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Iran to grant citizenship to families of Pakistani 'martyrs' fighting in Syria and Iraq

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This is a great step by Iran and should be respected. Pakistani Shia's who have gone through so many troubles in Pakistan should go in Iran and find peace and those who have died in Iraq and Syria, their families should definitely go in Iran for they shall surely be persecuted by the wahabis.
Thank you, I hope Saudi to grant Wahhabis their citizenship..

isn't it better that they take their families and settle in IRAN and then go for the Irani Jihad,.. i mean why they waiting for their relatives to die before giving them citizenship, why can't they do it before sending them to Jihad. Take them in your country, give them citizenship, send them to "YOUR" Jihad and wallah.. Problem solved. For you and for us also..

Same shud be applied to Wahhabis by Saudis,. Take them and then send to "YOUR" Jihad,..
No one to blame,,,,if any reality in news. Justice need to be done across the board.
??? Has the entire defence.pk admin lost its mind or is it just an individual Wahabi thug? Where is the source of this news?
This sectarian and "begherat" behavior needs to stop, every one except the extremist wahabi influenced groups know about what's being done to Shia's in Pakistan.
We are 20% of this country and with an edge of being its "founders" as well and we will not tolerate or let go of this bullshit.
Have you forgot when Shuja Pasha briefed parliament about the funding of 19 crore per year to the extremist madresas of south Punjab only and the country mentioned was Saudi Arabia and not Iran. Stop shitting about Kalbhosan, because he was doing everything under a "legal cover" just like Jundullah does against Iran from our borders.
Can you even remember how many times Iranian officials gave open warnings to Pakistan about attacks on Iranian border forces frm within Pakistan when close talks remained of no use. We will only remember our sectarian people whining when Iran started to pursue and target the attacker within our borders when left with no other choice. How many times can you tell of Pakistani border guards being killed or abducted in attacks from Iranian side?
If you would have any "gherat", which is highly unlikely, then you would not have forgot why every Afghan hates us, as we sent "our citizens" for killing and destruction in Afghanistan from past 40 years. And we are offering them much more than citizenship, and to those Afghans as well who kill their own people on our payroll.
There are places in Pakistan where people are fleeing abroad already because of "sectarian cleansing" level persecution...like the Hazara tribe in Balochistan.
We are Shia's, we are as much Pakistani as the self claimed "patriots" who do nothing but justify every shite of what we have done as a country, we have as much right on this land as you, and we will support the people on our side like Iran as you support the people on your side like Saudia or any Arab thug states.
Have you ever spitted anything when India romances with Saudia? no... because it's not an issue cuz everyone is free to trade with anyone he likes as Pakistan trades with one of the worst enemies of Islam and Muslims as we know but Iran never protested to that. Why is that only if India does trade with Iran or invest there then we start to lose our minds and begin to find every kind of conspiracy out of it.
And about the bullshit of gas pipeline, everyone knows that Pakistan is the defector and it defected over a usual cause of "American Pressure" and decided to go with an over costly and dangerous rout of Tapi gas pipeline. The dogs and donkeys on both side of the border know that Iran has completed the pipeline on its side and even offered several times to complete the pipeline on Pakistani side as well but we won't accept "may be because then we will be left with no cover to spit lies on defence.pk." :)
There are Shias and they should have full authority of themselves. If they want to become martyred in way of their beliefs they should be free.
??? Has the entire defence.pk admin lost its mind or is it just an individual Wahabi thug? Where is the source of this news?
This sectarian and "begherat" behavior needs to stop, every one except the extremist deobandi wahabi's know about what's being done to Shia's in Pakistan.
We are 20% of this country and with an edge of being its "founders" as well and we will not tolerate or let go of this bullshit.
Have you forgot when Shuja Pasha briefed parliament about the funding of 19 crore per year to the extremist madresas of south Punjab only and the country mentioned was Saudi Arabia and not Iran. Stop shitting about Kalbhosan, because he was doing everything under a "legal cover" just like Jundullah does against Iran from our borders.
Can you even remember how many times Iranian officials gave open warnings to Pakistan about attacks on Iranian border forces frm within Pakistan when close talks remained of no use. We will only remember our sectarian people whining when Iran started to pursue and target the attacker within our borders when left with no other choice. How many times can you tell of Pakistani border guards being killed or abducted in attacks from Iranian side?
If you would have any "gherat", which is highly unlikely, then you would not have forgot why every Afghan hates us, as we sent "our citizens" for killing and destruction in Afghanistan from past 40 years. And we are offering them much more than citizenship, and to those Afghans as well who kill their own people on our payroll.
There are places in Pakistan where people are fleeing abroad already because of "sectarian cleansing" level persecution...like the Hazara tribe in Balochistan.
We are Shia's, we are as much Pakistani as the self claimed "patriots" who do nothing but justify every shite of what we have done as a country, we have as much right on this land as you, and we will support the people on our side like Iran as you support the people on your side like Saudia or any Arab thug states.
Have you ever spitted anything when India romances with Saudia? no... because it's not an issue cuz everyone is free to trade with anyone he likes as Pakistan trades with one of the worst enemies of Islam and Muslims as we know but Iran never protested to that. Why is that only if India does trade with Iran or invest there then we start to lose our minds and begin to find every kind of conspiracy out of it.
And about the bullshit of gas pipeline, everyone knows that Pakistan is the defector and it defected over a usual cause of "American Pressure" and decided to go with an over costly and dangerous rout of Tapi gas pipeline. The dogs and donkeys on both side of the border know that Iran has completed the pipeline on its side and even offered several times to complete the pipeline on Pakistani side as well but we won't accept "may be because then we will be left with no cover to spit lies on defence.pk." :)
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Bro I have utmost respect for Shias of Pakistan and a deep rooted respect for Iran for standing up to the west. But what is happening in Syria and Iraq is a sectarian war in which no non-takfiri or non-wahabi, non-khariji muslim has or should have any part in.

Shias have suffered very much in Pakistan and one shia community that has suffered most is the Hazara community but emotions should be kept in check. Joining fighters in Syria or Iraq fighting against sunni factions is being part of the problem, not the solution. The better part to play for us as Pakistanis would be to placate Iran and Saudi and act as mediators between them. Shias can convince Iran and sunnis Saudi.

Lets note that in Allahs eyes no shia or sunni is superior to the other as is no muslim over another. The prophet said do not cut the necks of each other when I am gone and we are doing exactly that. I sympathize with the shias of Pakistan and the oppression shias have suffered but loyalty should not be to Iran or Saudi for people in Pakistan but to Pakistan. Hope you get my point. Lets build unity and not fight other peoples wars for them just because we belong to said sect.
There are Shias and they should have full authority of themselves. If they want to become martyred in way of their beliefs they should be free.
Today they want to reach martyrdom in Syria freely, tomorrow in Pakistan?

I simply do not buy Iran's so called stand against the west, whatever.


Ayatollah Khomeini returns to Iran after 14 years exile on February 1, 1979. He is helped off the plane by one of the Air France pilots.

When Iran finds itself a ground in Pakistan pointing at so called 'sunni' terror groups such as Al Qaeda, ISIS, Taliban, who kill any Pakistani already and their awful crimes, it will be too late for everything. These kind of news, and what they are doing in region, doesn't really seem friendly. This isn't about Shia's but Iran's dangerous game that irresponsibly puts Shia's in danger first and foremost. It is a dangerous game what Iran can not play alone, today with Russia in Syria (pay attention: west doesn't even bother with the conflict, the game works perfectly), tomorrow with India in Pakistan, you may never know... Serious measures should be taken.
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The thing that many here ignore is that almost all Pakistanis who have went to Syria were living in Iran before that (and the number of Pakistanis going to Syria is very very small) and granting their families who are already living in Iran on a voluntary basis per their request is nothing to be outraged about. It's their choice.

If an Iranian asks for citizenship from Pakistan, it's not our business to interfere!!
it mean encouraging more Pakistanis to come and go to hell and in case to reuse them against Pakistan too for spying missions under Raw Cover.. Triage Nexsus IRAN AFGHAN AND INDIA
but if they grant Iranian citizenship isnt that good on us...At least we know whom to cherry pick and not seeing deadbodies ending with Pakistani passport / national card....Let some other nation take that burden of their nationality being played around :enjoy:

The thing that many here ignore is that almost all Pakistanis who have went to Syria were living in Iran before that (and the number of Pakistanis going to Syria is very very small) and granting their families who are already living in Iran on a voluntary basis per their request is nothing to be outraged about. It's their choice.
I agree...and fully support it!

People decide where they wanna be and where they wanna die...If they are fighting in ISIS for or against we really dont want part of it...and do take the burden off us - in a brotherly care fashion :enjoy:

it's not our business to interfere!!
Your govt kind of made it your business by granting it...If it comes back to bite do remember to muffle the anti Pakistan shouts! ;)
You govt kind of made it your business by granting it...If it comes back to bite do remember to muffle the anti Pakistan shouts! ;)
No worries, they won't 'bite'. They are our brothers and sisters and we will do whatever we can for them. We haven't done enough actually and this decision came too late. They have been living in Iran for years and I see them as my brothers and sisters. They have escaped from sectarian terrorists in Pakistan who killed them only for their beliefs to Iran. If any of them have decided to go to Syria, it's totally their own choice.

I agree...and fully support it!

People decide where they wanna be and where they wanna die...If they are fighting in ISIS for or against we really dont want part of it...and do take the burden off us - in a brotherly care fashion :enjoy:

Indeed. People make their own choices. But reaction of some people here is just exaggerated, not that I didn't expect it, since the word "Iran" is involved.
it mean encouraging more Pakistanis to come and go to hell and in case to reuse them against Pakistan too for spying missions under Raw Cover.. Triage Nexsus IRAN AFGHAN AND INDIA

I think Iran is targeting Pakistan at a level which would definitely warrent a 'response'. In another development the JIT report in Uzair Baloch's activities states in black and white terms that Uzair was working for the Iranian state intelligence agency. His tasks included spying on Pakistan military. The JIT has recommended a military trial for him.

We need to track down these families, ******* deport them and confiscate their passports and property.

@Oscar - @Icarus - @Irfan Baloch

Hello All
This news hurts my feelings and my good thoughts for Iran ,
Iran under these mentally sick mollas is becoming dangers for Pakistan day by day, Sir first we have to stop all the money that goes to these mollas sick mentality from Pakistan (as also we have to stop money coming from KSA , IRAN , And all other money into Pakistan),
Second we have to stop all out goings for Syria , No Pakistani is allow to fight this illegal war , especially when its turn into Shia vs Sunni war , and all those who left for Syria , take there families belongings into stats hand make the refugees in Pakistan , No human rights or National rights or what ever for them, Make there life as pain full as we can,
there Sons killing innocents they also have to pay the price for crimes , don't deport them it will be a blessing for them if we do so
And in the end time has come to seal our border with IRAN, completely , use electric fans like India Pakistan border
And for my Indian members , If you don't stop Iran using Shia for her dirty work one day you will also pay the price for that, look around you Europe , Pakistan etc
Remember the Chief Editor of TheExpressTribune.com Kamal Sidiqqi born in home town of Boko Haram...Kano,Nigeria. ..lolzz strange

"The Express Tribune is the first internationally affiliated newspaper in Pakistan. Partnered with The International New York Times – the global edition of The New York Times – the paper caters to the modern face of Pakistan. With its groundbreaking layouts created by an international award winning designer, the paper offers a stimulating visual experience designed to make stories come alive on paper".
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