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Iran says ready to fight terror on Pakistani soil

Pakistan sends buses full of people to Iran and from their they go to Syria and fight shoulder to shoulder with same Afghan who they curse once back on defence.pk.

Yes, this needs to end also.

I know a Syrian Muslim Kurd friend of mine who was upset at Shia Pakistanis who were in his city with sectarian militias allied to Assad.
Yes, this needs to end also.

I know a Syrian Muslim Kurd friend of mine who was upset at Shia Pakistanis who were in his city with sectarian militias allied to Assad.

Naturally, what they are doing in Syria is basically killing civilians.
Recently state of Pakistan has built a gate and proper immigration system, but now these fighters shout slogans at border crossing against the state of Pakistan.
Many Pakistanis come from UK and Australia to fight in Syria.
Naturally, what they are doing in Syria is basically killing civilians.
Recently state of Pakistan has built a gate and proper immigration system, but now these fighters shout slogans at border crossing against the state of Pakistan.
Many Pakistanis come from UK and Australia to fight in Syria.

Action needs to be taken at home to deal with Shia and Sunni extremism both, I feel we overlook Iran’s recruitment of fighters from Pakistan and Afghan refugees here.
They seem sincere to Iran unlike a lot of Pakistani leaders...to Pakistan
So you think Iran leadership is sincere to their own people???Which world you leave in my friend???...See those tiny gulf states like UAE, Qatar and Baharin....In spite of so much of oil resources Iran is just fighting an unwanted war by putting their citizen life at risk....Their economy is sanctioned for more than 20 year...How can you say about a leader who does not take care of their own peoplw but put its country at risk due to else???....This not called leaderahip rather unwanted madness....Rather i am really proud for Pakistan that among Muslim countries...Pakistan is really in course of successful democracy and is a desent nation where religious heads do not decide the policy rather democratically elected gov governs it...
Because we are busy wasting money on a useless navy to hunt down Somali prirates and worry about policing the ocean when large parts of Pakistan are lawless.
I agree,especially with the parts in bold.

yawns pure bs by iranian . mess with tiny israel then we will talk.
Iran is messin with tiny Israel....indirectly. Accurate hamas rockets just fukd with Israel. YOu think that wasnt Iran?

this is Iran's chance to finish the sunni terrorist group Jaish ul-Adl for good.
............if Pakistan will allow Iran.

Fuk off Iran.
First give rights to your Suni Baloch population and all problems will be solved...
Iran should not be allowed to touch Pakistani soil.
Look what they did to Yemen, Syria , Iraq and many other countries where they went to "Fight terror"
Is it just me or do the Baloch in Pakistan seem more actively resistant to their govt than Iranian Baloch? Yes Iran is active in the region, i accept that, but are they active against themselves or ghosts? no. it takes 2 to tango, why see only 1 side?

We should have attacked inside Iran and all handlers eliminated which helped indian terrorist. while in Pakistan coming in from Iran
If you inform Iran of your targets and the reasons, you will get permission to do your attack. You prolly dont have even a good # of targets identified based on solid information.

They need to be told who is the boss here , if needed use small nukes to teach them a lesson and make Iranian side of the border full of radiation
Wow, ready to go savage just to tell a muslim brother neighbor to back off? Cool down bro. you're getting too wild.

They need to make sure Iranian side is not used by anyone including India again Pakistan
And Iran need to make sure that Pakistani side is not used by anyone, including Saudi Arabia.
Its true Iran allowed Kulbushan,etc, but i believe that is lighter than what Pakistan has allowed happen to Iran. Why would Iran sit by while Pakistani military plays games and takes cash from Saudis for proxy attack acceptance via Pakistani territory? I guess its game on though.

I hope one day Pakistan behaves like a nuclear nation and doesn't have to take this shit. Banana republics like afghanistan and iran need to be put in their place.
Nukes these days are used as "displays of National power".You shouldnt and wont use them.

LOoool, so what of the uzair balocjh with fking Irani shit passport ? what of yadav ??
Yes Iran was associated with their cases and likely facilitated in some way, but what do you expect when you're not a saint either.How many traitor acts have you done and how many has Iran done against Pakistan?
es Iran was associated with their cases and likely facilitated in some way, but what do you expect when you're not a saint either.How
Then fk off since you have no fking right to raise finger, you lot facilitated son of bitches to kill our citizens, no wonder you snakes are shunned all over the world. Axis of evil
Then fk off since you have no fking right to raise finger, you lot facilitated son of bitches to kill our citizens, no wonder you snakes are shunned all over the world. Axis of evil
So you are also right about what you said. Now we are both right. Thats ok by me.
Iran is not at all a threat but a friend to Pakistan. However, I do think we to enhance capabilities of FC, Balochistan Police on Iran - Pakistan International border. We definitely need Iran's co-operations to crush the RAW CIA sponsored of insurgency in Southern & Western Balochistan.

@Indus Pakistan @Tps43

Baluchistan Border is patrolled by FC. It is FC's job to man the Int-Border on west and Rangers Job on the east. Army is deployed on LOC, not IB (east or west). FC strength in Baluchistan is 40,000+ and is divided into 19 Wings.
FC is supported by Levies (strength 13,000) and Baluchistan Constabulary (strength 8,000, uses APC's).

Army is deployed at a distance from south-western border since Iran is not considered a primary threat and FC is expected to deter/absorb/repel any attack from Iran while the Army moves in. The military buildup or terrorist incursion on the borders is reported through intel so the Military is not caught off guard.

The wikipedia page or any source will mention the location of HQ, not its organic units. So while the Brigade HQ maybe in Turbat, the battalions under command could be located elsewhere, then the companies under the command of the battalion maybe deployed further away at different locations, so depending upon geography, an infantry company (150 troops) maybe located at a distance of 50-100 km from its Brigade HQ.

Consider as an example of reality, 33 Div and 41 Div HQ's are deployed in Quetta, at least one Brigade of either 33 Div or 41 Div is deployed in Chaman whereas Chaman is 3 hours drive and 130 km away from Quetta.

Now please stop arguing and go have coffee, weather is turning cold soon.

Edit: 130km... not 160km

Iran is not at all a threat, but one of the all time trustworthy friends of Pakistan. Iranian people, & Iranian Council of Guardians (the Iranian Establishment) is always very sympathetic, sincere and peaceful towards Pakistan. Hundreds of Thousands of Pakistanis goes to Iran every year for the pilgrimage of holy shrines. Its the second largest plight of Pilgrimage after Hajj & Umrah. We must see it in a positive manner in terms of people to people contact. So sensing Iran as a threat, is not at all favorable for Pakistan, this equation in fact favoring India, who wants to isolate Pakistan in the region.

Remember the statement of Ayatullah Ali Khamnaei in which he favors Kashmir's cause. It is also to be noticed, that Iran's Press TV often shows Indian brutality in Kashmir, while US puppet Arab media don't show such things.

However, Pakistan Army should raise another Corp which can be HQ in Gwadar. Not because of Iran, but because of RAW sponsored Baloch insurgency, because of the security of CPEC and as well for the security and development of the local area. Because Establishment of Cantonments also causes the ultimate development of the area, Bhawalpur, Pannu Aaqil and Kharian are the examples. So if the Cantonments will be build there in Souther Balochistan (turbat, panjgur, kharan, awaran) then there will be a lot of things there which will benefit the locals also. Moreover, it will help to clean the area of RAW CIA sponsored miscreants.

Corp HQ can be either in Gwadar or Turbat, but Divisional HQ should be placed in Turbat, Panjgur & Gwadar, while Awaran, Kharan & Nushki should have the Brigade HQ. I think in order to raise another Corp, most of the recruitment should be done from KPK, Northern Balochistan, FATA, Gilgit Baltistan & Southern Sindh, through this we can reject a wrong perception / propaganda of RAW that its a "Punjabi Fauj" and the areas which I have suggested for possible recruitments are already under poverty and Low / Very Low Human Development.
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