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Iran to grant citizenship to families of Pakistani 'martyrs' fighting in Syria and Iraq

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Guys isn't this a good thing for pakistan ? Or am I missing something ! :(
Bro I have utmost respect for Shias of Pakistan and a deep rooted respect for Iran for standing up to the west. But what is happening in Syria and Iraq is a sectarian war in which no non-takfiri or non-wahabi, non-khariji muslim has or should have any part in.

Shias have suffered very much in Pakistan and one shia community that has suffered most is the Hazara community but emotions should be kept in check. Joining fighters in Syria or Iraq fighting against sunni factions is being part of the problem, not the solution. The better part to play for us as Pakistanis would be to placate Iran and Saudi and act as mediators between them. Shias can convince Iran and sunnis Saudi.

Lets note that in Allahs eyes no shia or sunni is superior to the other as is no muslim over another. The prophet said do not cut the necks of each other when I am gone and we are doing exactly that. I sympathize with the shias of Pakistan and the oppression shias have suffered but loyalty should not be to Iran or Saudi for people in Pakistan but to Pakistan. Hope you get my point. Lets build unity and not fight other peoples wars for them just because we belong to said sect.
Due to the failure of the state in protecting the Shia from wahabi/deobandi extremists in the past, they have lost confidence in the state somewhat...hence an opportunity for Iranian Mullahs.

One thing I have also noticed is the increased religiosity among this community which historically has been the most secular in Pakistan....part of it because they were targeted just for their beliefs.

Kinda like the idea
we just have to make sure they don't come back ,,lol

This is a golden opportunity.

Similarly we should have offered Saudis the complete lot of LeJ/SSP along with their extended families for the Yemen war.

On one condition that they will not be allowed back into Pakistan.
Guys isn't this a good thing for pakistan ? Or am I missing something ! :(
Well............sometime too much yellow journalism ....time after time " some forces" try to fan sectarianism in Pakistan. But fortunately majority of Pakistan are laid back and they least bother about these sectarian issues. Plus, our media is totally free or I would say " unleash" ...lolzz
So Iran has come out to play...right so what are we waiting for? Right we are waiting for storm over our offshore companies to pass. Rest can go to hell.
Pakistan should do following cancel all nationality of person who is going for Mullah or Wahabi Jihad along with there families let them find home some where else ,Enough of this shit
Anyone who wants to fight for a forigen country without the blessing of the state where our national interests are not served , we should deport them and their families, cancel their Pakistani citizenship, for them never to return to Pakistan. Fu** off from Pakistan if you take either Iran or Saudi Arabia more sacred then Pakistan. Let these cattle eat the grass on the other side if they think it's lot greener there. They will come to senses pretty soon.

As a immediate response, grant Pakistani citizenship to those sunni Iranians who wants to get away from state persecution.
Execute them as soon they enter Pakistan ! On charges of Treason, who ever is more loyal to 3rd country shall never be allowed to return back and even if he returns must be eliminated as he is a threat to own country.
guys can't we just make a unified Muslim Force for the purpose of protecting The Shrines Of Islamic Figures,i mean that's the biggest reason and in many cases excuse for the folks going to Levant region----- we have already witnessed what takfiris are capable of------
@Syed Hussain and my Shia brethrens don't aloof yourselves its your country assert your existence

deobandi/Wahabi Pakistanis and Shia Pakistanis are fighting against each other in Syria-Iraq !!!
Well............sometime too much yellow journalism ....time after time " some forces" try to fan sectarianism in Pakistan. But fortunately majority of Pakistan are laid back and they least bother about these sectarian issues. Plus, our media is totally free or I would say " unleash" ...lolzz
Its about Iran not about any faith, neither Hazrat Ali was farsi nor Hazrat Hussain....Its a corrupt regime ported via france using Ugly Mullah's to rule the country, and spread choas all around region from Yemen to Syria.
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Not on Pakistani Passport or identity ,Its like repeating the Afghan Jihad this time its Mullah not Wahab
There are Shias and they should have full authority of themselves. If they want to become martyred in way of their beliefs they should be free.
No worries, they won't 'bite'.
Of course not they are human....

They are our brothers and sisters and we will do whatever we can for them.
Good to know they are in safe hands....not that Syria is safe

We haven't done enough actually and this decision came too late. They have been living in Iran for years and I see them as my brothers and sisters.
Good to know

They have escaped from sectarian terrorists in Pakistan who killed them only for their beliefs to Iran
Unnecessary jibes..
We as a nation dont differentiate = We had a Shia president Zardari...We have many Shia in service and in govt none of them have to declare anything AND each of them had power to stop what you claim but didnt so maybe you should question them why they wont help their own?
however, when was the last time Iran had a Sunni president/ PM?

If any of them have decided to go to Syria, it's totally their own choice.
Syria isnt Iran's property....

Indeed. People make their own choices. But reaction of some people here is just exaggerated, not that I didn't expect it, since the word "Iran" is involved.
The reaction is the way such a thing was announced as though Pakistani nationality meant little! After extending a hand of friendship you dont back-stab! That is ethically wrong
I have colleagues who are Turi Shias from Parachinar, and all the time they talk about Iran this and that...........Iran is some kind of holy land for them
So basically Iran is luring Pakistanis into terrorism.
Going to fight in a foreign country without permission of the country of your citizenship is treason by law.
All Pakistanis even considering Iranian offer are traitors.
One more thing is that you will have to die and only then Iran with "Consider" giving nationality to your family left behind,andllooking at the ethnics superiority complex of iranians it is highly unlikely that after your violent death in Syria or Yemen for your Khumaini or whichever shia Iranian icon you follow, your left behind wife and kids will not get the same status as local Iranian despite nationality and will be forever foreigners.

All the Pakistani shia getting all starry eyed should consider the above.
Unnecessary jibes..
We as a nation dont differentiate = We had a Shia president Zardari...We have many Shia in service and in govt none of them have to declare anything AND each of them had power to stop what you claim but didnt so maybe you should question them why they wont help their own?
however, when was the last time Iran had a Sunni president/ PM?
Where did I say you 'all' differentiate? I merely said they escaped from sectarian attacks (by terrorist groups). Now are there sectarian attacks or not? You know better. That doesn't mean Pakistani civilians are sectarian, not at all. But sectarians do exist, like the one below:
Iran did't consider majority Pakistanis as muslim because they are sunnis ... and rest u can understand .....u surprised me i think u r Shia

Syria isnt Iran's property....

Who said it is? Every single thing we do there is by permission of legitimate gov of Syria. They are allies and have helped us in difficult times, all at a time when the 'ummah' were all sucking up to Saudis (and still do). We appreciate it and will help them as much as we can.

The reaction is the way such a thing was announced as though Pakistani nationality meant little! After extending a hand of friendship you dont back-stab! That is ethically wrong

I thought you appreciated us granting them citizenship?
Anyway, how on earth is this belittling Pakistani citizenship when it is purely a volunteer process? Those who want to be granted citizenship ask for it. No one is forced to do anything, I don't think that's very hard to understand, they ask for it.

And let's not even begin on the back stabbing thing, I loathe this word and the way it is being abused. Pakistan has shown before if its interests (or what it thinks is in its interests) are involved, it won't shy away from stabbing its neighbors left and right. What you did in Afghanistan in 80s and 90s (arming terrorists to do dirty jobs) had a huge negative impact on Iranians, both in money and lives. Talk about 'backstabbing.
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