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Iran successfully sends living creature in to space, recovers it alive.

This is called ignorance then.How come we copy North Korea Nodong and send satellites to space, but NK itself which has the original design couldn't send it Until one month ago?
Because u made a small simple launcher. NK is much more heavy and powerful and thus much more complicated.

Your Safir is a MRBM converted into a satellite launcher.
NK Unha is an ICBM converted into a satellite launcher.

No mean achievement after all the international embargo.

Bet pakistanis would be able to do something of this sort without Chinese help.
clever guys,

i know an developed space technolgy and industry is a huge prestige and contribute to develop sattelite and missile technology.

but it is a very hiighly cost sector at the same time...

what is other potential economic benefits of space industry ??
Then i want to look at your ugly face when we send our first human into space in few years lol :lol:
Only thing they could do in 2019 is make suborbital joke launch like this.

you can tell this Bullstory for Uneducated kids :rolleyes:

you forget french (Dassault) assistance in your SLV (Shavit) project & nuclear program ... get a life zionist kid ......
Dassault assisted in Jericho 1 missile, which was 500 km range small ballistic missile. Shavit is entirely new ICBM class design. Learn before posting.
Because u made a small simple launcher. NK is much more heavy and powerful and thus much more complicated.

Your Safir is a MRBM converted into a satellite launcher.
NK Unha is an ICBM converted into a satellite launcher.


Iran already has a SLV the size of Unha, Simorgh which will be launched this year.

Besides,it's not proved that except giving old Scud technology to Iran in early 90s, NK has helped Iran in any other way.But it's vice versa.Iran is now much more advanced than NK regarding SLV and rocket tech.
Can you provide any proof that Iran copied Safir from NK, or is that simply because you hate Iran?

Read this article, interesting.

NKorea rocket launch draws more worry than Iran's - Boston.com
Read also:

New Developments in Iran's Missile Capabilities: Implications Beyond the Middle EastJerusalem Center For Public Affairs

The Iran Secret: Explaining North Korea's Rocket Success - The Diplomat
Because u made a small simple launcher. NK is much more heavy and powerful and thus much more complicated.

Your Safir is a MRBM converted into a satellite launcher.
NK Unha is an ICBM converted into a satellite launcher.


Bigger > better ??? :rolleyes:

look at the third stage & compare it with Unha-2 SLV

then compare it with iranian Safir's upper stage ...

i know you can't understand it because you don't want to understand anything.

North Koreans using old Kerosene/nitric acid HNO3 propellant ...

But we use UDMH/N2O4 propellant ...

North Koreans Using Iranian electronic devices , sensors > including temperature detection devices (DC-to-DC converters, temperature sensors) , electric devices, pressure sensors , etc.

this was just a test bed for iranian new generation Safir-2 SLVs ...

Get a life :tup:
Merkava serves a purpose. This thing does not have any purpose except showing some "achievement". Alas achievement it is not.

LOL. Its a joke date. Even India cant launch human to space in 2019. And India is light years ahead of Iran.

LOL. Your Safir is North Korean Nodong copy. Nodong is enlargened Soviet Scud.

Our Shavit is entirely self design.

if you were not blind you could read posts of many members that have mentioned what the purpose is.

" the rocket is the low-key part of the case, Capsule's safety is the important part.now its monkey but in 2016 it will be human."

"The lunch wasn't about Testing new SLV or rocket, the point is bio-capsule that is a part of a plan to develop iran space program for send a human into the space in coming years."

"If you want to send a human in to space, you should pass this stage right?
This has nothing to do with launching satellites to space.Iran plans to send first human to space in 2019 and if it achieves this goal, it becomes one of few countries who are capable of doing so."

North korea helped iran in early 90's, but nowadays it's iran who is helping NK. NK sent satellite to orbit by getting help from iran, iran helped them in third stage and final stage for releasing the satellite.

and Soviet Scud and US missiles are enlargened nazi V-2. and nazi V-2 is enlargened simple rockets that were used by ancient nations like china, Greece, Iran and ... same story for everything. you forgot your co operate with US and french.

helping to NK let us to test our new SLV without losing it in the first test lunch in iran.
Iran already has a SLV the size of Unha, Simorgh which will be launched this year.
After NK launched its Unha u can copy it and launch your Simogh.

Besides,it's not proved that except giving old Scud technology to Iran in early 90s, NK has helped Iran in any other way.But it's vice versa.Iran is now much more advanced than NK regarding SLV and rocket tech.
Can you provide any proof that Iran copied Safir from NK, or is that simply because you hate Iran?
Safir is based on Shahab-3 and Shahab-3 is Nodong-A copy.

if you were not blind you could read posts of many members that have mentioned what the purpose is.

" the rocket is the low-key part of the case, Capsule's safety is the important part.now its monkey but in 2016 it will be human."

With this tiny sounding rocket u cant test anything. Its like tast fighter safety jet seats on donkey cart.
North korea helped iran in early 90's, but nowadays it's iran who is helping NK. NK sent satellite to orbit by getting help from iran, iran helped them in third stage and final stage for releasing the satellite.

and Soviet Scud and US missiles are enlargened nazi V-2. and nazi V-2 is enlargened simple rockets that were used by ancient nations like china, Greece, Iran and ... same story for everything. you forgot your co operate with US and french
Left - Iranian super duper Safir, right - ancient Soviet Scud:

just one question, is there any particular reason why a monkey was chosen? Russians had sent a dog, certainly there was some logic behind that, may be all animals may not react the same way to weightlessness, or the high gravity pull during the launch, in any case, what was the scientific reason behind launching a monkey into space, why not other animals?

well , we look after USA .... they used monkey and we trying to use their experience and step in their foot step .... USA is best in space program , and we trying to learn from best ...
and don't forget that 97% human and monkey is just like each other .... their body is closet one to human .....

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