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‘Iran to hit 32 US bases and destroy Israel, if attacked’

500KT capacity war head Iran could not buy , your information is not correct.

Yes Iran have 10 -20KT capacity warheads approximately 10 nos or more which are enough for Israel and all US basis in Gulf.

500KT to 1 MEGA T capacity nukes only US China or Russia have.

Sir, I said former republics of Soviet such as Mr. "U" and Mr. "K" They were part of Soviet and they had 500kt warheads up to 4mt, Mr. "U" suddenly failed to deliver it's 250 nuclear warheads to Russia! Mr. "U" has tendency of selling high-tech stuff to other countries under the low-profile! Now whos Mr. "U"? :D
Sir, I said former republics of Soviet such as Mr. "U" and Mr. "K" They were part of Soviet and they had 500kt warheads up to 4mt, Mr. "U" suddenly failed to deliver it's 250 nuclear warheads to Russia! Mr. "U" has tendency of selling high-tech stuff to other countries under the low-profile! Now whos Mr. "U"? :D

If it is true , it will be shocking for US and Israel:woot:

Now we have to guage the effectiveness of AERO or THAD air defence system installed in US basis( Gulf and Egypt) and Israel ?

If it is true , it will be shocking for US and Israel:woot:

Now we have to guage the effectiveness of AERO or THAD air defence system installed in US basis( Gulf and Egypt) and Israel ?


U.S and Israel are indeed strong, and they're not to be underestimated, but we are not handicapped either. However I don't believe if their anti-missile systems are accurate as they are bluffing about them.( A missile such as Sejil-2 will have mach30 speed at it's final phase.) We saw their effectiveness in the first Persian Gulf war when Saddam used it's scuds against Patriots! The results were not satisfying! And a thing that makes me wonder is Israelis still use the scud missile to simulate the ol Shahab-3 missiles! :)
U.S and Israel are indeed strong, and they're not to be underestimated, but we are not handicapped either. However I don't believe if their anti-missile systems are accurate as they are bluffing about them.( A missile such as Sejil-2 will have mach30 speed at it's final phase.) We saw their effectiveness in the first Persian Gulf war when Saddam used it's scuds against Patriots! The results were not satisfying! And a thing that makes me wonder is Israelis still use the scud missile to simulate the ol Shahab-3 missiles! :)

Yes, THAAD (latest US- Missile defence system ) accuracy is less than 15%.

John Pike, space policy director for the liberal Federation of American Scientists, pointed out that since 1980 the Pentagon has conducted 14 tests of THAAD and similar systems that are supposed to hit enemy missiles at high altitude and only two destroyed their targets.

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Despite the fact that American bases are located in middleastern countries but those are not used to invade Afghanistan!
Northern alliance which is providing perpetrators/manpower for TTP were sponsored by Iran for years and every body saw them shoulder to shoulder with americans and stop using derogatory words before i pump some more information...about connections of Black water financing in iraq and probably now in Pakistan.

Ok Now its Afghanistan only before it was Iraq and i guess when Talibans were slaughtering People in Afghanistan with Saudi and American Money it was ok when other side gets the chance to return the favor its Bad how so.
It wasnt Northern Alliance people that have decleared war on shias 20,000 killed in one day.it was your beloved Terrorist Talibans with the help of house of saud so yes iranians helped the northern alliance people why shouldnt they pay back is a ***** aint it.

Please do pump some blackwater now known as Xe and Irans connection in here i would love to see it and iam sure other respected member will be intrerested in it.
Yes, THAAD (latest US- Missile defence system ) accuracy is less than 15%.

John Pike, space policy director for the liberal Federation of American Scientists, pointed out that since 1980 the Pentagon has conducted 14 tests of THAAD and similar systems that are supposed to hit enemy missiles at high altitude and only two destroyed their targets.

Missile Defense System Fails Fourth Test Lockheed Martin Stock Falls Amid Doubts About $17 Billion Project

Fundamentalist those 2 hits they talk about they forget to mention Both of them had Homing beacons on them :rofl:
Iran has or can have nukes is Iran's provocative, Israel has no right to decide that for Iran. I'm sure the Israelis never asked the Iranians before they started making goodies in dimona.
Actions speak louder then words, yes the Irani leaders have been unnecessarily vocal but Israels past record is worse then that of a wild dog that goes around biting everyone in the neighborhood, they have always been trigger happy, brutal use of force their trademark and we have witnessed that time and again.
The dilemma is that the only country to use such weapons is fighting Israels case.
Iran is a brave country, they atleast have the balls to take a super power head-on and I salute them for that.

off topic:
What is the reason behind the hate by Iran against Israel.

indeed there are two points about this:
1/ khomeiny period and revolution ideas
2/ the new government and hatred of Israel used as a tool to be popular among populations ? further more Ahmadinejad, is antisemit but even the conservatives are not. it is rare being anti semit in iran .

about 1/
there are many reasons:
- it was said that mossad was helping the shah for torture technics and military cooperation. don't know the part of truth in it
- the ideas of revolution which is morale values come from islam and especially this idea to fight injustice.. like palestine. many great and open minded people from the revolution went in lebanon like chamran for exemple. it is really this idea to help "brothers"
that's why they didn't accept the israel state (now the minds of iranians changed a lot about it even in politics: only the few hardliners are really anti israel)
- they were exchanges between figures of revolution and some movments in palestine and lebanon. some participated in the revolution when you see some serious source like nahavandi ones
its nice to have a little brother (Iran) growing up... infact, Pakistan shud communicate with Iran for technology...
Well, certainly the American public wants no part of an attack on Iran. Also, most Americans who pay any attention don't want to have anything to do with an Israeli attack on Iran either. OTOH, the strength of the Israeli lobby in the US may be strong enough to get the US Government to "acquiesce" to an Israeli strike. If that happens, and Iran attacks US bases or territories, then all bets are off. The American public will swing 180 degrees around to viewing Iran as an enemy that needs to be destroyed, the sooner the better. Iran may think that the USA is responsible for everything that Israel does, but the American people do not see it that way. Iran should really think twice about retaliating against the USA for something that Israel does to it. If Iran does that, it will take a place alongside al Qaeda as our most hated enemies.
It will be interesting to see how Afghan and Iraqi shia close to US now , will react to US attack on Iran.
The pro US government in Iraq will be weaken etc
Not going into the military balance of power equation,
I do want to appreciate the power and art of negotiations that the Iranian government has exercised since the last 10 years or so.
I have not seen another islamic country use negotiations as a tool that effectively.

Secondly we must appreciate the terror and power of missiles.
The US may be joined by Israel and UK and all the rest of the gang, and they can attack Iran from 10 different fronts all with different weapon systems and strategy. Fair enough ?
All Iran has to do is hard tip all the missiles it got, and point them all at Jerusalem.

Problem solved.

Remember there is JUST ONE Jewish country in the world Israel and it is SMALL !
Jews have worked for centuries for that country and gathered in the holy land from all across the world.

If there is one thing they can not let happen, then that is a Brut force attack on Israel.

IF you think that is not the case

Why do you think the west has been negotiating and wasting time for so long ?
^^ Exactly my thoughts. Israel is the Achilles' heel of the West and will always remain so.
"All Iran has to do is hard tip all the missiles it got, and point them all at Jerusalem.

Problem solved.

Remember there is JUST ONE Jewish country in the world Israel and it is SMALL !"

I don't think that you'll find America held hostage from its range of options for fear of retaliation against Israel.

It will take a pre-emptive nuclear attack on Israel, and in a number of locations to destroy the state. Anything less like a chemical strike would assure retaliation without assuring Israel's destruction.

Judaism, of course, would survive in a number of other locations around the world, including America.

Likely gone forever, though, would be a good portion of antiquity and its treasures. Fair enough in that the same might be the case for Iran and many of its treasures from the past although I don't believe that anybody is discussing a western pre-emptive nuclear strike on Iran.

What would also be lost forever, though, is a Palestinian homeland. It would be radioactive dust...along with a lot of Palestinians, likely. Many Palestinians in the West Bank would be incinerated in those strikes. Maybe most depending on Iranian accuracy.

Certainly, though, very few living there of any religion will come through such a calamity unscathed.

In fact, the downwind drift calculus would be outright scary for any part of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt.

Such an event would cause a chain reaction likely to reshape the world as we've known it forever.
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