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iran to build 10 new frigates and destroyers


Dec 19, 2011
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(i made the news short)
technical assistance of iran navy said that we will build 10 new frigates and destroyers .
he said that jamaran was the Moge (wave) 1 and we built it to achive the technologies of destroyers . he said that the VELAIAT destroyer will be released this year (70% of it was complated) and we will build moge 3,4 in next years .
he also said that for the honors of SAHAND (iranian ship destroyed in engaging to US navy ) we will complete and use moge 5 (A NEW SAHAND) plus" sina 7" project in this year .

in next year we will send all of the ships(sina 4.5.6 and moge 3,4) to the sea ...

Its time Iran start building aircraft carriers and deploy carrier battle group one in East and another in west coast of America.
They won't be much use against US nuclear submarines though ._.
Jamaran was designed to help the Iran Navy explore the future of a destroyer and when they did so ,making a copy of that doesn't seem that much hard .


No disrespect to iranian brothers but they need to increase the tonnage of their Naval ships. Your frigates should be at least equal to the standard 2000+ tons. And iran does needs a strong navy
to guard the strait of hormuz with enough frigates and destroyers.
No disrespect to iranian brothers but they need to increase the tonnage of their Naval ships. Your frigates should be at least equal to the standard 2000+ tons. And iran does needs a strong navy
to guard the strait of hormuz with enough frigates and destroyers.
IRI navy doesnt control the strait of hormuz at all.IRGC does.
and IRGC has its own army.they use speed boats,small submarines and missiles there.
No disrespect to iranian brothers but they need to increase the tonnage of their Naval ships. Your frigates should be at least equal to the standard 2000+ tons. And iran does needs a strong navy
to guard the strait of hormuz with enough frigates and destroyers.

Step by step bro .... 6 years ago we didn't have submarines in this number and destroyers as big as Jamaran . surly we are working on that point . for eg look at this news : Iran set to build nuclear-powered submarines
10 is a huge number. Has Iran ever tried to reach out to Russia or China for their naval requirements?
Step by step bro .... 6 years ago we didn't have submarines in this number and destroyers as big as Jamaran . surly we are working on that point . for eg look at this news : Iran set to build nuclear-powered submarines

Well , all the best to you guys. I always admire the iranian resolve and Iran has developed leaps and bounds over 30 years of sanctions. I believe you guys can manufacture nuke sub. The chinese managed to manufacture nuke sub back in the 70s, so why can't Iran.

10 is a huge number. Has Iran ever tried to reach out to Russia or China for their naval requirements?

Then Iran should start building super advanced submarine killer too....
Nuke subs are gonna be expensive, lot's of research is needed, adn then it has to have advanced anti-torpedos to defend itself
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