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Iran's New Fighter Jets Ready for Export!!! Who Might Buy?

A good step in the right direction it wouldn't be rivaling Jf17 or J10c or F16s but I am sure it isn't trash its a light weight cheap easy to operate fighter jet that can perform air to air and air to ground operations. This is am good supplement to Iranian airforce to buff up its numbers and for nations like Syria or possibly Iraq.
Costs (rough figure) around $6 million US dollars to produce.. Super economical for a fights aircraft.
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Following the unveiling of the Iranian Air Force's Kowsar twin engine light fighter in August 2018, and the initiation of mass production of the aircraft three months later, the Iranian military has announced its readiness to export the combat platform to friendly states. The showcasing of the fighters to potential buyers during an airshow on Kish Island was reportedly intended to demonstrate not only the capabilities of Iranian military aviation, but also the potency of the Kowsar to potential buyers. Brigadier General Abdoklarim Banitarafi, head of Iran Aviation Industries Organization, announced at the airshow’s opening ceremony regarding the Koswar: “We have already taken the necessary steps to export products that we are authorised to sell” - which he specified would include the export of fighters.

While the Kowsar is far from the first fighter jet to be produced by Iran, it is the first to enter mass production.

The platform is closely based on the F-5E Tiger II, acquired from the United States in the 1970s, and is prized for its versatility, cost effectiveness and low maintenance requirements.

While modernised variants of the F-5 continues to be deployed widely by U.S. defence clients, including Switzerland, Taiwan, Singapore and Thailand, the Kowsar is reportedly considerably more capable than the original American made platform.

The fighter makes use of high end sensors and avionics, and according to some analysts it may deploy the country’s lethal edge Fakour 90 long range anti aircraft missiles - an advanced derivative of the American AIM-54 which would give the fighters a longer air to air engagement range than any other combat aircraft in the Middle East.

According to General Banitarafi, Iran has already reached export agreements with China, Russia and Indonesia.

While Chinese and Russian acquisitions of Iranian fighters remains extremely unlikely, it is possible that the countries are supplying radar, avionics or missile technologies for the fighters which will be exported by Iran to third parties - much as China has done for the Pakistani JF-17 fighters.

With Indonesia modernising its air fleet with the acquisition of Su-35 air superiority fighters from Russia, the Kowsar could play a key role in expanding the country’s light fighter fleet and support existing squadrons of the F-16 Fighting Falcon.

A number of African states, possibly Sudan which formerly operated the F-5, have also been highlighted as potential future clients.

The Kowsar may also be marketed to Middle Eastern clients such as Lebanon or Syria - a less costly alternative to extra regional light fighters such as the MiG-29, J-10, F-16 and JF-17.

The marketing of the Kowsar for export could provide much needed extra revenues to the Iranian defence sector, and mark the beginning of its emergence as a military aviation power - albeit a minor one.
Where is the info??? Is YouTube your source!!! 🥴 Sudan a potential buyer???

Confirmed troll ☑️
maybe cuba? they're poor and dont have many options and is already sanctioned.
7-8 planned Squadrons armed with KLJ-7/KLJ-6F radars (90-100 km range) with PL-10 can be very good platforms to complement are MALE-UCAV fleet.

But then by budget, IRIAF is not the focus; Missiles are.




I don't like this piece of sh*t i prefer Supa power Qaher-313

Even Bayraktar TB2 drone is more expensive shows you what kind of a piece of sh*t it is.
It flys ..and it works and it is affordable..You guys need to learn how to build thing yourselves not to buy from outside and only put your flag stickers on them..may be that way you can make them affordable too..:azn::azn: I am sure Iranian Engineers can teach your people how to design in-house products..will save you some needed $$$
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Following the unveiling of the Iranian Air Force's Kowsar twin engine light fighter in August 2018, and the initiation of mass production of the aircraft three months later, the Iranian military has announced its readiness to export the combat platform to friendly states. The showcasing of the fighters to potential buyers during an airshow on Kish Island was reportedly intended to demonstrate not only the capabilities of Iranian military aviation, but also the potency of the Kowsar to potential buyers. Brigadier General Abdoklarim Banitarafi, head of Iran Aviation Industries Organization, announced at the airshow’s opening ceremony regarding the Koswar: “We have already taken the necessary steps to export products that we are authorised to sell” - which he specified would include the export of fighters.

While the Kowsar is far from the first fighter jet to be produced by Iran, it is the first to enter mass production.

The platform is closely based on the F-5E Tiger II, acquired from the United States in the 1970s, and is prized for its versatility, cost effectiveness and low maintenance requirements.

While modernised variants of the F-5 continues to be deployed widely by U.S. defence clients, including Switzerland, Taiwan, Singapore and Thailand, the Kowsar is reportedly considerably more capable than the original American made platform.

The fighter makes use of high end sensors and avionics, and according to some analysts it may deploy the country’s lethal edge Fakour 90 long range anti aircraft missiles - an advanced derivative of the American AIM-54 which would give the fighters a longer air to air engagement range than any other combat aircraft in the Middle East.

According to General Banitarafi, Iran has already reached export agreements with China, Russia and Indonesia.

While Chinese and Russian acquisitions of Iranian fighters remains extremely unlikely, it is possible that the countries are supplying radar, avionics or missile technologies for the fighters which will be exported by Iran to third parties - much as China has done for the Pakistani JF-17 fighters.

With Indonesia modernising its air fleet with the acquisition of Su-35 air superiority fighters from Russia, the Kowsar could play a key role in expanding the country’s light fighter fleet and support existing squadrons of the F-16 Fighting Falcon.

A number of African states, possibly Sudan which formerly operated the F-5, have also been highlighted as potential future clients.

The Kowsar may also be marketed to Middle Eastern clients such as Lebanon or Syria - a less costly alternative to extra regional light fighters such as the MiG-29, J-10, F-16 and JF-17.

The marketing of the Kowsar for export could provide much needed extra revenues to the Iranian defence sector, and mark the beginning of its emergence as a military aviation power - albeit a minor one.
this is a ballzy move in the face of all the mocking and trolling by the world.
whether the Jet is really useful to its potential market is debatable but Iranian single minded resolve and ultra thick skin in the face of all the hurdles , laughters and suspicions is laudable.


just wasted my time

Such threads must be closed immediately
not be a hater
Costs (rough figure) around $6 million US dollars to produce.. Super economical for a fights aircraft.
if anything
this can be marketed as a cheap Jet trainer. or a main fighter for very small countries that don't need heavier class fighters.

the video contains a lot of Mig 29, F14 tomcat and Su 30, SU36 footage mixed with F5 and this jet to give the impression that its one and the same.
if anything
this can be marketed as a cheap Jet trainer. or a main fighter for very small countries that don't need heavier class fighters.

the video contains a lot of Mig 29, F14 tomcat and Su 30, SU36 footage mixed with F5 and this jet to give the impression that its one and the same.
Fully agree...This plane will be good if the in-country up keep is not top of line and the customer does not want to establish expensive Logistical structure...Iran has not offered the plane for export but if that happens I can see African countries or South American customers for it..
We do sell stuff to allied countries (UCAVs, Ballistic missiles, Armored vehicles) but this fighter is not going anywhere trust me.

Here is the IRIAF/IRGC-AF's current form with improvements. Procurement is underlined. IRIAF is cut from heavy budgets. Our Missile command, UCAV's and Air defence is on the levels that it can inflict extremely painful damage to any regional foe. IRIAF role in doctrine is just limited.

Interceptors (168 x 4.0 gen)
- 4-5 squadrons x F-14 AM (3.5-4 squadrons are currently operational, 1 more can be refurbished to AM standard)
- 2 squadrons x Mig-29 SMT (5 new airframes required and rest upgraded by Mikyon itself or Belorussian consortiums that work with Mikyon with R-77/RVV-AE to SMT standards).
- 8 squadrons of Kowsars (BVR capable with KLJ-6F or KLJ-7)

Multirole (108 x half 4++ and half 3.5-4.0 gen)
- 4 Squadrons x Su-35S (Some level local assembly with TOT should be procured)
- 5 Squadrons x F-4 E/D (Project "Dowran" upgraded with Chinese 4th generation combat suite upto JH-7A standards with JL-10A radars)

Attack (60 + aircrafts and 300 + mass produced UCAVs)
- 3 squadrons x Su-24M2 (equipped with KH-31, domestic long range ALCM)
- 2 Squadrons x IRGC upgraded Su-22 (1 already exists, another one can be raised with domestic long range ALCM packages)
- 50 x Shahed-129/Gaza
- 50 x Simorgh Flying Wings with Naval Strike capability
- 100 x Mohajer-6 with Naval Strike capability
- 100 x Karrars

5 x local IrAn-140 platforms with 600-800 km tracking ranges, something on lines of Israeli EITAM.
I remember very clearly how they were laughing about Iranian missiles when they first came out...

"saddam scuds" " no tactical value"

Now they are crying... really badly. And trying everything they can to stop Iranian missile development. One would have thought they would have learned their lesson by now?

If i were a turk right now, id be more worried about not freezing to death after the Lira becomes toilet paper. Rather then Iranian military developments... Its almost like laughing at a ship that has some minor issues with its lights, while standing on the sinking titanic yourself.
We do sell stuff to allied countries (UCAVs, Ballistic missiles, Armored vehicles) but this fighter is not going anywhere trust me.

Here is the IRIAF/IRGC-AF's current form with improvements. Procurement is underlined. IRIAF is cut from heavy budgets. Our Missile command, UCAV's and Air defence is on the levels that it can inflict extremely painful damage to any regional foe. IRIAF role in doctrine is just limited.

Interceptors (168 x 4.0 gen)
- 4-5 squadrons x F-14 AM (3.5-4 squadrons are currently operational, 1 more can be refurbished to AM standard)
- 2 squadrons x Mig-29 SMT (5 new airframes required and rest upgraded by Mikyon itself or Belorussian consortiums that work with Mikyon with R-77/RVV-AE to SMT standards).
- 8 squadrons of Kowsars (BVR capable with KLJ-6F or KLJ-7)

Multirole (108 x half 4++ and half 3.5-4.0 gen)
- 4 Squadrons x Su-35S (Some level local assembly with TOT should be procured)
- 5 Squadrons x F-4 E/D (Project "Dowran" upgraded with Chinese 4th generation combat suite upto JH-7A standards with JL-10A radars)

Attack (60 + aircrafts and 300 + mass produced UCAVs)
- 3 squadrons x Su-24M2 (equipped with KH-31, domestic long range ALCM)
- 2 Squadrons x IRGC upgraded Su-22 (1 already exists, another one can be raised with domestic long range ALCM packages)
- 50 x Shahed-129/Gaza
- 50 x Simorgh Flying Wings with Naval Strike capability
- 100 x Mohajer-6 with Naval Strike capability
- 100 x Karrars

5 x local IrAn-140 platforms with 600-800 km tracking ranges, something on lines of Israeli EITAM.

There is no world where F-5 would be characterized as an “interceptor”. It’s a subsonic light fighter.
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