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India’s first human space flight likely to have woman on board

Where is those data? Zero.

LOL you have no idea about the instrumentation present in the SRE-1 and CARE modules.

You probably couldn't even tell me (for example) what the maximum G-load was for either in the end (since you talking about human survival)...but here is an idea of what CARE was validating:


There is a big differences between experimental set vs real full pledge manned set testing.

Yeah like between your positive and negative rating :rofl:
LOL you have no idea about the instrumentation present in the SRE-1 and CARE modules.

You probably couldn't even tell me (for example) what the maximum G-load was for either in the end (since you talking about human survival)...but here is an idea of what CARE was validating:


Yeah like between your positive and negative rating :rofl:
Lol. Typical indian arguement. These data are useless if a full pledge real ready(all equipments onboard) is still not being tested and go thru space and re entry and recovery tested. Sure these data looks nice but no where a manned mission is ready. What india tested is only an empty shelf capable of entry and re entry from space into earth.

China launch a total of 3 full pledge manned mission (minus the astronaut) in 1999,2001 and 2002. They are not experimental spacecraft wih just pressure and G-capable spacecraft. But with full equipment inside, full simulating scenario of an astronault going together with capsule, minus the manual control of astronaut.

It is only after 3 successful space launched of full pledge spacecraft and capsule with full equipment, manned mission capable before China had their first truly manned mission with an astronaut in 2003. Let me repeat again, india now is no where near capable of conducting a true manned mission. :enjoy:
Lol. Typical indian arguement. These data are useless if a full pledge real ready(all equipments onboard) is still not being tested and go thru space and re entry and recovery tested. Sure these data looks nice but no where a manned mission is ready. What india tested is only an empty shelf capable of entry and re entry from space into earth.

China launch a total of 3 full pledge manned mission (minus the astronaut) in 1999,2001 and 2002. They are not experimental spacecraft wih just pressure and G-capable spacecraft. But with full equipment inside, full simulating scenario of an astronault going together with capsule, minus the manual control of astronaut.

It is only after 3 successful space launched of full pledge spacecraft and capsule with full equipment, manned mission capable before China had their first truly manned mission with an astronaut in 2003. Let me repeat again, india now is no where near capable of conducting a true manned mission. :enjoy:

And what you think the proposed test flights will be doing lol. You seem to think this is all extremely difficult stuff once the basic aerodynamics and sustained forces have been figured out (you think pressure sealing and final integration is some huge stumbling block?). You will notice the short period of time between such flights regarding China too.

Honestly you lot seem to gripe about things just to try put down others...without actually trying some semblance of neutrality.

An easy win for India yet again to put a yapping butthurt troll like you down in the end....but you will find new things to yap about always....angry that there is a whole world of interaction and progress going on past your little cardboard box.

@Viet @Viva_Viet :cool:
Well Indian ocean is much larger target than Indian landmass. Also Indian landmass has pretty high population density compared to USSR etc (so probably best to avoid landing there imo). Americans as well were a bit fearful about having landing on the continent (As wide and open theirs is compared to India)....and hence opted for sea (given their vast Naval capability compared to Soviets). I remember reading in detail about Gagarin's mission actually, when he landed on ground...first to come up to him (after he got out and was gathering the parachute etc) was some rural farmer person....asking him if he was American spy pilot etc....and Gagarin had to go "no no comrade, I'm soviet!" heh.

I agree. Or make one from AF, one from navy and one civilian etc....and at least one should be a female.

IIRC, Armstrong was Navy...though (retd.) civilian at the time of the US space program (joined as test pilot with NACA...which would later become NASA). Fun fact... we still use "NACA" in our designations for airfoils.

@anant_s @Joe Shearer @jbgt90 @padamchen @Mage @Game.Invade @GeraltofRivia

I know for a fact from a batchmates ex AF dad that we lose more pilots when things go wrong because of our population density.

A stricken plane becomes an unguided missile.

You guys must have heard of brown ice (or is it "blue") ...

Sorry sir. Please land at sea.

Cheers, Doc
Lol.. Really? Dont kid yourself. Indian is famous for delaying..



It's not that we are delayed its that we have ambitious time lines.

In at least a majority of the cases, when we want something done in 5 years we set the time line to 3 years, so when we don't get it done by 3 years you have the usual myopic reports proclaiming how something has been "delayed", which then Indophobes use for their daily hit of schadenfreude.

The point is, eventually we ALWAYS GET IT DONE, delayed or not.

Lol. Typical indian arguement. These data are useless if a full pledge real ready(all equipments onboard) is still not being tested and go thru space and re entry and recovery tested. Sure these data looks nice but no where a manned mission is ready. What india tested is only an empty shelf capable of entry and re entry from space into earth.

China launch a total of 3 full pledge manned mission (minus the astronaut) in 1999,2001 and 2002. They are not experimental spacecraft wih just pressure and G-capable spacecraft. But with full equipment inside, full simulating scenario of an astronault going together with capsule, minus the manual control of astronaut.

It is only after 3 successful space launched of full pledge spacecraft and capsule with full equipment, manned mission capable before China had their first truly manned mission with an astronaut in 2003. Let me repeat again, india now is no where near capable of conducting a true manned mission. :enjoy:

My goodness, some of you chinese fanboys are so envious and scornful it's almost funny how you lot lose all semblance of common sense when you see some other country gaining on china.

Whereas china had 3 uncrewed tests of its Shenzou spacecraft, we will just do 2 tests of our Gaganyaan orbital vehicle(its launch mass more or less the same as the earlier Shenzou spacecrafts) before a crewed test. That is relatively similar, so I don't see what's your problem.

Besides, technologies have come a long way since the 90s and early 2000s, it is more than likely that ISRO won't need to do too many tests to verify all the parameters for its crewed spaceflight.
Remember, we also had our first successful MARS mission before China and with far less prep.

Look at SpaceX, the CrewDragon-2 spacecraft(its dry mass twice as much as Gaganyaan and Shenzou) will do only 1 orbital flight test(even lesser) before the Crew Dragon-2's eventual crewed mission, same for Boeing's Starliner.
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Its not delayed for any technical reasons, read carefully before opening your mouth.
Lol... Its still delay. So thats how u indian do business with others by trying to shift the problem to others?

So now u are going to blame who or claim indian dont delay and always delivered on promise?
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