on the side of Saddam instead of Khamenei. Is this a problem for you? It's supporting one's country.
Here are the differences.

Iran is an Islamic Republic ruled by a Grand Ayatollah, exporting the revolution has been a prime objective since Khomeini took power. Iraq is not an Islamic republic.

Qom and Najaf are at odds.

Velayat Faqeh is rejected in Iraq.

There's no 'ruined'. I am not crying about ruined as the country isn't ruined, it can be built in a decade or 2 if its people weren't so lazy. Iraqis don't work much, which is basically how the entire region is. I'm stating Iran's negative effects, you want to deny them then address them instead of this blabbering nonsense.


Not sure what you are trying to tell me here. Anyway, i'd be on the side of Saddam instead of Khamenei. Is this a problem for you? It's supporting one's country.
If Iran doesn’t help your country (be at your side), Turkey, US and Saudi will eat your country raw and attach it.

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