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India’s GDP to expand by 7.9% this fiscal: Goldman

I agree to your points, but isn't that the bigger problem? The farming sector has been historically represented by the lower segment of the society, hence India has always been the last one to adopt any modern farming techniques. I bet in 60% or more of the land, hardly any improvement has been seen over the past 100 years. And India has the lowest productivity per area.

If you compare that with countries with Israel, where educated masses are being drawn into agriculture, supported by modern farming techniques, you see a very contrasting picture.

The Last time irrigation canals was built in India, it was during the rule of the Hindu Kings. The last being the Cholas in 12th century.

Then for the next 800 years under the Isamic invasion and rule there are ZERO records of any irrigation projects though Agriculture was the major economic activity.

The next phase in irrigation was during the British rule when they forced Indians to grow Opium, Indigo and Tea to export to China and England. They increased irrigated land by 800% (Though in real terms this was insignificant) but resulted in massive Famine. After the famine majority of all the irrigation work was done in current day pakistan and Bangladesh.

This is our true legacy. A Thousand years of ignoring agriculture. This cannot be washed away or changed in a few years. It requires DECADES of dedicated planning and effort.

First provide simple water, then we can talk about "modern farming techniques".
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This is our true legacy. A Thousand years of ignoring agriculture. This cannot be washed away or changed in a few years. It requires DECADES of dedicated planning and effort.

First provide simple water, then we can talk about "modern farming techniques".

So you subconsciously agree to my point that major focus is required in the agriculture sector of India?
Just wait, Anti National Congress thugs and AAPtards to come and say this is fake.
Modi's fart smells Kasturi to all Right Wingers here.
While Kejriwal's french perfume stinks (to them)

Indians are weird.
I can see that you are in a damage control exercise.
Keep on keeping.

Idiot 'low income low growth' is a terminology used to describe a situation where a country fails to generate enough savings for investment, due to high consumption and low income. And no, India, being the fastest growing economy in the world, does not fall in that category.

Modi's fart smells Kasturi to all Right Wingers here.
While Kejriwal's french perfume stinks (to them)

Indians are weird.

And then we have people like you, who while discussing India's growth rate, starts analyzing Modi's farts.
. And no, India, being the fastest growing economy in the world, does not fall in that category.

A far cry from previous statement. >>> Read the full sentence first = Recant, tantamount to Back-down.


Cocky character enters my ignore list.
So you subconsciously agree to my point that major focus is required in the agriculture sector of India?

I consciously agree that the major focus should be on Irrigation for agriculture, drinking water and pipeline water to ALL households in India. In short, the focus should be on Water management.

PS: My earlier reply was deleted for reasons unknown.
When your economic advisor doesn't know how Modi came up with the math. Something doesn't jive.
Are China's numbers also fudged.... as Li Keqiang also doubted China's GDP numbers and described them as man made a few years back
Not saying this is fake, but it just doesn't seem like an economy growing at 7.9% looking at ground realities, performance of various sectors, job market, property market etc.
Not saying this is fake, but it just doesn't seem like an economy growing at 7.9% looking at ground realities, performance of various sectors, job market, property market etc.

You are looking at a time when inflation rates (primarily due to lower oil prices) are low (more real income in the hands of the people) and hence property market would not be on fire as the cost of building houses is low and the current valuations are high....... but there is a lot of latent demand looking to buy a house even if there is a small dip in the price (this is mostly true of all the major metros). But if you go to Tier 2 cities, the demand is still growing at a quick pace

While the job market may not be great..... its not bad either, especially if you are experienced, in my industry I would easily get a hike of 30% if I take a jump........ I agree for freshers it is tough..... because many companies ask for experience

This year is particularly going to be good for Agriculture as there has been plentiful monsoons. Although I must admit we need to beef up our agricultural infrastructure
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