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New Recruit

Jan 10, 2022
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Hi Everyone,

Joined DP forum after a while now. Work as a UX dev. Interests are history, tech devs, startup and stack overflow. Hate bhakts and 5th gen warriors equally. Though I'd prefer the latter.

I want to meet the genius at Defence.pk who came up with proxy questions in profile registration. He should be fired for his naivety.

Hi Everyone,

Joined DP forum after a while now. Work as a UX dev. Interests are history, tech devs, startup and stack overflow. Hate bhakts and 5th gen warriors equally. Though I'd prefer the latter.

I want to meet the genius at Defence.pk who came up with proxy questions in profile registration. He should be fired for his naivety.

Welcome onboard yeti786
I want to meet the genius at Defence.pk who came up with proxy questions in profile registration. He should be fired for his naivety.
That statement (above) will get you your first Negative Rating.

Take it as 'Welcome to [PDF]'.
I want to meet the genius at Defence.pk who came up with proxy questions in profile registration. He should be fired for his naivety.


Welcome. :usflag::pakistan:

Not a good look to disrespect the volunteers who try to maintain the PDF as a civilized online space. The proxy questions have been in place for as long as I can remember, more than 10 years. Why don't you suggest a set of "new" proxy questions and see how much warm approval of your "sophistication" you'll garner?
Welcome. :usflag::pakistan:

Not a good look to disrespect the volunteers who try to maintain the PDF as a civilized online space. The proxy questions have been in place for as long as I can remember, more than 10 years. Why don't you suggest a set of "new" proxy questions and see how much warm approval of your "sophistication" you'll garner?

I don't remember anyone asking me whether I use proxy server or not for my earlier profile creation back in 2014-15.

Not talking about proxy questions. I was talking about question regarding proxy use. Sorry if it came the wrong way. I appreciate the volunteers and the work they do making this forum what it is. But such a question bypassed reviewers and anyone knows you don't ask robbers for instance if they rob people.
Not talking about proxy questions. I was talking about question regarding proxy use.
I apologize for misunderstanding your opening post. Welcome!
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