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India’s bid for ‘second strike capability’ to put pressure on Pakistan, says SPD official

India’s bid for ‘second strike capability’ to put pressure on Pakistan, says SPD official

ISLAMABAD: Indian moves towards ‘second strike capability’ would compel Pakistan to follow suit, says an official of Strategic Plans Division (SPD), which serves as the secretariat of National Command Authority.

“Development of second strike capability … would put pressure on Pakistan to take remedial measures and develop its own version of the capability,” the official said while speaking at a round-table discussion on ‘Growing Challenges to Strategic Stability in South Asia’ organised by the Centre for International Strategic Studies (CISS).

The reported successful testing of nuclear-capable K-4 Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missiles (SLBMs) by India last month from its nuclear-powered INS Arihant has taken India closer to what is described as second-strike capability” in nuclear deterrence.

The second strike provides a military the capability to hit back at an enemy in a situation where its land-based nuclear arsenal had been neutralised.

Suggesting that Pakistan could have already moved in that direction, the SPD official, who was speaking at the CISS, recalled that Pakistan set up its Naval Strategic Force Command (NSFC) in 2012.

At the time of the commissioning of NSFC Headquarters, the Inter-Services Public Relations said that it “will perform a pivotal role in development and employment of the Naval Strategic Force. The Force, which is the custodian of the nation’s 2nd strike capability, will strengthen Pakistan’s policy of Credible Minimum Deterrence and ensure regional stability”.

Former defence secretary retired Lt Gen Naeem Khalid Lodhi had claimed last year that Pakistan possessed second strike capability against India.

Published in Dawn, May 15th, 2016

Sir @Indus Falcon VINDICATION!!!!

I hope bird brains, can digest this, without having a coronary, or an aneurysm.
But India as a country aspires to be a super power militarily and economically that is our vision and that is why we are acquiring these technologies.

These have nothing to do with Pakistan.
Indians are really funny...I mean Pak always says it developed nuclear technology for india..but when we ask indians they see it as an achievement to be a super power or be strong nation..i mean is it the only criteria of being a super power...look at the world and tell me how many countries which are not nuclear power and are far ahead india in technologies education and other fields...indians tested nukes just to satisfy their ego..now think that if india never had tested nukes ..so Pak will also won't have any nukes....and then they lecture us on being a responsible country???
We need to roll out some Sub launched Nuclear Missiles
Not an expert in this field so just curious, and this might be a dumb question but can we somehow deploy small tactical nukes like Nas'r on Frigates or destroyers?
What would be the objective?

For Anti-Ship role we have missiles who fit that role very well. For long range Ship to land, Babur with a conventional warhead would do just fine, as a nuclear deterrent SLCM is the interim solution.
What would be the objective?

For Anti-Ship role we have missiles who fit that role very well. For long range Ship to land, Babur with a conventional warhead would do just fine, as a nuclear deterrent SLCM is the interim solution.
Oh ok Thank you for the input. Basically I was just curious that if our Navy has any access to Nukes, and it seems like it does in the shape of the Babur Cruise missile. :tup:

So basically all three forces have access to Nukes...
Oh ok Thank you for the input. Basically I was just curious that if our Navy has any access to Nukes, and it seems like it does in the shape of the Babur Cruise missile. :tup:

India has been "leasing" nuclear subs from Russia, right?

Now here is a hypothetical situation, God forbid hostilities escalate, what would stop us from "Leasing" a nuclear sub from China?

By nuclear sub I mean one with SLBM capability, i.e. an SSBN Type 094. Or just so that people don't get indigestion I'll tone it down to an SSGN like the Type 093.
India has been "leasing" nuclear subs from Russia, right?

Now here is a hypothetical situation, God forbid hostilities escalate, what would stop us from "Leasing" a nuclear sub from China?

By nuclear sub I mean one with SLBM capability, i.e. an SSBN Type 094. Or just so that people don't get indigestion I'll tone it down to an SSGN like the Type 093.
Great point!!!!
God forbid it happens, but I can definitely see that happening in case of an all-out war. Now our enemies have to realize that China has a major economical stake in Pakistan and it will do anything to protect its interest inside Pakistan and around its waters. I wouldn't be surprised if Chinese subs are already standing idle outside Gwadar somewhere.
Great point!!!!
God forbid it happens, but I can definitely see that happening in case of an all-out war. Now our enemies have to realize that China has a major economical stake in Pakistan and it will do anything to protect its interest inside Pakistan and around its waters. I wouldn't be surprised if Chinese subs are already standing idle near outside Gwadar, somewhere.

Go through this thread, and you will have a good idea.

Some things I said 5 years back is happening now, it will surely fry some bird brains. @Khafee Do note.

Oh ok Thank you for the input. Basically I was just curious that if our Navy has any access to Nukes, and it seems like it does in the shape of the Babur Cruise missile. :tup:

So basically all three forces have access to Nukes...

We have a separate command structure for such assets. A new head quater was inagurated back in 2012 and a new command center in 2013.

The setting up of this separate strategic arms do indicates that Navy have nuclear ambitions. However please note that currently we are NOT operating a SLCM as being said by some members in posts above. Like this post by @Indus Falcon
We did SLCM and the whole neighborhood went nuts.
If you acquire subs or any floating launch platform they need to first find them then strike them to remove 2nd strike option before their first strike so it removes the surprise factor of any attack and consider that subs or ships are not sitting targets like nuke silos but always on the move. Also unlike your unarmed bms the subs will always be armed and ready. Another option is continiously fly several aircraft armed with nuke cms but it can be expensive than sea based approach. Several armed trucks can also patrol around continiously.
Go through this thread, and you will have a good idea.

Some things I said 5 years back is happening now, it will surely fry some bird brains. @Khafee Do note.

Bismillah ir Rahman ar Raheem

You were quite prescient about future developments, sir.

I don't know but the $5 billion price tag of the current deal seems to point more towards the procurement of six customized 039B Yuan-class SSKs plus two 094 Jin-class SSBNs.

However, it's probably just my wishful thinking (because SSBNs are a better deterrent than anything else, I believe). The extra couple of billion dollars might just be for Technology Transfer. Or, more likely, a smokescreen to scare our neighbors (which could be a great deterrent also).

Hifz u kum Allah.
So by all accounts the French, the British and your beloved China are not Superpowers either as they do not fulfill "your" criteria of having resolved pending land disputes with other countries ...........

Think before you write something .. least you appear a fool before all and sundry

I know what i wrote but as you are the biggest fool, where i said Britain, France and China are super powers.... Are you blind or you cant read english? Go get a life and then talk to me.
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