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Iranians celebrate US victory over Iran in World Cup

Please Google Love Jihad and India Court.
You should be able to explain it. For example, I know what hijacking and terrorism mean. I do not need to google. The law punishes anyone who does it regardless of religion. But I don't know what love jihad is and nobody else in the world knows either.
You should be able to explain it. For example, I know what hijacking and terrorism mean. I do not need to google. The law punishes anyone who does it regardless of religion. But I don't know what love jihad is and nobody else in the world knows either.

Love Jihad is muslim boys pretending to be Hindu and befriending Hindu girls and then when the relationship is reasonably advanced spilling the beans about their real religion and either forcing or coercing the girl, who due to social stigma more often than not cannot back out now, into converting to Islam and then getting them to marry them. With even a change of name from her Hindu (or Christian) name to a muslim one.
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Girls in Iran who protest cause they don't want to be forced to wear the Hijab , does not make them Zionists.

Your long sentences don't hide the fact that you lie about that , the usual Mullah tactic , To divert attention from their own oppression of the Iranian people , they like to talk about Israel.

This is the the issue behind the protests , kindly do not use those cheap tactics to divert attention . . .

You're rehashing some feminist rant like a broken record to divert attention from the violent nature of the riots, in an attempted cover up of how zionist- and NATO-controlled media directly incited crime and terrorism, resulting among other things in the sordid murder of over 50 law enforcement personnel.

Having divergent views on the dress code (also induced by years of zio-American media propaganda) does not legitimize the murder of civil servants and religious people, nor the destruction of private and public property, nor separatist and "I"SIS terror attacks.

The only lie is the claim that this was all about a headscarf issue, when it fact it was an organized operation by the powers-to-be hoping to balkanize Iran.

Typical zionist and NATO modus operandi on display here: shed selective crocodile tears about so-called "human rights", "freedom" and "democracy" on the surface, but in actuality work to trigger conflicts and destabilization of free nations.

We've seen them implement this underhanded strategy in too many places over the past decades. From Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Libya and Syria to Yemen, Lebanon etc. But in Iran they are doomed to failure.

And people no longer fall for this tired, exposed routine. A thousand propaganda cartoons won't change it.
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btw. i will celebrate when german soccer team lost its next game. I dont like gay and rainbowidiots and this soccer team is not and will never be german.
You're rehashing some feminist rant like a broken record to divert attention from the violent nature of the riots, in an attempted cover up of how zionist- and NATO-controlled media directly incited crime and terrorism, resulting among other things in the sordid murder of over 50 law enforcement personnel.

Having divergent views on the dress code (also induced by years of zio-American media propaganda) does not legitimize the murder of civil servants and religious people, nor the destruction of private and public property, nor separatist and "I"SIS terror attacks.

The only lie is the claim that this was all about a headscarf issue, when it fact it was an organized operation by the powers-to-be hoping to balkanize Iran.

Typical zionist and NATO modus operandi on display here: shed selective crocodile tears about so-called "human rights", "freedom" and "democracy" on the surface, but in actuality work to trigger conflicts and destabilization of free nations.

We've seen them implement this underhanded strategy in too many places over the past decades. From Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Libya and Syria to Yemen, Lebanon etc. But in Iran they are doomed to failure.

And people no longer fall for this tired, exposed routine. A thousand propaganda cartoons won't change it.

No , it is about this , mullahs afraid if they loose control over woman hair they would loose control over the Iranian people.


Don't see how that will help them in liberating Iran, but if it makes them happy then good for them. A lot of Iranians feel this need to be accepted as "Western" and not "Brown".
Very difficult to find an Iranian outside Iran identifying as a muslim. Which is why I consider them a weak people. Not physically of course. Maybe meek is the term I'm going for. I respect the common Afghan a thousand times more. Has so less. But clear about his faith and God.

Afghans are not that different imo. They hate the Taliban government because of it's "Islamism". Despite the Taliban having fought for the sovereignty of Afghanistan for decades.
Afghans are not that different imo. They hate the Taliban government because of it's "Islamism". Despite the Taliban having fought for the sovereignty of Afghanistan for decades.

I knew quite a lot of Afghans actually in college days. None of them was remotely uncomfortable being a muslim. Iranians are diametric opposites. Maybe the ones in Iran are religious. I wouldn't be able to say. Some of the guys here like the Iranian "wall-text" Jamahir sure appear so.
there is no problem with Jihad , the problem is with some people definition of Jihad and the way you think jihad must be done and there are not hundreds of millions who have problem in that department
Of course there is, Jihadists are terrorists and need to be killed.
Exactly! Just like Youthiaz ( Pakistani followers of Imran Khan) of Pakistan you find in packs here on PDF. Who loves to see Pakistan Go Bankrupt every other moment and celebrates every such news by creating a new thread and bashing GOP every now and than.

What a moronic statement with no equivalence what so ever.
There are a lot of polarized nations in the world but honestly I always felt Iranians to be the most complicated and I hope Pakistanis are reading what I have to say because we are not as bad as we think.

Where do I start?

Politically, Shah regime extreme left and Khomeini / Revolutionary Guards extreme right. Both failures. The common traits if any is that they were/are corrupt to core.

Socially, Iranian people on two opposite spectrums. The people who are anti islamic are not only pro west / traitors but also Atheists, They view Islam as an Arab religion although historically speaking, the Persians have made a bigger contribution to the islamic world culturally and scientifically than others. How can you neglect that? The religious on the other hand are fundamentalists, imo, worst than wahbbis. Their policies are unrealistic, terrorising and causing the country to be isolated in the world.

Some people correlate these traits with Turks but honestly, no. I get the fundamental differences between Secular Turks and Turks who want to revive Ottoman glory. However, despite their differences they stand united for national interests. They have no issues getting along with each other. You will find a girl wearing a hijab holding hands with a girl in mini skirts.
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