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Iranian-made unmanned drone involved in attack on Turkish soldiers in Syria

Could easily be a false flag operation. Hard to say.

However, it does set a very dangerous precedence.
All this situation sounds like a bad internet chat,

Russia : It wasn't us, it could be the Syrian Airforce (Putin Guarantee's that it wasn't Russia)
Turkey : We entered Syria to put an end to Assad.
Syria : #$%@^%$&^%$^&! with Erdogan, his 'rejime' will die in .....
Russia : WTF? (Lavrov) Nope it isn't us and it isn't the Syrian Airforce
Turkey : hmmmm .... Could it be a drone?
Russia : it might be an Iranian made UAV

---- what is next?

I wouldn't be suprised if the next thing that comes up is :

US / EU : (Secretly laughing...ha ha ha )... told you they'd bite on the Iranian drone thing, good thing we kept that Iranian paint thingy...

Turkish soldiers have been killed by an X enemy, on a battlefield.. look no one is owning up?
Earn some bonus points by dropping a couple tonnes of bombs on every single

- YPG stronghold point
- any other terrorist point that have made threats against Turkey
- give an ultimatum to Iraq regime (after all they are now officially funding the PKK)


Turkey : It was an Iranian drone (not known who it was commanded by, Syrian or Iranian operators), that did the scouting, Syrian L-39 Albatross did the bombing, it landed in a base in Allepo after the bombing. TSK is evaluating this case as if the Syrian airforce was responsible. (p.s. 25th, the same type of attack was done, but it failed.)

Russia : These attacks are due cooperation between Iran - Syria, operations done without our knowledge, we have expressed our upmost reaction against these. (p.s. these types of attacks have stopped since then)

Pentagon : Iran has drones in the area some of which are armed. The Rasm el Aboud base is surrounded by Shia militants so Iran could be directly responsible. Turkey and FSA going for El-Bab worries us, especially that there is a direct possibility of fighting with YPG.

Own comment, I wonder if the Pentagon is aware of YPG attacks on FSA, Turkish positions? I really doubt it. But the MGK in Turkey did decide to paint any YPG hold as a target which should have made it obvious that after EL-Bab any city held by the YPG was going to be next from north west to north east of Syria...

If Iran is involved, it would be their downfall, though it might not have direct war results, however it could effect Iran in an economic sense, badly. As for their supported people on ground in Syria, well Turkey is a lot closer than Iran is.. as I said a very bad move (if true)
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Nobody these days is impressed by your flawed army. Couldn't even scare the Shia militias when your megalomanic leader threatened them to not get involved in Tel Afar and Mosul operations.
This attack was a message and the next time you Turks have the balls to do something stupid again, you will get another message. That is what you get if you stick your nose in Middle Eastern affairs.

Turkey is in the middle east, and it is its affair besidesTurkey has direct borders with Syria, it would be funny to think that it wouldn't eventually take action within it if not for itself then for the millions of refugees from Syria, especially so knowing after the well known facts that Iran has been cooking up religious insurgents in Syria and Lebanon since long before Syria erupted.. or after Iran decided that supporting or closing an eye to actions of terrorists like the PJAK (PKK) (who were and are active in Iran) or their offshoots for some questionable minor strategic 'gain' by their inaction against Iranian supported 'groups' in Syria regardless of prior Turkish - Iranian military agreements.. I find it funny that someone would think that Turkey was going to cover Iranian actions / soldiers in Syria, by supporting or not-supporting some group after all this, as it became pretty obvious that Turkey would intervene sooner than later.. with or without its idiotic Erdogan.

Iranian losses in Syria is due to miscalculations, miss-trust, and shoddy strategies of its own military, ministers, and leaders making the decisions that they made, making it directly Irans' fault.

If a war does break out, and Turkey does enter Syria full on, there is practically nothing that Iran can do about it, it has no borders to Syria, nor does it have the means to transport its troops in time, and it has run out of allies that could some how aid it.... even if it doesn't, getting Turkey into the group of countries embargoing Iran, or seeing it as a hostile regime is strategic nonsense..

Russia isn't going to fight a direct war with any country, for Iran or for Syria, it is merely going to be there to defend its own interests, or for cash, that is unless those interests pose grave danger to itself and or its citizens..

I remember watching a documentary of Iranian soldiers fighting against insurgents (back when I was in Russia, though don't remember where this was), I really think that some of your comments here are an insult to those Iranian soldiers that have lost their lives.
It's bastards fsa terroist trying to create a new problem
Nobody these days is impressed by your flawed army. Couldn't even scare the Shia militias when your megalomanic leader threatened them to not get involved in Tel Afar and Mosul operations.

This attack was a message and the next time you Turks have the balls to do something stupid again, you will get another message. That is what you get if you stick your nose in Middle Eastern affairs.
yeah at least we did'nt lost 1.00 of our men, nobody takes your third world religous sh**thole seriously which is till this day is stoning women to dead.. so why don't you go and suck with your mullahs balls, by the way Trump is taking office you should worry about american invasion thats whats being discuss in washington right now:o:
Nobody these days is impressed by your flawed army. Couldn't even scare the Shia militias when your megalomanic leader threatened them to not get involved in Tel Afar and Mosul operations.

This attack was a message and the next time you Turks have the balls to do something stupid again, you will get another message. That is what you get if you stick your nose in Middle Eastern affairs.

Does it mean Iran has attacked Turkey (turkish soldiers)?
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