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Iran successfully sends living creature in to space, recovers it alive.

Soviet Scud and US missiles are enlargened nazi V-2. and nazi V-2 is enlargened simple rockets that were used by ancient nations like china, Greece, Iran,india and ... same story for everything.

It seems you never heard about guided and electronic systems,range,the power of engine,Environmental conditions in the space and ...

people here pissed you off by giving you sources about Nk and iran . now again repeat the same sentence like a real troll. Next time before trying to show your hatred, just a little google it.
I gave a source that Shahab is Nodong copy.
I posted a pic showing how Safir is repeating Scud design even in little details.

Congrats with the launch of sounding rocket.
I gave a source that Shahab is Nodong copy.
I posted a pic showing how Safir is repeating Scud design even in little details.

Congrats with the launch of sounding rocket.

Don't look at the size, The third and second stage of Unha is similar to Safir. NK HAD to use 3 stages, because of their geographic location. Also notice that NK failed 4 times until according to US sources, Iranian missile scientist went there.


What North Korea's Rocket Launch Tells Us About Iran's Role

U.S. officials say the satellite put into orbit by North Korea's rocket launch this week is wobbling, but that doesn't necessarily mean the launch itself was unsuccessful.

U.S. analysts say the North Koreans' main goal was not to put a satellite into orbit, but just to see all three stages of their rocket work, to show that the rocket could carry its payload a long distance. That it did. In the last test, in April, the first rocket stages worked as designed, but the third stage failed. Charles Vick, a missile expert at GlobalSecurity.org, credits the North Koreans with learning from their past mistakes.

"They have demonstrated not merely an ability to identify problems, but to resolve those problems and get the total system to work together, all three stages working as a single launch vehicle," he said.

So, the North Koreans are making progress.

Iran's Role

Next question: What, if anything, did this launch mean for Iran?

We know North Korea and Iran have worked together in missile design. Vick says the evidence can be seen by comparing the North Korean Nodong missile with Iran's Shahab missile.

"In every detail, right down to the re-entry vehicles, Nodong-A is the Shahab-3," he says. "The technology is being transferred in both directions, and I think that's what's going on in the nuclear technology, too."

This cooperation may well have contributed to the success of this week's rocket launch.

Theodore Postol, a missile expert at MIT, says the third stage of the North Korean rocket launched this week looks like a comparable stage in a rocket designed by the Iranians.

"They were able to collaborate with equipment given to them or sent to them from North Korea, and at the same time do a lot of the research and engineering development needed to build this upper stage," Postol says.

What this means, Postol thinks, is that this week's North Korean rocket was actually a joint production between North Korean and Iranian engineers.

"While the North Koreans were working on the first stage, these guys were working on the third stage," he says. "So there's no doubt, looking at the technology, you don't need access to the intelligence information to see that these programs are very, very strongly collaborating."

Who's Helping Whom?

Missile analysts think the rocket technology now used by Iran came originally from North Korea. But Jeffrey Lewis, a proliferation expert at the Monterey Institute of International Studies, thinks nowadays it's the Iranians assisting the North Koreans with missile development.

"The Iranians were doing innovation and change, taking things apart and putting them back together, and it now, to me, looks like the Iranians are better at this than the North Koreans," Lewis says. "And so the North Koreans have gone from being a technology supplier to possibly the recipient of technologies and services back from the Iranians."

This reversal — from North Korea helping Iran to Iran helping North Korea — is important. Remember, a big question is whether this week's rocket launch helped Iran as well as North Korea. Some U.S. officials have worried about that, but Lewis is not convinced.

"I look at this test as a contribution to North Korea's program, but I think it's probably a pretty marginal contribution to the Iranian program," he says.

Of course, Lewis says, every test is a learning experience. Iran may want to develop its own long-range, intercontinental ballistic missile; North Korea's demonstration of such a capability this week should provide data that Iranian engineers can put to good use.

A final point: Successfully testing a long-range missile is one thing; putting a nuclear warhead on the missile is quite another. Experts say both North Korea and Iran are still a long way from being able to do that.
I gave that Shahab is Nodong copy.
I posted showing how Safir is repeating Scud design even in little details.

Congrats with the launch of sounding rocket.

You can name it anything you love it sir ...a proverb say:You can awaken a somebody is sleeping but you can't awaken somebody simulation sleeping!!!!
But Time is reveal the TRUTH..just patient sir!:coffee:
They have got huge potential given the developments despite huge Socio-Political problems!!

They have got huge potential given the developments despite huge Socio-Political problems!!
Iran already has a SLV the size of Unha, Simorgh which will be launched this year.

Besides,it's not proved that except giving old Scud technology to Iran in early 90s, NK has helped Iran in any other way.But it's vice versa.Iran is now much more advanced than NK regarding SLV and rocket tech.
Can you provide any proof that Iran copied Safir from NK, or is that simply because you hate Iran?

Read this article, interesting.

NKorea rocket launch draws more worry than Iran's - Boston.com
Read also:

New Developments in Iran's Missile Capabilities: Implications Beyond the Middle EastJerusalem Center For Public Affairs

The Iran Secret: Explaining North Korea's Rocket Success - The Diplomat

In fact i read many news from west saying that Iranian Scientists are helping NK in recent launch.....
The tv now showed the footage of launch in to space and the retrieve of the capsule in middle of desert, 140 km away from launch site.The monkey looked even better than pre-launch moments. :P

Will add video as soon as it's uploaded somewhere.
of course he must feel better ! because after launch he had peed in his capsule :D and then he could see outside with no stress :)
Era@ jan

Why do you let this retarded zionist troll keep commenting?
This guy is a class A moron. He think any missile which has a jet vane is a scud copy.
For example he thinks the Indian AA missile seen below is also a scud copy because it uses jet vanes.


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On topic, EXCELLENT NEWS!!!!!!!!!
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