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Iqbal Hossain, key suspect in anti-Hindu violence, taken to Cumilla

He should be put in a dark sell for rest of his life.
From.the start it looked it was done on purpose to attack the minorities.


Aren't you going to ask how much RAW paid him to do this?

Really amateur work, you should pay these RAW agents in Bangladesh more money to hire better 'resources'. Laughable.

Faida was only sought and gained by BJP/RSS for implementing CAA/NRC in WB.

Bangladeshis (even Jamatis) need not rock the boat. Why should they? They're doing fine.

And correct your grammar app on your cellphone.
With increased international condemnation, they had to come up with something. This does not change how the minority community is feeling right now after the barbaric act.

Bangladesh's Hindus living in fear following mob attacks

Worry about your own minorities.

This is Bangladesh' internal matter and we will handle it how we see fit.
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Talk about sick mindsets if you have to learn from the bad in India. India does a lot of good things also, what did you learn from it?
What kind of sick weirdo you have to be to brush of multiple genocides and ethnic cleansings as "bad in India".

I'm sure Nazi Germany and Rwanda must have alot of good things to but it's still no excuse for a genocide
How Chhatra League men aided in Iqbal’s arrest
Masud Alam, Comilla
  • Published at 06:32 pm October 22nd, 2021
iqbal hossain cox's bazar

A photo shows Iqbal Hossain with the men who aided in his arrest in Cox’s Bazar on Thursday night Collected

They confirmed Iqbal’s identity by sending his photos to Noakhali police and kept him back until police arrived without arousing his suspicions

Three friends, who are also members of the Bangladesh Chhatra League, aided police in the arrest of Iqbal Hossain, the man responsible for keeping a Quran at a Comilla puja venue that triggered attacks on Hindus.

The trio identified as Anik Rahman, Mehedi Hasan Mishu, and Saiful Islam Saif are local Chhatra League activists, confirmed Asaduzzaman Arman, president of Noakhali unit Chhatra League.

Anik Rahman and Mehedi Hasan Mishu, both of whom are masters’ students at Chowmuhani Government SA College, said along with their friends they had gone to visit the Cox’s Bazar sea beach for a vacation.

Mishu said they first saw Iqbal at Dariyanagar and later made his acquaintance at Sugandha Beach on Thursday night.

Also read - Man wanted for Comilla unrest seen in CCTV video with shrine attendants

After the man identified himself as Iqbal, the trio started suspecting that he might be the same man wanted by the police over the communal violence in Comilla.

So, they took a photo with him and sent it to the Noakhali police for confirmation. Noakhali police then directed them to Comilla police who in turn notified the Cox’s Bazar police on their behalf.

After getting confirmation, the trio got Iqbal some food and held him back until the police arrived.

Confirming the matter, Noakhali (Begumganj Circle) Assistant Superintendent of Police Shah Imran said he was tipped off about Iqbal's whereabouts by the three Chhatra League men on Thursday night.

He said: “Anik and Mishu called me Thursday night and gave me information about Iqbal. I later contacted the Comilla and Cox's Bazar police and conveyed Iqbal’s location.”

Iqbal was later brought to Comilla Police Lines on Friday following his arrest in Cox’s Bazar.
Currently, he is being interrogated for potential leads in police custody under tight security.

Also read - Comilla Carnage: Victim succumbs at DMCH

On October 13, a 999 call to police reported that a copy of the Quran was found on an idol of a puja venue in Comilla.

Locals said they found a copy of the Quran on the lap of Hanuman, a central character in the Hindu epic Ramayana, but his weapon, a club, was missing.

Several temples and puja venues in the city came under attack in the afternoon as tension mounted after the video went viral. Many shared the video calling for attacks on Hindu sites on allegations of sacrilege.

The violence later spread across Bangladesh, leaving seven dead and many Hindu houses and businesses vandalized.

Guy placed the Qur'an on Honuman's foot. Next morning he was spotted provoking people and calling Hindus BD's enemy. Even stayed there for few days then kept running from one place to another before fleeing to Cox's Bazar. All of his activities that night on CCTV footage.

So much for "cover-up" story or being insane/vagabond. How does a insane/vagabond did all this and kept changing his position before fleeing to Cox's Bazar? Hypocrites use this "insane/vagabond" tag for whities who were responsible for gun violence in USA, those Indians nationals who were arrested near Padma Bridge area also tried to pull this same "insane/vagabond" stunt but they had trimmed nails.

More important question is if this guy doesn't have smartphone then who was manipulating him and how? Or what motivated him to do such thing? Obviously Bihari Billy was ready to pin it on RAW just like Defseca and other idiots but they don't explain what RAW achieves by orchestrating this. Hindu temples and properties were vandalized before tons of times.

Attacks on Hindus in Brahmanbaria, Nasirnagar by Hefazat-E-Islam (more like Kheyanat-E-Islam) are still fresh. Was RAW behind those too? 😏 And even after Comilla's incident when everything cooled down, Hindu temple was vandalized in Bogura. Did RAW do that too? 😏 This same tactic was used before by a certain group for 71's genocide-rape and looks like it's still being used to pin the blame on India.

Worry about your own minorities.

This is Bangladesh' internal matter and we will handle it how we see fit.

This coming from the guy who often cries for Indian Muslims, bash Indian Hindus for it 24/7 and wants BD to give citizenship to @jamahir ? 😳😲 Oreeeee batpar!! :cheesy::cheesy:
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The way to handle this is to not get violently triggered by religious provocations and blasphemies, whether by Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Christian, Buddhist, or Atheist. People in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh should overcome this. Don't let others control you.
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The way to handle this is to not get violently triggered by religious provocations and blasphemies, whether by Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Christian, Buddhist, or Atheist. People in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh should overcome this. Don't let others control you.
So you are telling me people should use brains and not be snowflakes? Where is the fun in that?
I thought an essential part of faith is to never take responsibility and instead believe that everything is the fault of foreign intelligence agencies.
Please refrain from saying such blasphemous things that South Asian peanut brains cannot compute.
Better looking than ugly dogkhas :rofl: :rofl:
Here comes the triggered Rockybul...did I hurt your feelings snowflake....
BTW what does dogkha mean...
Go back to washing dishes in that Indian restaurant, Rockybul...:p
Rich coming from dravidians. He’s your blood, why be ashamed of it ?
Now you are claiming all Rockybuls as Dravidian...

What does that make you??

So iqbal hussain won't be made a hero and elected to become a member of parliament atleast if not prime Minister of the country itself like it happens in India???
Here comes the triggered Rockybul...did I hurt your feelings snowflake....
BTW what does dogkha mean...
Go back to washing dishes in that Indian restaurant, Rockybul...:p

What does that make you??
Lol is that IQ that low? oh yeah, you'r a dogkha, dumb low iq people that lick indian and british *** for a living.
As you spread hindutva poison across India you had to expect the neighborhood would be affected and respond
I guess especially in Pakistan, this poison has been part of our curriculum since independence...to taint Hindus/Christians as dirty, sinful bunch of people and that they should be prosecuted wherever found......The whole creation of East/ West Pakistan was on the basis of Hate laced by the poison which you referred above..isn't it?...
Your making excuses

You spread hindutva poison across India and didn't think it would push Kashmiri, Indian Muslims and regional countries to hate you and see you as a threat

This one dude can be prosecuted but the underlying reality that so many in Bangladesh viewed the hindus with such mistrust that they immediately went in for the kill

Hindutva poison will cause a backlash and reaction

A recent (3 days old) article on the same topic...

India’s Role in Communal Violence in Bangladesh

India’s anti-Muslim policies trigger anti-Hindu sentiments in its neighbors, creating a vicious cycle of communal violence.

If somebody feels like starting a thread on it, kindly do.
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