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Iran's defence industry

True! Iranians seem to take more interest in indegenisation than us.

Well, at least India just starting to push forward. We are making our own 1st jet fighter, tank, helicopter, attack helicopter, rifle, etc, etc, etc very recently.
What about Iran's nuclear programme? If Iran becomes a nuclear weapons state, it could overshadowed Pakistan's position as the only Muslim nuclear weapons country. Furthermore, Iran and India also maintain close relations, is it not a worry to Pakistan?

Certainly this is cause for concern and even more incentive to develop the very best of relations -- Look Pakistan does not have some kind of contract that only Pakistan can have nuclear weapons --- and this is also the weakness in Israel's position -See, the concern is understandable but we cannot be in a position to say that since we are "concerned" that the onus is on Iran to allay our fears - after all, recourse to nuclear power and weapons is itself a reflection of insecurity, isn't it?? Pakistan are not nuclear because that their fondest wish, they are nuclear because their adversary went nuclear and if Israel accept to be a enemy of Iran, a stupid emotional move, then the Iranian can argue that it is their insecurity that is driving them.

Iran has a very, very long history with Jewry, there is no good reason to bring more bad sentiment into this, instead Israel should work to diffuse the appeal of the message of Mr. Ahmadinejad - remember Mr. Ahmadinejad and the politics he represents are temporary but Israel and the interests of jewry are not temporary, the long history between Iranian and Jewry is not temporary - Lets be patient and smart with each other and with Iran
It's a matter of Shame that while Iran has developed it's own self propellled 155 mm Howitzer. India and Pakistan have to import from the west. Lanaat hazaar lanaat
India has fare more developed defence industry than Iran. For instance India developed and produces indegenous MBT while Iran could only put North Korean gun on German truck.
Certainly this is cause for concern and even more incentive to develop the very best of relations -- Look Pakistan does not have some kind of contract that only Pakistan can have nuclear weapons --- and this is also the weakness in Israel's position -See, the concern is understandable but we cannot be in a position to say that since we are "concerned" that the onus is on Iran to allay our fears - after all, recourse to nuclear power and weapons is itself a reflection of insecurity, isn't it?? Pakistan are not nuclear because that their fondest wish, they are nuclear because their adversary went nuclear and if Israel accept to be a enemy of Iran, a stupid emotional move, then the Iranian can argue that it is their insecurity that is driving them.

Iran has a very, very long history with Jewry, there is no good reason to bring more bad sentiment into this, instead Israel should work to diffuse the appeal of the message of Mr. Ahmadinejad - remember Mr. Ahmadinejad and the politics he represents are temporary but Israel and the interests of jewry are not temporary, the long history between Iranian and Jewry is not temporary - Lets be patient and smart with each other and with Iran

Unfortunately, we cannot apply the relations between Iran and Pakistan to the current relations between Iran and Israel.

Israel has no conflict with Iran or with its people. Iran is located more than 1,000km from Israel's borders. Before the Islamic revolution Iran was our ally and both countries enjoyed these contacts.

The current regime is committed to the destruction of Israel and cannot tolerate its existence. Since the 1980's, it helped Israel's enemies such as Syria and terror organisations in Lebanon (Hizbollah) and Gaza (Hamas). Moreover, this regime adopted an anti-Semitic ideology and openly denies the Holocaust. As a result, Israel will find it very difficult to accept this kind of regime with nuclear weapons which will enable Iran to eliminate Israel. Under an Iranian nuclear umbrella all Israel's enemies (mainly Syria and the terror organisations) will enjoy greater self confidence and wider freedom to operate against Israel.

Of course, if Iran change its course completely, Israel would not be bothered so much with a nuclear Iran more than we are bothered with a nuclear India or China. Iran's nuclear programme began under the rule of the Shah and we could not care less.
What about Iran's nuclear programme? If Iran becomes a nuclear weapons state, it could overshadowed Pakistan's position as the only Muslim nuclear weapons country. ...
I'd be frank to say I'm hesitant to the best flame-baiter around here, but Pakistan's nuclear capability isn't a trophy or a prestige position. It is born out of a very real threat of annihilation from the east.
Annihilation threat from the east? Well, if India wanted to do that it could have seize the opportunity in 1971 after it defeated the Pakistani army. Who could stop the Indian Army from taking entire Pakistan and to march in the Quaid-E-Azam boulevard in Islamabad?

Maybe India's elite think that Pakistan is doom to fail and it should not be taken seriously, maybe it encouraged separatists movements in Pakistan's provinces, but it never seriously tried t0 destroy Pakistan completely. If not for the Kashmir conflict, India and Pakistan could probably sign a peace treaty.

Am I wrong?
To nirreich

Haha... interesting theories about Iran overshadowing Pakistan position! I must say that you are simply reflecting your own ideology and thinking and fears if I may say? Rather than what Pakistanis might think about Iran's nuclear program? And I think you got it all wrong there is no close relationship between Iran and India, even though we gladly appreciate relationship with any country in the world based on mutual respect and interest. I bet you have read it on JP that India central bank don't provide finance for the Indian oil companies to buy Iranian oil! Now that's not how allies treat each other! so you might want to reconsider your statement on that.
First of all Iran is years away from developing a nuclear arsenal. Plus if Iran does over shadow Pakistan's n power, it will be to Pakistan's advantage, as it will move attention from Pakistan power and switch it towards Iran. Iran will never attack Pakistan, nor any other bordering country in the region for a considerable time. Why you ask, well because it has no reason to do so.

I will agree India and Pakistan are far more developed than Iran in many ways, but that does not mean Iran is totally incapable. Just as an example, if you look at Iran's laser technology or stem cell technology its among the countries that are at the forefront of these technologies, mostly they're ahead in the world in terms of indigenous capabilities. I won't go into further detail but don't start underestimating Iran just because it isn't buying the latest weapons from the US or Russia, they aren't exactly using bow and arrows to intercept missiles ;)
Iran has a good solid industry as compared to Israel that is dependent on US, Germany and NATO for major weapons like submarines, F-15s, F-16s, F-35, Apaches, Cobras etc. Iran is much better than that.

---------- Post added at 06:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:32 AM ----------

Annihilation threat from the east? Well, if India wanted to do that it could have seize the opportunity in 1971 after it defeated the Pakistani army. Who could stop the Indian Army from taking entire Pakistan and to march in the Quaid-E-Azam boulevard in Islamabad?

Maybe India's elite think that Pakistan is doom to fail and it should not be taken seriously, maybe it encouraged separatists movements in Pakistan's provinces, but it never seriously tried t0 destroy Pakistan completely. If not for the Kashmir conflict, India and Pakistan could probably sign a peace treaty.

Am I wrong?

Yes, you are wrong again.
Iran's military industry is laughable.

They always proclaim they have invented some great weapon with special features but no proof, just some doctored pictures.

I love the way sad losers like you can never admit to Iran's progress. In reality it's the Americans that are dumb when it comes to maths and physics. (I mean, christ, the U.S is a country which still uses imperial units:eek:).:lol:

Fair enough, they did doctor some photos to hide a failed shahah-3 launch. And they do exaggerate how sophisticated thier weapons are, but they are still making rapid progress, and that's a FACT. Even the Israeli's admit it, (see what Uzi Ruben has to say - i think he knows a little bit more about it than you do).;)

Iran's military industry is the second best in the middle east. Give em enough time and they'll match Israel, Saudi, or any western european country no prob.:chilli:

Just as an example, if you look at Iran's laser technology or stem cell technology

Correct. Even though Iran is far from being the best, it has already started researching. It could take them a year, ten years or twenty, but they will get there eventually because they are working towards a goal of scientific superiority. If you look at history, Iran has produced many great minds and they can do so again.

As for nukes, Iran is surrounded by US bases in Gulf States and the Arabian Sea and a nuclear Israel who has the capacity to target Iranian cities. Any sane person would see that Iran feels itself under threat. Iran's nukes may not present as much of a threat to Pakistan since they have no reason to bomb us just like we have no reason to bomb them.
I looked thorugh the posts of "mercenary"....what a twat...

To mercenary: are you a jewish pig?

(a) You didn't invent america's advanced arms, (you don't even have a degree in maths or physics, do you?), so your opinion on weapons systems is irrelevant.

(b) Iran IS making the fastest progress of almost any country in technology, even the Israeli's admit it.

(c) You haven't been to Iran, have you?
Tech. is nobody's mama.

Having been in tech. all my life, ... pssst ... the secret to tech. is simply good consultants.
Ever since the end of the cold war and break-out of peace, the incumbent 'brokers' of tech.=
US, UK, Russia, Germany, Japan, Brazil, Israel & a handfull of EU countries like Austria, Switz., Sweden
have been 'leaking' ... ooops ... 'consulting' tech. to anyone willing to pay. Ukraine for example.
China, India, Argentina, Nigeria, S. Africa, Iran, Indonesia, Pak, M.East are all paying customers.

Tech. per we is very neutral, ppl. say 'agnostic'. Universities, colleges and military research are all liberal,
non-sectarian, open to the brightest minds with free flow of data, info. and ideas shared at conferences,
seminars, with papers etc. So who 'owns' technology. Sure there are some niche cartels, but trust me,
there's always a work-around. I know, I've worked in reverse engg., officially!

So why not Iran, Nigeria, Chile, Indonesia, or Ghana?
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