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Iranian B Queen weds Canadian defense minister

All Iranians in the West I meet are jerks and seem to hate their country, I don't know why. Is it some sort of complex? They hate talking to everyone except white people. This is just my personal experience.

Yeah, that is so true. The majority of them are like that. They have left their religion, culture and identity. They were mostly a bunch of Shah lovers who viewed their life purpose as being subservient to west and white people. You can see it in their actions and behavior. Good thing they are no more in power. Basically Iranians after the revolution threw out their garbage and now the pollution has dispersed all over the world.
It really does not matter I guess. Will your argument make her a friend? Then:

"A friend is just an enemy who hasn't attacked yet"

Well it does cos alot of 2nd generation south asian(from my experience) choose their host country over their motherland. Its how the kids are brought up.

She hasnt attacked me ......yet:)
All Iranians in the West I meet are jerks and seem to hate their country, I don't know why. Is it some sort of complex? They hate talking to everyone except white people. This is just my personal experience.
But your personal experience is wrong if you ask me. I know many Iranians even in the west that are OK talking to Hispanic people or Asians, it depends on what you mean by white though, because even Semitic people are kinda white, but if you mean Anglo-Saxon people or Dutch people or in general Celtic and light-skinned Europeans then you're wrong. Iranians living outside of Iran in Western countries are totally OK with Latinos and Asians (Including people from South Asia). They may just dislike Arabs coming from the Persian Gulf region because some of them are anti-Iran but I don't think what you're saying is generally true about Iranians living outside of Iran. That's far from the reality.
That is the thing, they do not understand one bit. India has one of the most nationalistic laws on planet earth. Forget about serving with NATO airforce, or marrying another country's defense minister. According to Indian law, if you acquire another citizenship, you automatically lose your Indian citizenship. That is their law. Sonia Gahndi was not allowed to become their prime minister despite her being the chairperson of the winning party, because she was viewed as not being Indian enough. So there you go. These kind of twisted human rights is only applied to Iran. Otherwise, If Indian army keeps killing and raping 13 year old Kashmiri girls for another century, no one would bother. It is only Iran that has to be minced in propaganda machine.

Sonia Ganghi is not an Indian, the only reason she was ever the party chairperson was because of her husband. Only a person who was born in a country and spent the childhood in that country should have the right to become prime minister or president of that country.
She is liberal Iranian. I am sure she belongs to a family which appreciated Shah rule. She is Human right activist, being human right activist she will definitely don't like Iranian govt policy..

Do you realize Shah and human rights are the total opposites? Current gov actually has better human rights record than most (if not all) regimes in ME, and much better than Shah's.
But your personal experience is wrong if you ask me. I know many Iranians even in the west that are OK talking to Hispanic people or Asians, it depends on what you mean by white though, because even Semitic people are kinda white, but if you mean Anglo-Saxon people or Dutch people or in general Celtic and light-skinned Europeans then you're wrong. Iranians living outside of Iran in Western countries are totally OK with Latinos and Asians (Including people from South Asia). They may just dislike Arabs coming from the Persian Gulf region because some of them are anti-Iran but I don't think what you're saying is generally true about Iranians living outside of Iran. That's far from the reality.

Man you should try to visit Washington DC, you will know exactly what I'm talking about.
Man you should try to visit Washington DC, you will know exactly what I'm talking about.

Dude, The majority of Iranians in the USA are concentrated in LA in areas close to westwood and Persian square and some other are dispersed in New York city and other places. I know what you mean, but I know many Iranians living in the USA that have married with non-white people like Mexicans. Many Iranians living outside of Iran prefer to intermarry but even those Iranians who marry non-Iranians still have nothing against non-whites. It's true that many of them bad mouth Iran unintentionally because they hate the regime of Iran and I do agree that they are unintentionally doing what the enemies of Iran want, but I think you're exaggerating it.
I said that in response to you that you said 'they hate to talk to everyone except white people'.
The majority of Iranians in the USA are concentrated in LA in areas close to westwood and Persian square and some other are dispersed in New York city and other places. I know what you mean, but I know many Iranians living in the USA that have married with non-white people like Mexicans. Many Iranians living outside of Iran prefer to intermarry but even those Iranians who marry non-Iranians still have nothing against non-whites. It's true that many of them bad mouth Iran unintentionally because they hate the regime of Iran and I do agree that they are unintentionally doing what the enemies of Iran want, but I think you're exaggerating it.

You're right I met a business man that lives in my building and he was nice. He asked me if I was from Iran, because of my name Raza.

However the ones I am talking about wear leather jackets, drive BMW's, put unreasonable amounts of gel in their hair, and act rude. Some even call themselves Italian, but that I can understand since people bad-mouth Iran in the United States even though they don't know anything about Iran.
It's interesting what draws many Iranians to LA? I understand there is a large community there, and LA is a major city. Is it the weather, employment opportunities?

Most of the Iranians I have come across are students in Uni, some of the girls look like they could pass for Pakistani girls, some of the guys as well. There not much different looking from a Kashmiri, Pathan, North Punjabi, may be even Balochi. They seem open minded and social, their proud of their Iranian heritage. Though they do tend to be more liberal even compared to liberal-moderate Pakistani.
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