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Iran says ready to fight terror on Pakistani soil

Thanks to Iran's offer. My opinion is, Pakistan’s armed forces are capable and far better trained in real environment to handle the war against terrorists.
Sometimes I wonder where is our big army, air force, navy, rangers, police, MI, IB, FIA, ANF, and most importantly world's number 1 intelligence agency ISI?

why worry
maybe they will take a uturn
Pakistan and Iran should work together to make Baluchistan safer, large parts of Baluchistan seem to have no law or order. There are terrorist organisations sitting in Pakistani side targeting Iranian soldiers, most of them happen to be Sunni or separatist terrorists usually funded by Saudia and USA.
Pakistan and Iran should work together to make Baluchistan safer, large parts of Baluchistan seem to have no law or order. There are terrorist organisations sitting in Pakistani side targeting Iranian soldiers, most of them happen to be Sunni or separatist terrorists usually funded by Saudia and USA.

I thought security situation in Balochistan was quite satisfactory. What are the basis of your claim? Indian propaganda?
hahaha sure nobody cares

Nobody in the govt. and PA cares because it will upset their kozy nest of living in comfort.

But the general public does care and sooner or later they will care enough to do something about it. And that is when the chinese will step in. Like the US did.
Nobody in the govt. and PA cares because it will upset their kozy nest of living in comfort.

But the general public does care and sooner or later they will care enough to do something about it. And that is when the chinese will set in.

when will you make the bollywood movie about it?
Usual stupid posters are getting their panties in twists. Fazli said said "under Pakistani supervision". These Iranian-Pakistani Joint operations have happened before.


Iranians and Pakistanis are people of persian stock. Why all the animosity?

You can't even tell iranis and pakistanis apart.

No they are not. Thick Majority of Pakistanis are racially north Indians. Rest are Southern Iranids but far far distant from Persians in terms of ethnicity. Persian phenotype or phenotype does not exist in South Asia. Southern Iranids like Pashtuns, Baloch, Pamiri exists in Pakistan in large numbers though.
I thought security situation in Balochistan was quite satisfactory. What are the basis of your claim? Indian propaganda?

Pakistani security forces in Baluchistan are stretched to thin man and have you seen the state of levies? Gangadesh is taking advantage of this situation I'm sure you remember one of their monkey was finally captured for creating murder and destruction in that part of Pakistan. Pakistan cannot afford new enemies, Iran may not be very trustworthy but they are our neighbors, we need to work with them to secure Baluchistan because we can't fight on three fronts.
Clear all indian investment these investment in background is working against pak kalbhushan is prime example
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