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Iraq purchases Chinese HQ-9 air defense


Mar 14, 2015
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Revealed by the finance ministry that China is willing to sell Iraq weapons on credit of $ 2.4 billion dollars. Among the weapons are the HQ-9, Type 99 tanks are mentioned as well but this could be wrong given that they're already going for locally produced T-90's.

I expect this won't reach mainstream news just as the CH-4 deal didn't reach the news, they prefer to keep such deals quiet.



#بغداد ـ موازين نيوز

كشف مصادر مطلعة،الجمعة،عن قرب انتهاء العراق من رسم ملامح صفقة سلاح كبيرة بتسهيلات مالية من الحكومة الصينية تتضمن انظمة دفاع جوي بعيدة المدى نوع "hq9" المستنسخة عن منظومة S-300 الصينية بعد رفض روسيا تقديم تسهيلات مالية لبيعها للعراق الذي يمر بوضع اقتصادي حرج.

وقالت المصادر لـ/موازين نيوز/،ان " منظومة الدفاع تستطيع توفير مظلة جوية ضد الهجمات الجوية الكثيفة و للارتفاعات العالية حيث تغطي مديات حوالي 200 كم و ارتفاع 27 كم،وان الصفقة قد تتضمن دبابات type99 الاحدث في سلاح الدروع الصيني ومعدات اخرى لفائدة الجيش العراقي / الشرطة الاتحادية / الحشد الشعبي / جهاز مكافحة الارهاب".

واشارت المصادر الى،ان "الصفقة بقيمة مليارين و 500 مليون دولار وتسديد الثمن سيكون بالاجل و على دفعات تسدد اولاها عام 2017 بقيمة 833 مليون دولار تدفعها وزارة المالية الاتحادية بعد تخويل وزيرها بقرار من مجلس الوزراء".

وبينت،ان "الشركات المتعاقد معها هي نورينكو و بولي".انتهى29/د24
this is just so wrong what if they get in isis hands or it is already planned that later they are going to be in their hands and nato might get hands on it too.
Wow with a country like Iraq ifvs artillery strike craft , mraps , missles but they get hq 9 either it's fake or it's that China after seeing Russian example also wants advanced air defence and station troops in Iraq
Wow with a country like Iraq ifvs artillery strike craft , mraps , missles but they get hq 9 either it's fake or it's that China after seeing Russian example also wants advanced air defence and station troops in Iraq

This might come in handy against certain F16's of a nothern neighbour of Irak.
I don't know why people still point out that the ISF will lose weapons.. The 2014 collapse was mostly due to politics. A good read to explain why the regular army collapsed and ISOF stood well can be read here.


There are IS attacks on cities all the time yet IS has not managed to secure a victory for over a year as Brett McGurk has stated.

HQ-9 can supplement the short range Pantsir S1. If the F-16's actually came with AMRAAM things would've been better but neighbors would complain too much to the US.
Revealed by the finance ministry that China is willing to sell Iraq weapons on credit of $ 2.4 billion dollars. Among the weapons are the HQ-9, Type 99 tanks are mentioned as well but this could be wrong given that they're already going for locally produced T-90's.

I expect this won't reach mainstream news just as the CH-4 deal didn't reach the news, they prefer to keep such deals quiet.



#بغداد ـ موازين نيوز

كشف مصادر مطلعة،الجمعة،عن قرب انتهاء العراق من رسم ملامح صفقة سلاح كبيرة بتسهيلات مالية من الحكومة الصينية تتضمن انظمة دفاع جوي بعيدة المدى نوع "hq9" المستنسخة عن منظومة S-300 الصينية بعد رفض روسيا تقديم تسهيلات مالية لبيعها للعراق الذي يمر بوضع اقتصادي حرج.

وقالت المصادر لـ/موازين نيوز/،ان " منظومة الدفاع تستطيع توفير مظلة جوية ضد الهجمات الجوية الكثيفة و للارتفاعات العالية حيث تغطي مديات حوالي 200 كم و ارتفاع 27 كم،وان الصفقة قد تتضمن دبابات type99 الاحدث في سلاح الدروع الصيني ومعدات اخرى لفائدة الجيش العراقي / الشرطة الاتحادية / الحشد الشعبي / جهاز مكافحة الارهاب".

واشارت المصادر الى،ان "الصفقة بقيمة مليارين و 500 مليون دولار وتسديد الثمن سيكون بالاجل و على دفعات تسدد اولاها عام 2017 بقيمة 833 مليون دولار تدفعها وزارة المالية الاتحادية بعد تخويل وزيرها بقرار من مجلس الوزراء".

وبينت،ان "الشركات المتعاقد معها هي نورينكو و بولي".انتهى29/د24

I am sure this is because Iraq is afraid of KSA and other countries. Syria, already has S-300 and Wahabis aren't looking to come in their own airspace.
The rumor that the deal also involved VT-4 main battle tanks, but I could be mistaken. If not, artillery, perhaps?
The rumor that the deal also involved VT-4 main battle tanks, but I could be mistaken. If not, artillery, perhaps?

The rumor of tanks involved is correct, but disputed by some as T-90's are rumored more strongly by an official in a video. Though, maybe i'm wrong here but recently Turkmenistan revealed they have HQ-9's. Iraq's CH-4 deal with China was secret, if this deal is true we won't know for a year or more till it arrives. Artillery is being sought, self-propelled artillery in particular according to someone on IMF(IraqiMilitaryForum) and previous allegations of Msta-B (Russian self propelled artillery) purchases which were cancelled due to financial reasons.
Why does Iraq need the Hq-9? They're fighting Isis. Could have bought some tanks instead or APCs instead.
Iraq is pumping oil out at throwaway rates and rearming. They are not going to let another ISIS just sweep across.

Iraqi military appears to be suffering more from shortage of manpower and organisation than anything else at the moment.
Iraqi military appears to be suffering more from shortage of manpower and organisation than anything else at the moment.

Not shortage dear. The organization has also improved a lot in the past 2 years as they had no other option due to the rise of ISIS. So in that sense you could claim that ISIS was a blessing in disguise.

The problem is the economy and balancing between world powers. In a way Iraq is acting like KSA in this regard (trying to have good relations with both the West and East) but officially Iraq remains "neutral" politically. Also the central government in Iraq is not as powerful as other Arab regimes/governments so a lot of different groups in the country have their own interests. For instance many Iraqi Shia militias are pro-Iran Mullah's and do not want any Western presence while the Iraqi government wants and understands that the West (America) is a key ally in the fight against ISIS and other areas. Despite most Iraqis not wanting Americans back.

Anyway I welcome every Arab-Chinese cooperation. May it increase further on all fronts.
ISIS was a blessing for the army in some way as it forced them to fix command and training.. but it came with a huge cost of suffering and destruction. Maliki was truly an idiot, As a teenager back then I was stating the need to build a barrier/defense on the Syrian border but Maliki had no thought on that whatsoever.
ISIS was a blessing for the army in some way as it forced them to fix command and training.. but it came with a huge cost of suffering and destruction. Maliki was truly an idiot, As a teenager back then I was stating the need to build a barrier/defense on the Syrian border but Maliki had no thought on that whatsoever.

Blessing in disguise was maybe way too optimistic but what I meant is that corrupt elements were mostly removed and ISIS forced the army to be on the offensive while before they had neglected many areas of Iraq and also used fake bomb detectors for almost 1 decade in a row. Many other examples that I could give but it is pointless.

Of course ISIS should never have been able to take over any major town be it in Anbar, Ninawa, Salah ad-Din, Diyala or elsewhere but that is another discussion altogether.

Anyway the last thing Iraq lacks is manpower and as far as the organization goes it is not perfect but it has improved a lot in the past 2 years and that is undeniable. Quite easy to notice in fact just by watching videos.

The main problem is the economic situation and balancing international relations and regional ones.

Anyway I hope that as China's influence increases in the Arab world that they will serve as a mediator to help solve internal problems and make countries have closer economic ties which again is the best medicine to prevent possible conflicts and hostilities as countries with close economic ties have a lot to lose if they go to war against each other.
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