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Iranian President Declares Joint Border Force With Pakistan

I feel vindicated, I said time and time again Iran and Pakistan should joint form a joint strike force against terrorists and now here we are with a new joint force :)

I'm only gonna get to say this once to the Pakistani naysayers but....I TOLD YOU SO!!!

This is good news all around and is cause to legitimately celebrate!!
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I was not peddling Indian narrative but giving support to the contention that no border can be 100% air tight. I cited Yanks also on the Mexico border. According to your logic am I also peddling Trump's narrative?
Dont bend so low, you will give the Iranian superiority complex a boost. All things aside Iran lost its trust within the Pakistani establishment. Everything you see right now is a final formality, in a sense a warning. Any "mistakes" by them will be dealt with, hard.
I see you are offended by me calling those who attack Iranian guards as terrorists.
thanks for confirmation on your identity!
Indeed,his true identity is Bat-ladin seen here with his trusty sidekick wahabi-boy
I was not peddling Indian narrative but giving support to the contention that no border can be 100% air tight. I cited Yanks also on the Mexico border. According to your logic am I also peddling Trump's narrative?

You said ask Indians, now if I ask Indians they will say 100s crossing borders and thousands waiting to cross but will not admit that it's mostly local who have taken up arms because of oppressive polices. All of Mexican border is not fenced, And Trump is very right about building wall. We should do same with Iran-Afghan border.
Indeed,his true identity is Bat-ladin seen here with his trusty sidekick wahabi-boy

Indo-Iranian terrorists find defence.pk home ground... no freaking rules apply on you.
I feel vindicated, I said time and time again Iran and Pakistan should joint form a joint strike force against terrorists and now here we are with a new joint force :)

I'm only gonna get to say this once to the Pakistani naysayers but....I TOLD YOU SO!!!

This is good news all around and is cause to legitimately celebrate!!
Lets not go getting too excited just yet shall we?.
At present this is simply nothing more than a political announcement,it will ultimately depend greatly on what form exactly,if any,this "joint border force" takes and what its operational doctrine,responsibilities and capabilities will be.
Its still very,very early days yet folks...
We must fence, mine and man the western border like eastern one to ensure our own security.
How are we going to clean the security institutions from puppies of IRGC?
After all there was some inside intelligence about passengers of bus!
Dont bend so low, you will give the Iranian superiority complex a boost.
I never do. The coterminous Pakistani has as much claim to have existed for thousand years as Iran. In between just like us they have been ruled by 'foreigners'. Many of the dynasties that ruled Iran were actually Turks. The last dynasty was only 50 odd years old. So I respect Iran but certainly as a equal.

You said ask Indians, now if I ask Indians they will say 100s crossing borders and thousands waiting to cross but will not admit that it's mostly local who have taken up arms because of oppressive polices.
No idea why you are beating this horse to death. The point I made was simple. Fences do not offer 100% seal. Yes, we should have fences. Why Pakistan has not a fence on all it's borders is beyond me but we should be realistic. They hamper movement. Now the Iranian's as a matter of fact, something that I took the time to check on Google Earth have fenced their side of the border. If Pakistan also does it and places regular patrols [like Iran does] with additional drone assets the efficacy of border security would go up manifold.

Have a look who has forts on their side [left of the border line and whose left everything wide open?

Dont bend so low, you will give the Iranian superiority complex a boost. All things aside Iran lost its trust within the Pakistani establishment. Everything you see right now is a final formality, in a sense a warning. Any "mistakes" by them will be dealt with, hard.

We can't say for certain if politicians would allow any action any time.
Usual justification given is that we have to act diplomatically.
That's all fine but the blood of Pakistanis is being spilled with hate.
After 10 years into terrorism, we finally learned about the targets, if politicians get VIP protocol, all your sacrifices and work is a waste.
No idea why you are beating this horse to death. The point I made was simple. Fences do not offer 100% seal. Yes, we should have fences. Why Pakistan has not a fence on all it's borders is beyond me but we should be realistic. They hamper movement. Now the Iranian's as a matter of fact, something that I took the time to check on Google Earth have fenced their side of the border. If Pakistan also does it and places regular patrols [like Iran does] with additional drone assets the efficacy of border security would go up manifold.

Have a look who has forts on their side [left of the border line and whose left everything wide open?


It's you who are beating around bush, It's simple. If Iran had fence, forts and patrolling then volume of goods smuggled across Iranian borders would have been negligible, not to mention their soldiers wouldn't have been kidnaped multiple times. As far as Iran is concerned, anything happens within their border is their responsibility, same is true for Pakistan. Hence Pakistan should fence (because there's nothing on Iranian side as well except some patches, if there was one we wouldn't have needed to install another one like we didn't install another fence on Punjab's border), mine and man the western border like eastern and ensure our own security instead of waiting for cooperation.
because there's nothing on Iranian side as well except some patches
Well, they don't have 100 feet high concrete wall, if that is what your idea of fence is but if you look at Google Earth it's clear they have done far more on their side compared to nothing on our side.


‘Anti-Baloch’ wall on Pak-Iran border opposed



QUETTA: The Leader of the Opposition in Balochistan Assembly, Kachkol Ali, Advocate, on Sunday demanded an immediate change of Balochistan Governor because of his "anti-Baloch policies" and strongly opposed the construction of a wall on the Pak-Iran border.

Addressing the media at the MPA Hostel here on Sunday, Kachkol Ali said, "Governors of Balochistan and Sistan Balochistan are not our well-wishers," adding that he had tabled an adjournment motion in the House about the Gold Smith Line on May 26 in which it was made clear that an unnatural line had been drawn against the will and desire of the Baloch nation. Now the construction of a 10-feet high and four-feet wide wall has been started, which is creating difficulties for the Baloch people.

He said excesses were being committed against the Baloch since 1948 in West Pakistan. The building of this wall would futher divide the Baloch families. He said the Germans had built a wall, which was demolished. But neither the Pakistani nor the Iranian Baloch were taken into confidence over the construction of the wall along the Gold Smith Line. "We demand that the construction of the wall should be stopped immediately."

Kachkol Ali said if a war took place between Iran and America, the Baloch would be the worst sufferers as the soil and the sea in these areas belong to the Baloch people.

He said that Deputy Speaker Aslam Bhotani had disposed off his adjournment motion in his one-sided action.

Kachkol said if the assembly did not resolve the problems of the Baloch, what was the use of such an assembly. He said the ruling of the Speaker against the adjournment motion was against the people and democratic interest. He appealed to the international organisations to save the Baloch people.

He said Baloch were a nation by all means and definitions with a rich cultural heritage spreading over thousands of years. He said in 1800, Balochistan was divided due to Gold Smith Line.

To a question, he said his party members in the Senate would also discuss this issue in the House.

"We pay tributes to Governor Kandahar who has said Baloch from Balochistan are his guests." He, however, added that if the Governor of Sistan came to Balochistan again, they would hold protests.
I wasnt expecting anything big from this visit but its always good to keep visiting as direct talks are benificial in strengthening relations.

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