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Interview: Expanded economic ties with China can reduce Mexico's reliance on U.S., says expert

That is not going to happen.

Mexico's all advantage is its location, being placed next to the number 1 economy in the world, and being in a free trade relationship with it.

In trade, distance, and gravity of it matters. Mexico is ultimately a cheap location that American companies go to, near the US, for their manufacturing.

Well, if trump get's his wall which just got 10 feet higher on the mexican border, and his threat/plan to put a 35% tariff on all american companies that move their manufacturing to mexico then you have to see from the Mexican point of view... which is to hedge their bets. Mexico's economy will be completely fcked if trump fulfill his campaign promises (and he might to keep his base happy).

Trump's Mexican wall and making mexico PAY for it.

Trump's 35% tariff on offshore manufacturing.
am not sure how awful the taste was like for foreigner, since it's basically an avocado juiced to be drinkable. sure it's thick af, but it's healthy. i dunno, maybe you prefer GMO or Monsanto juiced stuffs over this?

GMO foods get a bad rap, nonetheless, they are critical to increasing yields and doing a better job of ensuring public health.

Aside from that, the Avocado taste with the milkshake texture... I never want to drink an Avocado again. Give me guac any day.

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