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Iranian, Syrian defense ministers hold meeting in Tehran

What are they discussing I wonder?

Iran: Sorry budd, we can't support you anymore. We're bankrupt and our people are very angry?

Syria: Shock, horror.
What are they discussing I wonder?

Iran: Sorry budd, we can't support you anymore. We're bankrupt and our people are very angry?

Syria: Shock, horror.

I say it's the opposite Iran would become let me handle the domestic crisis and Yankee first then get access to your ports later for reconstruction if help is urgently needed contact Moscow
Surprised they held the meeting considering what happened to Soleimani.
Surprised they held the meeting considering what happened to Soleimani.

The meeting was in Tehran. Not in Baghdad airport.

US preemptively striking Iranian soil is something that even Neocons wouldn’t do. They first bait Iran in (drone downing) to justify the need to attack Iranian soil.
id guess they are coordinating a joint response to a large scale israeli counter attack..

this must mean Iran is cooking up a big attack against Zionist or American interests... and might be anticipating major israeli counter attacks against Syria or Lebanon.
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