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Intelligence Report: "My Stand is with Pakistan"

Do you know the exact number of the recruits?

Kulbhashan Yadev network has tentacles all across the country.
Even DG ISIS or MI might struggle to answer the question
but these bastards have given us a fight for over a decade without seemingly running out of men until we really hit them hard that the message was reached to the "would be recruits" that it was of no use to be asholes and was better to go underground and keep the thoughts to themselves.
yes Yadev is a classic case and Iranians had much to answer. this is why they never denied our version of the story.they have ongoing concerns and complaints of Jundullah using our land to launch attacks ont hem and then returning back to safety in Pakistan. but this is out of topic
I invited you all to share your views on my opening post and after giving your analysis suggest practical solutions on how well we can be a unified community to face the outside world.
Peaky blinders the prime example
And what happened to Saddam's disbanded Iraqi Army - where did many of those (unemployed) soldiers go? They joined Al Qaeda and ISIS. Now, my view is that if we can have rehabilitation camps for TTP militants, we should absolutely have something similar for these fighters returning. Teach them usable skills etc. You can't just let this fester even if there is no immediate threat.

About the last part—-Please try it—-it does not take a lot to talk intelligent.

Bhai Sahab, my english is not my mother tongue so sometimes I write wrongly what I wanted to say and sometimes I have difficulties to understand what others wrote.

So do you mean that you didn’t understood what I wrote in the last part you are talking about?

a gangster starys a gangster where ever he is

Yes who are the gangsters in the context we are talking about ?

pakistan was not asked to invade gcc which was in a crisis.

The way they asked was not correct.

I have no confidential information so my opinion is made with few information I got publically only. And I was chocked how the Arabs put us in their coalition!!!
There was no information about it before in Pakistan, ( I could have missed some information). I perceived that as if it was “ hey wake up and come here we need you as canon fodders”

kuwait did not have a crisis, there was peace in kuwait a minute before the invasion.

Iraq had a choice given to it to go back in a timely manner.

Whatever was the situation, it could have been a well thought trap for us.
And what happened to Saddam's disbanded Iraqi Army - where did many of those (unemployed) soldiers go? They joined Al Qaeda and ISIS. Now, my view is that if we can have rehabilitation camps for TTP militants, we should absolutely have something similar for these fighters returning. Teach them usable skills etc. You can't just let this fester even if there is no immediate threat.
Exactly, The reason why the mess was created in fata for decades, these same people who came back after soviet, many became puppets to others.

Society must accept these minority but with extreme precautions which is a responsibility of government and then military
Apples and oranges again ... you said that the Pakistani government treats some groups differently from others. I asked you for examples (aside from the Kashmir focused groups). I made no comment about 'urgency by the Pakistan government' - I asked YOU a question regarding your claim about preferential treatment for some groups vs others.

Most of the recruits for the TTP might be from the Tribal areas, but they also had a significant number of Punjabi recruits, to the point where the term 'Punjabi Taliban' was coined.

AQ & Daesh have recruited from various ethnic groups as well.
Jhang, Quetta, DI Khan, Muzafar Garh, Karachi, Lahore, Pindi , Murri , Islamabad... are few names where we conducted operations to capture and or kill locals that had links to AQ Daesh and TTP, running internet , kidnap for ransom, training, planning attacks on military and civilian targets etc. and kids belong to both poor and affluent families. take an example of the students from IBA Karachi that massacred the Agha Khani community members in the bus, those affluent boys didnt hesitate to execute both men and women at point blank range.
Jhang, Quetta, DI Khan, Muzafar Garh, Karachi, Lahore, Pindi , Murri , Islamabad... are few names where we conducted operations to capture and or kill locals that had links to AQ Daesh and TTP, running internet , kidnap for ransom, training, planning attacks on military and civilian targets etc. and kids belong to both poor and affluent families. take an example of the students from IBA Karachi that massacred the Agha Khani community members in the bus, those affluent boys didnt hesitate to execute both men and women at point blank range.
Safoora ?
But no other country put a flag of militant Org along with their national military flags until unless they knew that this militant Org is total under their control and can wage war against even their home country.
No - that is an assumption and a flawed one. Here's the question for you to ponder - Iran claims no part of Pakistan, so what would these individuals fight the Pakistani State for? The Shia are a minority in Pakistan, and the Shia know this - as someone from a Shia family, I can tell you that NOWHERE has there ever been any kind of discussion about 'taking over Pakistan and implementing Shia Shariah'. Why should the Shia even want that? The law in Pakistan allows the Shia to deal with their affairs per Islamic Shia jurisprudence. The Shia have numerous top level positions in government, the military, bureaucracy, business etc. What do Pakistani Shia have to gain from fighting the Pakistani State? The Pakistani Shia have everything they need to build their lives and prosper in Pakistan. Even with all the noise the Liberandus make about 'Shia genocide', I (being from a Shia family even if I don't identify as a Shia) and many other fellow Shia are the first ones to abuse these Liberandus over their BS. It's stuff like what we've seen recently on this forum, where all Shia are attacked, vile claims are made about their beliefs and practices and their patriotism questioned that really pisses us off.

My dad was a katar Shia, hails from a (still) katar Shia region in Punjab. My mom (Sunni) had to make him back off from some of the more gruesome practices during Muharram (she emotionally blackmailed him using us kids). I have never met a more patriotic Pakistani in my life than my dad. He is the one man responsible for my own patriotic drive and love for Pakistan. Yes, he respected the Ayatollah and respected Iran, but he was a Pakistani first. Don't mistake respect with loyalty. There is no question which side a majority of Shia will fight if it comes to a war between Iran and Pakistan, but questioning Shia beliefs, questioning Shia loyalty is going to do nothing but create friction in Pakistan. How do you think the Indian Muslims feel currently, having their patriotism and loyalty questioned day in and day out?
Lewa Zaibiyouuuuun.......Why Iran put flag? because they knew militants from Pakistan will follow their supreme commander Aytullah.....

Hundreds of people going for ziarat actually to join Lewa Zanbyouuun to get trained for future....

Lebanon, Syria, Bahrain, etc etc they are citizens of their country but they did not hesitate to wage war against their own home country,,,,,,get my point....
One thing you have to remember - these conflicts that they are being recruited for (and they are a very small minority of the estimated 20% Shia in Pakistan) are sectarian conflicts that are ongoing. So long as we don't have a sectarian war/conflict in Pakistan, Pakistani Shia will not take up arms domestically, on behalf of ANYONE. If they do take up arms, it will be against the groups targeting them in a sectarian conflict. Pakistani Shia have stayed loyal despite the Shia Hazara being targeted repeatedly, despite the days in which the Laskhar-e-Jhangvi/ SSP were on the rise. Attacks were limited to the members and leaders of the respective groups. Never once did the Shia take up arms against the Pakistani State.

So look at the history of Shia armed movements in Pakistan, who those movements targeted, and rest assured that Pakistani Shia are as loyal and patriotic to Pakistan as anyone else.

One final note to the members that keep asking why the Shia still respect Iran - most Shia simply do not see Iran as a threat to Pakistan. They just don't because most Pakistanis (Shia & Sunni) simply don't see anything in the media about Iran carrying out terrorism in Pakistan (no one outside of people like us on the forum have really dug deep into Yadav and what his links were and how Iran may have facilitated him). Look at the global opinion polls about Iran - anywhere from 50% to 70% of Pakistanis view Iran favorably. Those are not all Shia. So trying to use a favorable view of Iran as a yardstick for patriotism or loyalty is absurd since that would mean that half the population of the country is unpatriotic and disloyal.
No - that is an assumption and a flawed one. Here's the question for you to ponder - Iran claims no part of Pakistan, so what would these individuals fight the Pakistani State for? The Shia are a minority in Pakistan, and the Shia know this - as someone from a Shia family, I can tell you that NOWHERE has there ever been any kind of discussion about 'taking over Pakistan and implementing Shia Shariah'. Why should the Shia even want that? The law in Pakistan allows the Shia to deal with their affairs per Islamic Shia jurisprudence. The Shia have numerous top level positions in government, the military, bureaucracy, business etc. What do Pakistani Shia have to gain from fighting the Pakistani State? The Pakistani Shia have everything they need to build their lives and prosper in Pakistan. Even with all the noise the Liberandus make about 'Shia genocide', I (being from a Shia family even if I don't identify as a Shia) and many other fellow Shia are the first ones to abuse these Liberandus over their BS. It's stuff like what we've seen recently on this forum, where all Shia are attacked, vile claims are made about their beliefs and practices and their patriotism questioned that really pisses us off.

My dad was a katar Shia, hails from a (still) katar Shia region in Punjab. My mom (Sunni) had to make him back off from some of the more gruesome practices during Muharram (she emotionally blackmailed him using us kids). I have never met a more patriotic Pakistani in my life than my dad. He is the one man responsible for my own patriotic drive and love for Pakistan. Yes, he respected the Ayatollah and respected Iran, but he was a Pakistani first. Don't mistake respect with loyalty. There is no question which side a majority of Shia will fight if it comes to a war between Iran and Pakistan, but questioning Shia beliefs, questioning Shia loyalty is going to do nothing but create friction in Pakistan. How do you think the Indian Muslims feel currently, having their patriotism and loyalty questioned day in and day out?

One thing you have to remember - these conflicts that they are being recruited for (and they are a very small minority of the estimated 20% Shia in Pakistan) are sectarian conflicts that are ongoing. So long as we don't have a sectarian war/conflict in Pakistan, Pakistani Shia will not take up arms domestically, on behalf of ANYONE. If they do take up arms, it will be against the groups targeting them in a sectarian conflict. Pakistani Shia have stayed loyal despite the Shia Hazara being targeted repeatedly, despite the days in which the Laskhar-e-Jhangvi/ SSP were on the rise. Attacks were limited to the members and leaders of the respective groups. Never once did the Shia take up arms against the Pakistani State.

So look at the history of Shia armed movements in Pakistan, who those movements targeted, and rest assured that Pakistani Shia are as loyal and patriotic to Pakistan as anyone else.

One final note to the members that keep asking why the Shia still respect Iran - most Shia simply do not see Iran as a threat to Pakistan. They just don't because most Pakistanis (Shia & Sunni) simply don't see anything in the media about Iran carrying out terrorism in Pakistan (no one outside of people like us on the forum have really dug deep into Yadav and what his links were and how Iran may have facilitated him). Look at the global opinion polls about Iran - anywhere from 50% to 70% of Pakistanis view Iran favorably. Those are not all Shia. So trying to use a favorable view of Iran as a yardstick for patriotism or loyalty is absurd since that would mean that half the population of the country is unpatriotic and disloyal.
My mom was trying to fix my engagement with a girl recently who belonged to a shia family and is a bit needy but got values and morals.

However, i rejected simply because i have no intentions to get into all this anytime soon and the fact that i find ladies quite noisy and like to poke nose over men matters !!!

I’ve got some nerve :dance3::dance3:
My mom was trying to fix my engagement with a girl recently who belonged to a shia family and is a bit needy but got values and morals.

However, i rejected simply because i have no intentions to get into all this anytime soon and the fact that i find ladies quite noisy and like to poke nose over men matters !!!

I’ve got some nerve :dance3::dance3:
My family is completely blended. As I said, Dad was Shia, Mom Sunni, both my brothers identify as Shia (but their wives are Sunni), my sister identifies as Sunni (married to a Sunni). My dad never tried to get my mom to change sects (neither have my brothers with their wives). Neither of my parents tried to get any of us to 'pick' a sect - they left it to us to decide as adults and that's how both my brothers plan on raising their children - let them be exposed to both sides and then they can choose for themselves what they want as adults.
No rational Muslim or non-Muslim would support that. The Iranians, and many Americans, themselves called Trump's threat to bomb cultural sites a war crime if carried out. Bombing sites in Mecca would amount to much the same.

Kaaba is not a cultural site, beyond that i care less about the cultural infrastructure in region.

I'm not aware of any threat of Trump to target any infrastructure, but personally I care more about humans and infrastructure that benefits humans.

If any one from Pakistan tries to criticize Iranian terrorism against Arabs and infra., after bold statements of Justin Trudeau, than it's too late for that, damage to Pak Arab relation will have implications for decades to come, where India is the only winner.
My family is completely blended. As I said, Dad was Shia, Mom Sunni, both my brothers identify as Shia (but their wives are Sunni), my sister identifies as Sunni (married to a Sunni). My dad never tried to get my mom to change sects (neither have my brothers with their wives). Neither of my parents tried to get any of us to 'pick' a sect - they left it to us to decide as adults and that's how both my brothers plan on raising their children - let them be exposed to both sides and then they can choose for themselves what they want as adults.
I have many such cases in my circle. Quite normal bro. Nothing big !!!

Prophet SA left one imam behind
Kaaba is not a cultural site, beyond that i care less about the cultural infrastructure in region.
I'm not aware of any threat of Trump to target any infrastructure, but personally I care more about humans and infrastructure that benefits humans.

Not criticizing Iran at the occasion of missile attack on Mecca and other civilian infra. amount to supporting it and Pakistan is guilty of that, while west has always criticized it.

If any one from Pakistan tries to criticize Iranian terrorism against Arabs and infra., after bold statements of Justin Trudeau, than it's too late for that, damage to Pak Arab relation will have implications for decades to come, where India is the only winner.
When did Iran carry out a missile strike on Mecca? And please don't regurgitate Saudi claims to me (or Iranian claims about Saudi Arabi) - they're both about as credible as Indian claims about Pakistan.

I have many such cases in my circle. Quite normal bro. Nothing big !!!

Prophet SA left one imam behind
I agree - blended families are becoming more common in Pakistan, which is why it really shocks me to read the implicit and explicit attacks directed at Pakistani Shia on this forum and elsewhere.
When did Iran carry out a missile strike on Mecca? And please don't regurgitate Saudi claims to me (or Iranian claims about Saudi Arabi) - they're both about as credible as Indian claims about Pakistan.

I agree - blended families are becoming more common in Pakistan, which is why I really shocks me to read the implicit and explicit attacks directed at Pakistani Shia on this forum and elsewhere.
If you go through my own comments earlier on that specific thread i myself forgot The name, i was active in that thread, however the focus was purely on that specific group rather sect of people who have shared loyalties !!!

Anyone such is a question mark !!!

It could be anyone from any background.

Then one guy comes who openly says something extremely bad related to beliefs and rumors, this is where rafi lost it and i as well countered that guy as to the f**kery he mentioned in his post.
When did Iran carry out a missile strike on Mecca? And please don't regurgitate Saudi claims to me (or Iranian claims about Saudi Arabi) - they're both about as credible as Indian claims about Pakistan.

So now suddenly we go back to the point zero of the discussion... so what's your version on missile attack on Mecca and rest of the civilian infrastructure?
I as well don't expect justifications for Iranian wrong doings, by quoting another state of your choice without any grounds.
So now suddenly we go back to the point zero of the discussion... so what's your version on missile attack on Mecca and rest of the civilian infrastructure?
I as well don't expect justifications for Iranian wrong doings, by quoting another state of your choice without any grounds.
I don’t think the news was true rather a sympathy piece

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