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Iranians celebrate US victory over Iran in World Cup

There are a lot of polarized nations in the world but honestly I always felt Iranians to be the most complicated and I hope Pakistanis are reading what I have to say because we are not as bad as we think.

Where do I start?

Politically, Shah regime extreme left and Khomeini / Revolutionary Guards extreme right. Both failures. The common traits if any is that they were/are corrupt to core.

Socially, Iranian people on two opposite spectrums. The people who are anti islamic are not only pro west / traitors but also Atheists, They view Islam as an Arab religion although historically speaking, the Persians have made a bigger contribution to the islamic world culturally and scientifically than others. How can you neglect that? The religious on the other hand are fundamentalists, imo, worst than wahbbis. Their policies are unrealistic, terrorising and causing the country to be isolated in the world.

Some people correlate these traits with Turks but honestly, no. I get the fundamental differences between Secular Turks and Turks who want to revive Ottoman glory. However, despite their differences they stand united for national interests. They have no issues getting along with each other. You will find a girl wearing a hijab holding hands with a girl in mini skirts.

That's an interesting take, but, I'd argue that their foreign policy is one of the best in the world if you look at it from the perspective of not wanting to be a slave to others. And, due to that, they are facing massive backlash and isolation.

And I also agree with your Turkish Kemalist equation. Kemalist and pro-Islam Turks have huge differences, but both sides stand for their own national interests. That's what keeps Turkey's ambitions alive.

In Iran, anti-government Iranians are:

1.) incredibly anti-Islam. And, not in the way the Kemalist Turks are. They hate Islam to the core and would do anything to get rid of it. Kemalist Turks call themselves Muslims (which is a good thing) and wouldn't have that much problem doing things for the benefit of Islam knowingly. They are just confused people in regard to what Islam is about. Iranian are confused about Islam to some extent, but

2.) the anti-government Iranians make sure they bring down their state and national policies with them. They have no understanding of how the western world views Iran and wants to bring it down. If it weren't for the 1979 Iranian revolution, Iran would be the worst country in the Middle East and perhaps the world right now. They would be a huge client state that makes the current Pakistani army look modest in comparison.

And, I also agree that Pakistanis are not as bad as we make ourselves out to be. We, like the Turks, have huge nationalism that keeps our country alive. But, at the same time, unlike the secular anti-government Iranians and secular Kemalist Turks, even the more secular Pakistanis understand the importance of Islam. There's a reason that Pakistan was built under the name of Islam.
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Defend their country? By dragging it into wars against Israel? This is the interest of Iran not their country. Do they defend their country by bombing the Israeli embassy in Argentina and killing way more Argentinians than Israelis?
Israel is occupying . Lebanon
and i taught you guys were claiming that bombing was Iranian work , now you claim its Hezbollah work , can't you decide on one party?
Maybe also by driving their rockets through Druze villages, endangering their lives?
well , sorry that those rockets fly a straight line
when USA used other countries air to launch missile at Iraq or Syria without their permission or Israel launch weapon over other countries to attack Syria i don't see you care much about innocents life
Hamas, Houthis, Khatib-Hezbollah, Hezbollah and more. One of Hezbollah's main income comes from drug deals in South America, an industry responsible for a massive amount of death.

They are as terrorists as they could get.
Houthis defending their country against invaders and are close ally of Yemen Army in that , Kataeb Hezbollah are part of Iraqi security forces , you can bring your complaint to them . hamas complain to the Ikhvan-Al-Muslemin network and countries that support them , I already mentioned the main backers . about Hezbollah drug Deal if you are sure go to complain to Colombia, its the main producer of drugs there and incidentally we have no influence there as its ally of USA

so sorry it seems you first must get your fact straight
Israel is occupying . Lebanon
and i taught you guys were claiming that bombing was Iranian work , now you claim its Hezbollah work , can't you decide on one party?
Christians in Lebanon thought otherwise. Shias were occupying Lebanon.

Iran and Hezbollah are one and the same, Hezbollah is an Iranian pawn, directly funded and commanded by Iran.

well , sorry that those rockets fly a straight line
when USA used other countries air to launch missile at Iraq or Syria without their permission or Israel launch weapon over other countries to attack Syria i don't see you care much about innocents life
When USA and Israel launch missiles we know the response of our enemies wouldn't be to blow up the villages those missiles fly above.

When you transport missiles through a village, you know Israel will bomb those missiles. So who's actually endangering civilians?
Houthis defending their country against invaders and are close ally of Yemen Army in that , Kataeb Hezbollah are part of Iraqi security forces , you can bring your complaint to them . hamas complain to the Ikhvan-Al-Muslemin network and countries that support them , I already mentioned the main backers . about Hezbollah drug Deal if you are sure go to complain to Colombia, its the main producer of drugs there and incidentally we have no influence there as its ally of USA

so sorry it seems you first must get your fact straight
Invaders? You just use them as a pawn. As a result hundreds of thousands have died in Yemen, many even starved. You think it was in Yemens interest? No. But it was in your interest to use the Houthis to launch ballistic missiles and drones you give them at civilian targets in Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

Same about Iraq. Just a route you use to smuggle weapons into Syria and Lebanon.

The Hezbollah drug deal example is just there to show it isn't simply a group that "defends Lebanon", it's a criminal terrorist organisation for all intents and purposes.
Christians in Lebanon thought otherwise. Shias were occupying Lebanon.

Iran and Hezbollah are one and the same, Hezbollah is an Iranian pawn, directly funded and commanded by Iran.
Hezbollah nearest ally in Lebanon are Christians .
and your comment have the logic of a 4 year old child
Iran and Hezbollah are one and the same, Hezbollah is an Iranian pawn, directly funded and commanded by Iran.
i taught you said they are funded by drug deals in south America, now you say Iran fund them again you can't decide on what you want to claim :D
When USA and Israel launch missiles we know the response of our enemies wouldn't be to blow up the villages those missiles fly above.
you mean when Hezbollah fire missile they knew your response would be to blow up the villages the missile fly above them ? then why you are worried the missile fall on theses villages, it seems no matter what you are going to flatten those villages :tdown: and I wonder by that logic how you still don't understand why the people around you don't like you:coffee:
When you transport missiles through a village, you know Israel will bomb those missiles. So who's actually endangering civilians?
irrelevant , if you care about the village , you can attack the shipment in desert
Invaders? You just use them as a pawn. As a result hundreds of thousands have died in Yemen, many even starved. You think it was in Yemens interest? No. But it was in your interest to use the Houthis to launch ballistic missiles and drones you give them at civilian targets in Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
even NATO claimed Iran advised Houthi not to uprise and no the blame fall on invaders and the retard who twice refused to hold election after his 2 year term finished and he only had one job , held that damn election . again your logic is alike to a 4 year old logic , if I don't like something it must get destroyed .
and if you were not blinded by hatred , you knew that first it was KSA and UAE who attacked civilian in Yemen and Iran help to Houthis started more than 1 year after uprising
Same about Iraq. Just a route you use to smuggle weapons into Syria and Lebanon.
we were doing that even when Iraq was in control of Saddam and USA and we didn't need Iraq to do that
The Hezbollah drug deal example is just there to show it isn't simply a group that "defends Lebanon", it's a criminal terrorist organisation for all intents and purposes.
well CIA dug deal cartel in Indochina and south America and Afghanistan is just there to show it isn't simply a group that "defends USA interest", it's a criminal terrorist organization for all intents and purposes.
wonder why its good for westerners but bad for Hezbollah , even if its true , it seems you can't decide how Hezbollah budget is provided by drug deal or By Iran ? by the way if they import the drugs from south America to lebanon , ok they are against lebanon but if they do it by smuggling it into for example EU and north America well..... and still remain the small problem of drug heaven of south America is in pocket of uncle Sam not Hezbollah ?
No , it is about this , mullahs afraid if they loose control over woman hair they would loose control over the Iranian people.

Gratuitous one-liner intended to deny 43 years of ongoing but fruitless zio-American plots and destabilization attempts against Islamic Iran, and to serve as an excuse for another cheap propaganda cartoon.

It's not working though: the mind-boggling, criminal violence of rioters brainwashed and incited by zionist / NATO psy-ops agencies calling themselves "media", has been exposed massively in the relevant thread. No amount of rhetoric will restore the propagandistic delusions.
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Am I really wrong? Do ISIS and Shiite terrorists not read the same book?
Yes, you are really wrong. While ISIS‘ main enemy are Shiites and Alawites since they consider them apostates that have to be fought before the „normal disbelievers“ (Christians, Jews etc.) are fought. That’s why Iran as a "Shiite state" is ISIS‘ arch enemy. They do this while pursuing a Caliphate that would encompass the whole Islamic world. In their version of the Caliphate, there is literally no place for Shiites, Alawites, Sufis etc. because they are apostates that have to be killed according to their ideology. Same applies to all sects that adhere to Islam but are considered apostates by ISIS which basically is every Islamic sect except their own of course. Christians and Jews however can live in their Caliphate with extreme restrictions if they pay the Jizya. The IRGC (and allies) focus primarily on fighting US influence in the Middle East, putting pressure on GCC countries and Israel while expanding their own influence. Iran is a multi-religious society in contrast to ISIS‘ model of society. I could go on the whole day but this should be enough to disprove your ill-informed and superficial statements. So yea, the differences between the two are quite a bit more nuanced than being just about „not liking Aisha“ and „self-flagellation once a year“. And by the way, the Qur’an is not the only religious source, neither for ISIS nor for „Shiite terrorists“, and that’s well known actually.
What makes their interpretation of the Quran "less right" than others?
Who said that their religious differences stem from differing interpretations of the Qur’an in the first place?
Islam throughout the world was largely imposed, from Africa to Europe- through dozens of ways not just violance exclusively

That doesn't happen just because my God is better than your God :lol:, you know what I mean?

Who TF wakes up one day and say I want to become XYZ

Later generations became it's staunch supporters and contributed greatly - Berbers, Persians, our own people etc

But to say Islam spread through kum bah yah is BS, it spread through warfare by Arabs and Turks, under their governance persecution of native relgious beliefs, preference of Islam from the king which overtime over a period of 100s of years led to a relgious change

So Persian nationalist are not incorrect but it's also true that larger Islamic civilization without Persians would not be what it is
Again you disregard Persian history and prove my point lol. Read up on the Abbasid Revolution and the rule of the house of Hulagu in Iran for starters.
Yes, you are really wrong. While ISIS‘ main enemy are Shiites and Alawites since they consider them apostates that have to be fought before the „normal disbelievers“ (Christians, Jews etc.) are fought. That’s why Iran as a "Shiite state" is ISIS‘ arch enemy. They do this while pursuing a Caliphate that would encompass the whole Islamic world. In their version of the Caliphate, there is literally no place for Shiites, Alawites, Sufis etc. because they are apostates that have to be killed according to their ideology. Same applies to all sects that adhere to Islam but are considered apostates by ISIS which basically is every Islamic sect except their own of course. Christians and Jews however can live in their Caliphate with extreme restrictions if they pay the Jizya. The IRGC (and allies) focus primarily on fighting US influence in the Middle East, putting pressure on GCC countries and Israel while expanding their own influence. Iran is a multi-religious society in contrast to ISIS‘ model of society. I could go on the whole day but this should be enough to disprove your ill-informed and superficial statements. So yea, the differences between the two are quite a bit more nuanced than being just about „not liking Aisha“ and „self-flagellation once a year“. And by the way, the Qur’an is not the only religious source, neither for ISIS nor for „Shiite terrorists“, and that’s well known actually.

Who said that their religious differences stem from differing interpretations of the Qur’an in the first place?
I never said their entire belief is the same, obviously I exaggerated by saying they're the same, what I meant is both are murderous terrorist regimes, both enforce Shariah, both punish women with beatings and death for not wearing veils correctly, both are backwards neanderthal sects that deserve no place in the modern world.

Iran is a multi-religious oppressor, no one but the Shia wants to be part of Iran, that's why non-Shia cities riot so much.

They stem from it, one example would be suicide bombers, even though it's supposedly strictly prohibited in the Quran to kill yourself, ISIS interprets it as giving your life for the cause of Allah if it's in the middle of combat, whereas other Muslims interpert it as a sin.

And by the way, the Qur’an is not the only religious source, neither for ISIS nor for „Shiite terrorists“, and that’s well known actually
All other religious books are based on the Quran
None of this means squat to us.

If you have a problem, and are an Indian citizen, please comes to India and petition our Courts.

Nothing is going to be solved here.
It doesn't mean squat to you that's why it is nonsense terminology. It is also a discriminatory law that applies apparently only against Muslim males which should be unconstitutional.
It doesn't mean squat to you that's why it is nonsense terminology. It is also a discriminatory law that applies apparently only against Muslim males which should be unconstitutional.

Well, Hindu boys do not pretend to be muslim and prey on muslim girls. Hindu boys don't burn muslim girls alive. Hindu boys don't cut up their muslim girlfriends into 35 pieces with a hacksaw blade. Hindu boys don't visit mosques or muslim festivities to dance with and romance muslim girls. Muslims on the other hand keep their girls protected and off limits to their own boys. Such that the Abduls (this is a new term that has gone viral ... Love Jihad is also called Romeo Jihad in India ... the word Jihad remains constant because it is specific to boys of only one community) take out their hormonal urges on girls of other communities that are more liberal. The issue here is not of genuine love between girl and boy of different religions. India is a secular progressive liberal civilization going back thousands of years. The issue here is of misrepresentation. Deceit. Forced conversion. And criminal violence. That is 100% at the doorstep of one community.

The "UP Vidhi Virudh Dharma Samparivartan Pratishedh Adyadesh 2020" (prohibition of unlawful religious conversion), infamously known as the 'Love Jihad' law, states among other things that a marriage will be declared null and void if the “sole intention” of the same is to “change a girl’s religion”. The law cleared by the Uttar Pradesh Cabinet defines punishment and fine under three different heads. Currently, three other BJP-ruled states – Madhya Pradesh, Haryana and Karnataka – are also mulling laws designed to prevent "forcible conversions" through marriage.

The ordinance, which became law in February 2021, declared religious conversion “through marriage, deceit, coercion, or enticement” a non-bailable offence, with the accused facing up to 10 years in prison if found guilty.
Well, Hindu boys do not pretend to be muslim and prey on muslim girls. Hindu boys don't burn muslim girls alive. Hindu boys don't cut up their muslim girlfriends into 35 pieces with a hacksaw blade. Hindu boys don't visit mosques or muslim festivities to dance with and romance muslim girls. Muslims on the other hand keep their girls protected and off limits to their own boys. Such that the Abduls (this is a new term that has gone viral ... Love Jihad is also called Romeo Jihad in India ... the word Jihad remains constant because it is specific to boys of only one community) take out their hormonal urges on girls of other communities that are more liberal. The issue here is not of genuine love between girl and boy of different religions. India is a secular progressive liberal civilization going back thousands of years. The issue here is of misrepresentation. Deceit. Forced conversion. And criminal violence. That is 100% at the doorstep of one community.

The "UP Vidhi Virudh Dharma Samparivartan Pratishedh Adyadesh 2020" (prohibition of unlawful religious conversion), infamously known as the 'Love Jihad' law, states among other things that a marriage will be declared null and void if the “sole intention” of the same is to “change a girl’s religion”. The law cleared by the Uttar Pradesh Cabinet defines punishment and fine under three different heads. Currently, three other BJP-ruled states – Madhya Pradesh, Haryana and Karnataka – are also mulling laws designed to prevent "forcible conversions" through marriage.

The ordinance, which became law in February 2021, declared religious conversion “through marriage, deceit, coercion, or enticement” a non-bailable offence, with the accused facing up to 10 years in prison if found guilty.
What if a Hindu male behaves that way. Your argument is that it is simply not possible. That is bizarre, discriminatory, and racist. I would be embarrassed to defend such a position. I googled Professor Jihad and a whole list comes up. I even had a Lebanese Christian professor named Jihad. This is another example.
What if a Hindu male behaves that way. Your argument is that it is simply not possible. That is bizarre, discriminatory, and racist. I would be embarrassed to defend such a position. I googled Professor Jihad and a whole list comes up. I even had a Lebanese Christian professor named Jihad. This is another example.

I posted the exact language of the ordnance above.

Nowhere does it single out muslims only. But if only muslims have a problem with this law, then it's pretty obvious why.

India is a secular country. Our constitution and laws are dharma nirpeksh.

The term Love Jihad was first used by the Kerala High Court. A non BJP ruled state. And on petition by aggrieved Christians. Not Hindus.

Educate yourself. Your ignorance is bordering on embarrassing. And you are broad swathe judgmental to put the cherry on the cake of that embarrassing ignorance.

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