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Iran's help to Iraq in its fight against Daesh terrorists

@Malik Alashter

If you think that the Persians’ interference in Iraq comes as a free lunch, then you may not know what politics is all about. Clearly, the Persians have succeeded in the ongoing religious brainwashing camping of Iraqi shias. Politics is all about interest, and religion is only useful for politicians so long as it serves their interests. Iraq’s marriage to the Persians is not going to be a temporary one, the U-turn from that marriage will be severally painful. By the time you wake up, you will realize the devastation that the Persians have done to the structure and dignity of the Iraqi state.

You will find out – the hard way- how they wiped out any sense of central government that Iraq had (once upon a time). They are laughing as much as they can at your enthusiastic defense of their ongoing deletion of Iraq, as an independent sovereign nation, from the world’s map. They didn’t conquer Iraq with Shahnameh, they conquered it through trading in Imam Hussain’s blood and the sword of taqiyyah that finally enabled them to be the true winner of the 8 years war. Yes, I say it with authority, they won that war not in 1988 but in 2003 – and achieved Khoemi’s dream of annexing Iraq as a colony on a wheel chair.
please forgive us because we did not let your brothers(daesh) capture all part of iraq ! and about the imam hosein ! trust me you do not know anything !
@Malik Alashter

If you think that the Persians’ interference in Iraq comes as a free lunch, then you may not know what politics is all about. Clearly, the Persians have succeeded in the ongoing religious brainwashing camping of Iraqi shias. Politics is all about interest, and religion is only useful for politicians so long as it serves their interests. Iraq’s marriage to the Persians is not going to be a temporary one, the U-turn from that marriage will be severally painful. By the time you wake up, you will realize the devastation that the Persians have done to the structure and dignity of the Iraqi state.

You will find out – the hard way- how they wiped out any sense of central government that Iraq had (once upon a time). They are laughing as much as they can at your enthusiastic defense of their ongoing deletion of Iraq, as an independent sovereign nation, from the world’s map. They didn’t conquer Iraq with Shahnameh, they conquered it through trading in Imam Hussain’s blood and the sword of taqiyyah that finally enabled them to be the true winner of the 8 years war. Yes, I say it with authority, they won that war not in 1988 but in 2003 – and achieved Khoemi’s dream of annexing Iraq as a colony on a wheel chair.

My HDD crashed so lost my auto log in pass anyway let me explain.

As usual the only thing you and your friends complain about is Iran. Return to June of 2014, there were no militia's active in Iraq, it was just the Iraqi army. Yet the entire region including Saudi gov media ( Al Arabiyah ) called it the Maliki army, they were spreading pro ISIS propaganda indirectly. With all the fifth columnists in the Iraqi parliament pulling the strings of the army limiting their operational freedom helping ISIS it escalated. First stance of Saudi Arabia was to tell the world/US not to interfere in Iraq, basically saying : 'Let ISIS ruin the country'.

US would only intervene if Baghdad or Arbil were in danger, when Arbil was in danger the US acted to save them. Since then they're more involved in Iraq but their air support is nowhere near their true military capability, they're not even helping the paramilitary forces. ~10 sorties a day on average, in the 1991 war it came close to 600 sorties a day. In this situation, having no true ally why should they reject support from Iran. They're taking support from anyone that helps them, those are the words of the minister of defence who is from Mosul himself ( Khaled al Obeidi ). I'm not worried about Iranian interference in Iraq, the sole interest of Iraqis at this moment is to defeat IS and deal with further internal trash, Iran and Iraq both share that same interests. Aside from that Iran has it's own interest of hegemony in Iraq and elsewhere which is what you're worried about though what do you expect to hear from us ? The US has it's interests in Iraq as well, they will counter Iran creating a balance. Besides aren't even Iranian soldiers fighting in Iraq. There are more American troops stationed in Iraqi bases ( thousands ) whereas there are only dozens of Iranian advisors.

The pro Iran groups as Kataib Hezbollah and others they aren't hostile to the Iraqi army or as Al Arabiyah prefers 'Maliki army'. Almost all of them are regular people answering the call of terror. That includes people from all backgrounds including Christians, one of the better people in the country, they don't choose terror despite having as many problems as others, too bad though we have many true Muslims who bomb things when they don't like their life's. Nothing for us to worry about but IS and the internal trash caused by the constitution. The problem with you and the other Saudis on this forum is that you dream Iran all day, you'll support ISIS gladly to counter Iran and i've seen the atheist Saudi on this forum do that as well. Don't blame us Iraqis for accepting help from anyone that gives help, if you were to give help we'd accept it as well, as you said your own leaders are making the wrong choices. If they want to counter Iranian influence in Iraq they should meet with the Iraqi gov and pledge support, that would give a positive image to Iraqis as well but no they don't they prefer supporting ISIS indirectly by stirring up problems. That's how low many of you went because of the Iran fear, not only on governmental level but you the people as well, if you look at the posts of other Arabs on this forum and elsewhere you'll see a lot of ISIS apologists ( as long as they're in Iraq ). Now many of you are also cheering for Al Qaeda in the Peninsula ( Yemen ), what does this make you other than trash ?
As history recalls, if someone attempts to blow you up it you will take help from anyone to save yourself as you took help from everyone in 1990 to save yourself from Saddam going full retard. So Iraq is taking help what's the problem here.

Let me summarize that as it's very simple.

Iran will have less influence in Iraq when the state and national army is strong, when you all cheer for ISIS the populace will take support from anyone to save themselves, in this case and in most future cases that would be Iran. Now you know how to counter Iranian influence. Still a few days ago Faisal Turki Saud or whatever his name is stated the US should look for other ways than supporting the Iraqi army, wouldn't that push us all to Iran ? It's your rulers that have indirectly stood with ISIS against us and are now complaining that we take Iranian help whilst not offering a hand. Assess the damage done because of that stance and all your fellow friends that came to terrorize in Iraq instead of obsessing about Iran all day in and out. Countering Iranian influence in Iraq is done by American military presence, not any neighbor, neighbors would do is pour in arms to ISIS like they did in Syria if not for US deterring them currently. Not to forget a large supply of suicide bombers, that's all we have got from our Arab neighbors.

Now your brothers in Yemen just bombed 137 civilians to death and most Saudis will be rejoicing this news as the victims are Shiites, when you're that messed up don't try to teach us, we know enough.
My HDD crashed so lost my auto log in pass anyway let me explain.

As usual the only thing you and your friends complain about is Iran. Return to June of 2014, there were no militia's active in Iraq, it was just the Iraqi army. Yet the entire region including Saudi gov media ( Al Arabiyah ) called it the Maliki army, they were spreading pro ISIS propaganda indirectly. With all the fifth columnists in the Iraqi parliament pulling the strings of the army limiting their operational freedom helping ISIS it escalated. First stance of Saudi Arabia was to tell the world/US not to interfere in Iraq, basically saying : 'Let ISIS ruin the country'.

US would only intervene if Baghdad or Arbil were in danger, when Arbil was in danger the US acted to save them. Since then they're more involved in Iraq but their air support is nowhere near their true military capability, they're not even helping the paramilitary forces. ~10 sorties a day on average, in the 1991 war it came close to 600 sorties a day. In this situation, having no true ally why should they reject support from Iran. They're taking support from anyone that helps them, those are the words of the minister of defence who is from Mosul himself ( Khaled al Obeidi ). I'm not worried about Iranian interference in Iraq, the sole interest of Iraqis at this moment is to defeat IS and deal with further internal trash, Iran and Iraq both share that same interests. Aside from that Iran has it's own interest of hegemony in Iraq and elsewhere which is what you're worried about though what do you expect to hear from us ? The US has it's interests in Iraq as well, they will counter Iran creating a balance. Besides aren't even Iranian soldiers fighting in Iraq. There are more American troops stationed in Iraqi bases ( thousands ) whereas there are only dozens of Iranian advisors.

The pro Iran groups as Kataib Hezbollah and others they aren't hostile to the Iraqi army or as Al Arabiyah prefers 'Maliki army'. Almost all of them are regular people answering the call of terror. That includes people from all backgrounds including Christians, one of the better people in the country, they don't choose terror despite having as many problems as others, too bad though we have many true Muslims who bomb things when they don't like their life's. Nothing for us to worry about but IS and the internal trash caused by the constitution. The problem with you and the other Saudis on this forum is that you dream Iran all day, you'll support ISIS gladly to counter Iran and i've seen the atheist Saudi on this forum do that as well. Don't blame us Iraqis for accepting help from anyone that gives help, if you were to give help we'd accept it as well, as you said your own leaders are making the wrong choices. If they want to counter Iranian influence in Iraq they should meet with the Iraqi gov and pledge support, that would give a positive image to Iraqis as well but no they don't they prefer supporting ISIS indirectly by stirring up problems. That's how low many of you went because of the Iran fear, not only on governmental level but you the people as well, if you look at the posts of other Arabs on this forum and elsewhere you'll see a lot of ISIS apologists ( as long as they're in Iraq ). Now many of you are also cheering for Al Qaeda in the Peninsula ( Yemen ), what does this make you other than trash ?
As history recalls, if someone attempts to blow you up it you will take help from anyone to save yourself as you took help from everyone in 1990 to save yourself from Saddam going full retard. So Iraq is taking help what's the problem here.

Let me summarize that as it's very simple.

Iran will have less influence in Iraq when the state and national army is strong, when you all cheer for ISIS the populace will take support from anyone to save themselves, in this case and in most future cases that would be Iran. Now you know how to counter Iranian influence. Still a few days ago Faisal Turki Saud or whatever his name is stated the US should look for other ways than supporting the Iraqi army, wouldn't that push us all to Iran ? It's your rulers that have indirectly stood with ISIS against us and are now complaining that we take Iranian help whilst not offering a hand. Assess the damage done because of that stance and all your fellow friends that came to terrorize in Iraq instead of obsessing about Iran all day in and out. Countering Iranian influence in Iraq is done by American military presence, not any neighbor, neighbors would do is pour in arms to ISIS like they did in Syria if not for US deterring them currently. Not to forget a large supply of suicide bombers, that's all we have got from our Arab neighbors.

Now your brothers in Yemen just bombed 137 civilians to death and most Saudis will be rejoicing this news as the victims are Shiites, when you're that messed up don't try to teach us, we know enough.
Missed you already.

Bro we all know their goal is to destroy Iraq and Syria in particular.

Even a sunni control Iraq or Syria they will create all kind of execuses to intervene or send terrorists if they can't send those terrorists they will ask the west to pose some sanctions.

For the Yemenis martyred RIP. It's really sad news but, In sha'a Allah the days of Al saud are nombered.
My HDD crashed so lost my auto log in pass anyway let me explain.

As usual the only thing you and your friends complain about is Iran. Return to June of 2014, there were no militia's active in Iraq, it was just the Iraqi army. Yet the entire region including Saudi gov media ( Al Arabiyah ) called it the Maliki army, they were spreading pro ISIS propaganda indirectly. With all the fifth columnists in the Iraqi parliament pulling the strings of the army limiting their operational freedom helping ISIS it escalated. First stance of Saudi Arabia was to tell the world/US not to interfere in Iraq, basically saying : 'Let ISIS ruin the country'.

US would only intervene if Baghdad or Arbil were in danger, when Arbil was in danger the US acted to save them. Since then they're more involved in Iraq but their air support is nowhere near their true military capability, they're not even helping the paramilitary forces. ~10 sorties a day on average, in the 1991 war it came close to 600 sorties a day. In this situation, having no true ally why should they reject support from Iran. They're taking support from anyone that helps them, those are the words of the minister of defence who is from Mosul himself ( Khaled al Obeidi ). I'm not worried about Iranian interference in Iraq, the sole interest of Iraqis at this moment is to defeat IS and deal with further internal trash, Iran and Iraq both share that same interests. Aside from that Iran has it's own interest of hegemony in Iraq and elsewhere which is what you're worried about though what do you expect to hear from us ? The US has it's interests in Iraq as well, they will counter Iran creating a balance. Besides aren't even Iranian soldiers fighting in Iraq. There are more American troops stationed in Iraqi bases ( thousands ) whereas there are only dozens of Iranian advisors.

The pro Iran groups as Kataib Hezbollah and others they aren't hostile to the Iraqi army or as Al Arabiyah prefers 'Maliki army'. Almost all of them are regular people answering the call of terror. That includes people from all backgrounds including Christians, one of the better people in the country, they don't choose terror despite having as many problems as others, too bad though we have many true Muslims who bomb things when they don't like their life's. Nothing for us to worry about but IS and the internal trash caused by the constitution. The problem with you and the other Saudis on this forum is that you dream Iran all day, you'll support ISIS gladly to counter Iran and i've seen the atheist Saudi on this forum do that as well. Don't blame us Iraqis for accepting help from anyone that gives help, if you were to give help we'd accept it as well, as you said your own leaders are making the wrong choices. If they want to counter Iranian influence in Iraq they should meet with the Iraqi gov and pledge support, that would give a positive image to Iraqis as well but no they don't they prefer supporting ISIS indirectly by stirring up problems. That's how low many of you went because of the Iran fear, not only on governmental level but you the people as well, if you look at the posts of other Arabs on this forum and elsewhere you'll see a lot of ISIS apologists ( as long as they're in Iraq ). Now many of you are also cheering for Al Qaeda in the Peninsula ( Yemen ), what does this make you other than trash ?
As history recalls, if someone attempts to blow you up it you will take help from anyone to save yourself as you took help from everyone in 1990 to save yourself from Saddam going full retard. So Iraq is taking help what's the problem here.

Let me summarize that as it's very simple.

Iran will have less influence in Iraq when the state and national army is strong, when you all cheer for ISIS the populace will take support from anyone to save themselves, in this case and in most future cases that would be Iran. Now you know how to counter Iranian influence. Still a few days ago Faisal Turki Saud or whatever his name is stated the US should look for other ways than supporting the Iraqi army, wouldn't that push us all to Iran ? It's your rulers that have indirectly stood with ISIS against us and are now complaining that we take Iranian help whilst not offering a hand. Assess the damage done because of that stance and all your fellow friends that came to terrorize in Iraq instead of obsessing about Iran all day in and out. Countering Iranian influence in Iraq is done by American military presence, not any neighbor, neighbors would do is pour in arms to ISIS like they did in Syria if not for US deterring them currently. Not to forget a large supply of suicide bombers, that's all we have got from our Arab neighbors.

Now your brothers in Yemen just bombed 137 civilians to death and most Saudis will be rejoicing this news as the victims are Shiites, when you're that messed up don't try to teach us, we know enough.

Nicely put. Perfect explanation.
@Malik Alashter

If you think that the Persians’ interference in Iraq comes as a free lunch, then you may not know what politics is all about. Clearly, the Persians have succeeded in the ongoing religious brainwashing camping of Iraqi shias. Politics is all about interest, and religion is only useful for politicians so long as it serves their interests. Iraq’s marriage to the Persians is not going to be a temporary one, the U-turn from that marriage will be severally painful. By the time you wake up, you will realize the devastation that the Persians have done to the structure and dignity of the Iraqi state.

You will find out – the hard way- how they wiped out any sense of central government that Iraq had (once upon a time). They are laughing as much as they can at your enthusiastic defense of their ongoing deletion of Iraq, as an independent sovereign nation, from the world’s map. They didn’t conquer Iraq with Shahnameh, they conquered it through trading in Imam Hussain’s blood and the sword of taqiyyah that finally enabled them to be the true winner of the 8 years war. Yes, I say it with authority, they won that war not in 1988 but in 2003 – and achieved Khoemi’s dream of annexing Iraq as a colony on a wheel chair.

I think what you wrote is and insult to Iraqi people intelligence you simply telling them that they can not understand what Iranian evil posing them , Iraqis are a great nation with a glorious history they don't need others to tell them what to do actually what they need is help to get rid of ISIS scums if you are worry about them step in and help them standing by and nagging wouldn't help.
So, what you suggest Iraqis should do?.
@Malik Alashter @Alshawi1234

I will get back to you with an answer. But first, please see this picture that was taken on March 16 2015, during a football match in Al Hwaz. The match was between Al Hilal, a well-known Saudi team, and an Iranian team named Foolad. As you see, the Ahwazi Arabs in this picture are siding with the Saudi team. Ahawzis are mostly shia, and yet despite the risk of being arrested for separatism charges, they come together wearing Arabic cloths and carrying a sign that welcomes "Al Hilal Al Arabi ". Then they gather outside shouting "long live Ahwaz" (see the video in the coming post). Why are they siding with Al Hilal, the Riyadh club that came from the land of salafai/wahhabi/nasibi/....Saudi Arabia? There is surly a reason for them to do this. They don't really care about Al Hilal itself, they are just expressing their suffering of the Persian institutionalized hatred, and racism against them for being the Arabs they are. Did their shaisim make their lives any better? Obviously, not when you are an Arab living among Persians (or under their control).
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@Malik Alashter

I will get back to you with an answer. But first, please see this picture that was taken on March 16 2015, during a football match in Al Hwaz. That match was between Al Hilal, a well-known Saudi team, and an Iranian team named Foolad. As you see, the Ahwazi Arabs in this picture are siding with the Saudi team. Ahawzis are mostly shia, and yet despite the risk of being arrested for sepratisim charges, they come together wearing Arabic cloths and carrying a sign that welcomes "Al Hilal Al Arabi". Then they gather outside shouting long live Ahwaz (see the video in the coming post). Why are they siding with Al Hilal, the Riyadh club that came from the land of salafai/wahhabi/nasibi/....Saudi Arabia? There is surly a reason for them to do this. They don't really care about Al Hilal itself, they are just expressing their suffering of the Persian institutionalized hatred, and racism against them from being the Arabs they are. Did their shaisim make their lives any better? obviously, not when you are an Arab living among Persians (or under their control)

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spare us your bullshit

this is al abriyiah propaganda no body will believe it any more
So in your opinion, both the picture and video were made up?

The picture is photoshopped and is fake. The video is of a few football hooligans who exist everywhere, even in London. Audio has been dubbed on it. It is so fake that even an 11 year old can detect it. You can not see even a single person in video shouting in synch with the goon whose audio has been dubbed on it.

Ahawaz fought against your buddy Saddam for eight years.

You and your propaganda machine is clutching at straws here. Iran is winning and you are losing. It is as simple as that. Suck it up.

what about the shia in saudi arabia who protest monthly for secession?

Here is a genuine video exposing Saudi Royal family, by a genuine Saudi, who is now in a Saudi prison sentenced to death:

"Al ahwaz" :lol:

The vast majority of people in Khuzestan and Ahwaz are Lurs and bakhtiaris. These subhuman camel worshippers from sandistan are trying to talk about Iranian demography. These Photoshoped pictures were pictures posted many times before by other sandistanis.
If you want to know how people really think in Ahvaz (my birth city) then go there and see whether they will show respect to someone from sandistan.

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