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Interracial marriage in US doubles

That's precisely my point. I am not disputing the geographical accuracy or official terminology, just pointing out colloquial usage that if you use the term "Asian" for Indians/Pakistanis in an American context, you will almost certainly confuse your audience.

Yes, but I tend to use the term anyway and insist on educating Americans about the true meaning of the term.

I read the complete report. On this topic, I may not be FairAndUnbiased because of the limits to my views. From what I've seen, it is mostly Asian Americans, and not Asians, marrying the whites. The Koreans, Vietnamese and Chinese grad students usually stick to each other in my school.

However, I do see Asian American girls (they "look different" from us, I don't know, maybe its because they have the American attitude of not caring about their clothes and hair?) with the white guys alot.

I think a more useful question would be this: what is the percentage of purebred native Asians who marry out, vs. the percentage of Asian Americans born outside the US, vs. the percentage of Asian Americans born in the US?


In 2010, native-born Asian male newlyweds were about three times as likely as the foreign born to marry out (32% vs. 11%). Among newlywed Asian women, the gap between native and foreign born is much smaller (43% vs.34%). The gender differences are not significant among Hispanic native- and foreign-born newlyweds.

Well, the question is answered but I have statistics from Australia to complement this:

4102.0 - Australian Social Trends, 2000

The marriage rate of Chinese females born in China to long term Australians (people born in Australia whose parents were born in Australia; in 2000 this was mostly white Anglos) is 10.6% and marriage rate to Chinese males born in China is 60.9%.

This is the 3rd lowest rate of out marriage to white Australians among non-Australians, behind Vietnamese (3.7%) and Lebanese (3.8%) and just lower than Greeks (12%). The total outmarriage rate to all non-Chinese males is 39.1%.

Chinese males have a very low 1.4% outmarriage rate to white Australians, which ranks dead last unfortunately in marriage to Australians, but have a relatively high 23% outmarriage rate to non-Australian non-Chinese females, probably Filipinos or Vietnamese.

Indians have very low love loyalty, with 60% of Indian women born in India and 70% of Indian men born in India marrying out.

By 2nd generation, only 10% of Chinese-Australian females marry Chinese men born in China, while 14.8% of Chinese-Australian males marry Chinese women born in China.

This 2nd generation loyalty rate is 7th place ranked, behind Lebanon, Greece, Germany, UK, Italy and Yugoslavia but ahead of Vietnamese, Indians and Filipinos.
I find it so interesting in fact amusing how some members here who don't even live in the US are so obsessed with this issue.
Direct experience? I'm not looking for a relationship right now, so no. But I don't see how you can deny the obvious that Asian guys are generally considered somewhat less attractive in American society in general, and black women are definitely perceived as unattractive.

The statistics back up my general perception. Of course, where I currently live in the Bay Area, things are a lot better for us Asian guys, but not for black women.
So according to your criteria -- personal relationships -- the only way for the US to prove that we are not a racist country is to have everyone involved in an interracial relationship.

Do you know how pathetic that sounds?

But then this proved beyond any reasonable doubt, according to your criteria of personal relationships only, that the country that you sucked up to -- China -- is far more racist than the US. How many interracial relationships are there in China?
So according to your criteria -- personal relationships -- the only way for the US to prove that we are not a racist country is to have everyone involved in an interracial relationship.

Do you know how pathetic that sounds?

But then this proved beyond any reasonable doubt, according to your criteria of personal relationships only, that the country that you sucked up to -- China -- is far more racist than the US. How many interracial relationships are there in China?

East Asian countries don't have a lot of interracial relationships because these countries are more homogeneous.

Anyway, I don't think racism has anything to do with how inter marriage works in the US. It is more of cultral preference, especially for the first/second generation of immigrants. For instance, there're fewer marriages between first/second generation of Asian male vs females from other races. Cultural wise, Asian males prefer submissive wives and while/black/Latin women don't like passive engineer type of Asian males that is common among the first/second generation of Asian males. (Media does enforce the stereotype, most Asian figures in TV/Movies are geek types) So neitherer group is attractive to others.
East Asian countries don't have a lot of interracial relationships because these countries are more homogeneous.

Anyway, I don't think racism has anything to do with how inter marriage works in the US. It is more of cultral preference, especially for the first/second generation of immigrants. For instance, there're fewer marriages between first/second generation of Asian male vs females from other races. Cultural wise, Asian males prefer submissive wives and while/black/Latin women don't like passive engineer type of Asian males that is common among the first/second generation of Asian males. (Media does enforce the stereotype, most Asian figures in TV/Movies are geek types) So neitherer group is attractive to others.

Asian males prefer submissive wives?! No, WHITES prefer submissive wives. I've only heard whites talk about how "submissive" their wives are and take it as point of pride. I've never ever seen an Asian or Asian American talk about "submissive" (顺从) as something good.

One of the most popular Korean dramas was "My Barbaric Girlfriend" 我的野蛮女友 so that gives you an idea what the modern ideas of love are like, at least in Asia. I don't know too much about Asian Americans but from what my personal observations are they are similar.

I also think many of the East Asian women that marry the western whites are doing it for the "status" and money. If they did not care, why don't they marry Ukranian, Russian, Moldovan? If they truly supported interracial marriage, why not blacks? I am not against interracial marriage, but this sort of thing is just disgusting, it borders on self racist hate.
So according to your criteria -- personal relationships -- the only way for the US to prove that we are not a racist country is to have everyone involved in an interracial relationship.

Do you know how pathetic that sounds?

But then this proved beyond any reasonable doubt, according to your criteria of personal relationships only, that the country that you sucked up to -- China -- is far more racist than the US. How many interracial relationships are there in China?

Apparently you fail reading comprehension. Because you're hitting at straw men here.
Having stayed in both US & UK for at least five years each, I can confidently say that as far as metropolitan areas are concerned; American people are a lot more tolerant and there are equal opportunities in socio-economic circles.

Consider a Black president in a country with only 12% Black population and a history of racial discrimination; Americans have come a long way from their checkered past.
Having stayed in both US & UK for at least five years each, I can confidently say that as far as metropolitan areas are concerned; American people are a lot more tolerant and there are equal opportunities in socio-economic circles.

Consider a Black president in a country with only 12% Black population and a history of racial discrimination; Americans have come a long way from their checkered past.

just a question: why do you think Obama is black? he is equally white as he is black.
Asian males prefer submissive wives?! No, WHITES prefer submissive wives. I've only heard whites talk about how "submissive" their wives are and take it as point of pride. I've never ever seen an Asian or Asian American talk about "submissive" (顺从) as something good.

One of the most popular Korean dramas was "My Barbaric Girlfriend" 我的野蛮女友 so that gives you an idea what the modern ideas of love are like, at least in Asia. I don't know too much about Asian Americans but from what my personal observations are they are similar.


Submissive is not a proper word I guess, I still have trouble expressing subtle things in English. The correct word is probably "more feminite." Even in the movie "My Barbaric Girlfriend", the girl, regardless of being violent (Only on surface), still looks pretty in Asian standard, which is very different from western beauties. To me, Asian girls are like water and western girls are like fire (thus "hot" girls, an expression never existed in Asian culture before). That also explains Japanese **** movies are overwhelmingly more popular than Holywood ones in East Asia. Anyway, a bit off topic.

(By Asian, I mean East Asian groups - Korea, Japan, China, Vietnam, I think that's the what is meant in the original article as well).
just a question: why do you think Obama is black? he is equally white as he is black.
You made a valid point Obama is a mixed ethnic person yet most americans even african americans consider him Black which is offensive in their own rights. It shows racism is still prevalent in modern american society
just a question: why do you think Obama is black? he is equally white as he is black.

Good question. That's modern day racism, even if someone is 1/8 non-white, he/she will be considered colored. It seems that you are excluded from the elite club if you are not "pure blood" white.
Submissive is not a proper word I guess, I still have trouble expressing subtle things in English. The correct word is probably "more feminite." Even in the movie "My Barbaric Girlfriend", the girl, regardless of being violent (Only on surface), still looks pretty in Asian standard, which is very different from western beauties. To me, Asian girls are like water and western girls are like fire (thus "hot" girls, an expression never existed in Asian culture before). That also explains Japanese **** movies are overwhelmingly more popular than Holywood ones in East Asia. Anyway, a bit off topic.

(By Asian, I mean East Asian groups - Korea, Japan, China, Vietnam, I think that's the what is meant in the original article as well).

Because the western girls are wild, while the asian girls are reserved and shy.
Submissive is not a proper word I guess, I still have trouble expressing subtle things in English. The correct word is probably "more feminite." Even in the movie "My Barbaric Girlfriend", the girl, regardless of being violent (Only on surface), still looks pretty in Asian standard, which is very different from western beauties. To me, Asian girls are like water and western girls are like fire (thus "hot" girls, an expression never existed in Asian culture before). That also explains Japanese **** movies are overwhelmingly more popular than Holywood ones in East Asia. Anyway, a bit off topic.

(By Asian, I mean East Asian groups - Korea, Japan, China, Vietnam, I think that's the what is meant in the original article as well).

Let me put out a theory that is more general:

It has to do with precieved status.

In "My Barbaric Girlfriend" the girl DARES to be barbaric to her boyfriend, because she subconsciously knows that it is "acceptable" and the boyfriend will laugh it off. If her boyfriend was a white, she would not behave in such a wild way!

However, most girls would not be like that towards whites! Is this not fact? I read stories of this all the time. The Chinese girl is arrogant and condescending to any Chinese that dates her, but whenever she is in front of the whites, she is instantly meek as a kitten. This is seen all the time with whites too, the white woman who is really bit**y to the white men, would never even dare of talking like that to blacks.

The reason is because the media tells them that the "proper role" for them to play in such relationships (asian f white m, white f black m) is for them to be meek, but there is opposite portrayal of what they should behave like in same race relationships.

I have no evidence of this, but I believe this thoery is more simple and elegant than attributing it to any inherent preferences.

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