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Indians may quietly be told to let US, Pakistan work out Afghan peace policy

It is not Indian news, but entire world media, US Department of State Annual Terrorism Report, CIA reports, etc, that talk of Pakistan's role.

For example, quoting from the same report that you mentioned:

In attempts to stall the country’s enduring hurtle into chaos, both Federal as well as Provincial Governments in Pakistan announced several measures through 2014, as in past years.....
.....Unsurprisingly, these various measures are bound to fail, given Islamabad’s close and enduring ties with various terror formations thriving on its soil. In the latest admission of such bonding, former President General (Retired) Pervez Musharraf, in an interview published on February 13, 2015, admitted that the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) had supported the Taliban after 2001 because the then Afghan Government led by ex-President Hamid Karzai had an overwhelming number of non-Pashtuns and officials, who were said to favour India: "Obviously, we were looking for some groups to counter this Indian action against Pakistan. That is where the intelligence work comes in. Intelligence being in contact with Taliban groups. Definitely they were in contact, and they should be."

The situation is as bad as ever. If there were over 1,100 fatalities in any country due to terrorism, one wouldn't try to brush it under the carpet unless they are Pakistani. And that is just tip of the iceberg, most hate-crime in Pakistan, such as murder of minorities, is not even counted as terrorism. Your initial assertion was that Pakistan is doing very well,
showed you the facts.

No we don't. Stop lying. We have not massacred our minority population from 20% to 4% like Pakistan has. Our minority population has doubled since independence. There may be stray incidents of violence against minorities in India, but how can you compare that to the savage butchery in Pakistan where from conservative estimates thousands of people from minorities are murdered each year?

I quote:

The systematic persecution of religious minorities continues amidst prevailing anarchy across the Pakistan. The SATP database recorded at least 5,496 terrorism-related fatalities, including 1,781 civilians, 533 SF personnel and 3,182 terrorists, in 2014 as against 5,379 such fatalities, including 3,001 civilians, 676 SF personnel and 1,702 terrorists. In 2015, fatalities have already touched at least 697 (data till February 22), including 226 civilians, 59 SF personnel and 412 terrorists.

Stop lying, all hate criminals are presented in the specially formed Anti-terrorist courts and all hate crimes are treated as terrorism.

Prayer leader jailed for five years over hate speech - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

How did you come up with the 4% number, the last consensus was in 1998. Their hasnt been one ever since ,the next one is in 2016. Sorry to burst your bubble mate but Pakistan is considered to be much more tolerant than India.

Pakistanis beat global median in religious freedom, says Pew survey



Pakistan one of the least racist countries in the world: Survey - The Express Tribune

Whislt pakistan relys on USA hand outs and struggles to achieve any international credibility due to its insignificant GDP and poor general outlook USA presidents and leaders will contiune to fly over your airspace striaght to NEW DELHI

gdp is power and influence

indian LOBBY is alive and kicking

AND INDIA WILL LOOK AFTER ITS AFFAIRS regardless of pak wishes

in short USA or pakistan is in no position to tell india anything.

AND PAKISTAN cannot presuade USA to do anything with regardfs india.

Stop lying, all hate criminals are presented in the specially formed Anti-terrorist courts and all hate crimes are treated as terrorism.

There were thousands of hate crime in Pakistan last year, unless you personally prosecuted all of them in court, you commit a grave offense through denial. Citing individual reports in the face of all the incidents mentioned in the report are like emptying the sea with a bucket.

How did you come up with the 4% number, the last consensus was in 1998. Their hasnt been one ever since ,the next one is in 2016. Sorry to burst your bubble mate but Pakistan is considered to be much more tolerant than India.

Religious Minorities In Islamic Pakistan Struggle But Survive Amid Increasing Persecution

Quoting from the article:

This month, a Pew Research Center report named Pakistan, which is 96 percent Muslim, one of the most hostile nations for religious minorities. Pew placed the country among the top five overall for restrictions on religion, singling out its anti-blasphemy statutes. Courts frequently use such laws to give death or lifetime-jail sentences to minorities accused of insulting Islam.

Pakistan tops list of countries with most religious hostilities: Report - The Express Tribune


Pakistan has consistently been in the top three for persecution of minorities over decades now. Read actual reports, not some flimsy opinion survey.
There were thousands of hate crime in Pakistan last year, unless you personally prosecuted all of them in court, you commit a grave offense through denial. Citing individual reports in the face of all the incidents mentioned in the report are like emptying the sea with a bucket.

Religious Minorities In Islamic Pakistan Struggle But Survive Amid Increasing Persecution

Quoting from the article:

This month, a Pew Research Center report named Pakistan, which is 96 percent Muslim, one of the most hostile nations for religious minorities. Pew placed the country among the top five overall for restrictions on religion, singling out its anti-blasphemy statutes. Courts frequently use such laws to give death or lifetime-jail sentences to minorities accused of insulting Islam.

Pakistan tops list of countries with most religious hostilities: Report - The Express Tribune


Pakistan has consistently been in the top three for persecution of minorities over decades now. Read actual reports, not some flimsy opinion survey.

The first link points to findings before 2012, and the second report is also from 2012. Funny how you totally ignored the latest PEW survey of 2015 which i mentioned , Which points out that Pakistan has not beat the median. Posting old obsolete data. Nice try !
The first link points to findings before 2012, and the second report is also from 2012. Funny how you totally ignored the latest PEW survey of 2015 which i mentioned , Which points out that Pakistan has not beat the median. Posting old obsolete data. Nice try !

Funny how Pakistanis use 2012 as a cut-off date. What happened after 2012? Pakistan became a "khushaal mulk"? Ill-treatment of minorities stopped? What you cited is an OPINION poll, as opposed to reports that list out actual incidents of violence against minorities. Annual reports can only be once a year, so will any way not meet your fresh-off-the-press requirement, dufus.

Pakistan Assessment 2015

According to the United States (US) Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) report titled “Violence towards Religious Communities in Pakistan”, published in August 2014, over the one-year period from July 2013 to June 2014, at least 430 people were killed in a total 122 attacks against minorities. These include 222 Shias in 54 attacks; 128 Christians in 22 recorded incidents; 10 Ahmadis in 10 such attacks; and two Sikhs in three attacks. Four attacks were recorded on the Hindu community in this period, with no fatality reported. 29 attacks resulted in 68 fatalities among other religious/sectarian groups.

And this does not even take into account the rapes, kidnappings and forcible conversions. Instead of being ashamed about your country's abysmal record of violence against minorities, you try a con-job cover-up. But then that is expected, isn't it?

WASHINGTON: Intense discussions lasting about two and a half hours between US Vice President Joe Biden and Pakistan Army chief General Raheel Sharif at the White House on Thursday have spurred widely believed speculation that the US side now understands Pakistan better.

“Not just our international and regional, but even domestic constraints and compulsions in the war against terror are also very clearly understood in Washington and most of them agree with our outlook,” a highly-placed member of the civil and military team said after meeting Joe Biden.

As against Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s recent visit and meeting with President Obama, the nature of talks between the US national security team and top Pakistani generals, as one diplomat put it, “meant real business, thrashing out the nitty-gritty.”

General Raheel met almost every tier of the US security, civil and military establishment, beginning at the CIA and ending at the NSA on Friday before flying off to Brazil and in between these meetings he saw the full spectrum of US politicians and decision makers on The Hill.

A member of his team said “there was complete understanding of our positions on both the Republican and Democratic party sides” while the military understood that Pakistan had to play a critical role in the Afghan solution and thus had to be helped and not distracted by others playing dirty games.

This position was articulated by chief spokesman Lt Gen Asim Bajwa in his media briefing who said the US now sees Pakistan “not from the Indian prism” but as a country which had to be handled independent of others.

One interpretation of this comment was that this could mean that the Indians may be quietly told to let the US and Pakistan work out contours of a regional reconciliation policy in Afghanistan “in peace.”

Army chief Gen Raheel also referred to these developments in his address to the Pakistani community on Thursday night which was marred by a lot of confusion about whether it could be, or should be, reported by the media.

We were first told that the speech would be off-the-record. No phones, recorders and even pads and pens were allowed in the hall. Everyone heard in rapt silence and a lot of ovation was given when Gen Raheel made some comments about the ongoing operations and the will of the army to take them to the logical conclusion, come what may.

Then the army chief visited every table to meet guests and when he came to the media table he was politely asked why his speech had been barred from the media. He laughed off the suggestion and referred the matter to Gen Bajwa, who said a briefing was to be given soon.

He did brief the media and gave salient points of the visit, the talks and the speech. But then a TV channel started reporting Raheel’s speech in news tickers and confusion was compounded.

The main points of the speech were picked up by other TV channels and nothing was left off the record. The Pakistan Embassy joined the fray on Friday morning by issuing a censored and tailored version of the speech.

What the embassy missed out were references made by Gen Raheel on the ongoing operation in Pakistan and discussion of internal civil-military relations was totally off the table.

The embassy press release stated: “General Raheel Sharif expressed the unflinching commitment of the armed forces to ensuring peace and security in the country as well as in countering the external threats. He asserted that the Armed Forces of Pakistan would take the war against terrorism to its logical conclusion and would not let the sacrifices of martyrs go in vain.”

What the embassy tried to omit were the very explicit and categorical remarks by Gen Raheel that the financiers, abettors, helpers and supporters of terrorism will be pursued at a great speed and there was no time to waste.

This obviously referred to some of the high-profile cases now being pursued but this was not something which had not been said earlier by the army many times. So why ban it now.

Gen Raheel repeated this twice, once at the beginning and then ending his speech.The security at the event was so tight that even a top level delegation of Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), now visiting the US, was kept out as there were no seats available.

But curiously two very controversial men made their way to the banquet hall, one named in the current Dr Asim Hussain investigation of money laundering and another brother of a PPP minister who was named in the Ayyan Ali money laundering case.

What these guys were trying to do was not clear and who let them in, with such tight security around, is also a mystery.

But the tone and confidence of Gen Raheel to continue with the operation in Pakistan assured the audience, which gave him a big ovation. It was clear that soon the pace of the operations will pick up speed and at one point the army chief used the specific words: “No reversal, come what may.”

A general in his delegation quietly said this freight train of the ops was “without a reverse gear and even without brakes.”The official briefing by Gen Bajwa indicated the Afghan “recon” policy, a word used repeatedly in talks and speeches, will pick up pace and regional moves will be soon visible.

This was also true for the operations against the financiers and supporters of terrorists and he told his briefing “You will soon see the pace and the priorities that have been decided.”When I asked Gen Bajwa at his briefing if he could specify what are the elements of the priority list which the army thinks have not yet been addressed with speed, he said: “Don’t let us give out our strategy to the enemies. You will see what happens soon.”
Source: The News

India has to be kept out of Afghanistan for long lasting peace in Karachi.
Funny how Pakistanis use 2012 as a cut-off date. What happened after 2012? Pakistan became a "khushaal mulk"? Ill-treatment of minorities stopped? What you cited is an OPINION poll, as opposed to reports that list out actual incidents of violence against minorities. Annual reports can only be once a year, so will any way not meet your fresh-off-the-press requirement, dufus.

Pakistan Assessment 2015

According to the United States (US) Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) report titled “Violence towards Religious Communities in Pakistan”, published in August 2014, over the one-year period from July 2013 to June 2014, at least 430 people were killed in a total 122 attacks against minorities. These include 222 Shias in 54 attacks; 128 Christians in 22 recorded incidents; 10 Ahmadis in 10 such attacks; and two Sikhs in three attacks. Four attacks were recorded on the Hindu community in this period, with no fatality reported. 29 attacks resulted in 68 fatalities among other religious/sectarian groups.

And this does not even take into account the rapes, kidnappings and forcible conversions. Instead of being ashamed about your country's abysmal record of violence against minorities, you try a con-job cover-up. But then that is expected, isn't it?
How many majorities killed during these terrorist attack...
We are cleaning these foreign funded elements "TTP".. We also killed lashker-e-jhangvi who involved in kiiling of shia community members...
And what you people have done..
Bal Thakerey Mumbai 1992 riots master mind....He was treated like he is king of India...
Narendra Modi-- 2002 Gujarat Riots master mind.. Gave him the post of PM...
if any one of you remebers at the UN summit in New york india was not part of the afghanistan conference and i think its interest has been neglected by US
I sure hope so "India is told to let go of Afghanistan" I doubt our traitorous ally called America has our interests at heart and really wants durable peace in the region. They have been courting India for the past few years and have surpassed Russia as the main weapons market.

We should be very wary of American Indian relations. One is traitorous ally the other is a sworn enemy. Not hard to figure which is worse when one stabs you from the front the other from the back. US treats us as tissue paper to use and discard when its interests suit it.
TTP and LeT both created by ISI.

Why? Nothing. Except borne Pak-sponsored terrorism for decades. What else is there to do?
ISI and CIA both created mujahid to fight with soviet russia....
Pakistan attack on swat valley to drag some illegal terrorist which later afghan spy agency and RAW helped them to turn revolt back to pakistan...

Yes We created Let just as you created mukti bahini...
ISI and CIA both created mujahid to fight with soviet russia....
Pakistan attack on swat valley to drag some illegal terrorist which later afghan spy agency and RAW helped them to turn revolt back to pakistan...

Yes We created Let just as you created mukti bahini...

I don't think the Bangladeshis on this forum will agree that India "created" Mukti Bahini. Pakistanis have been making this allegation since '71. They refuse to acknowledge that their ill-treatment of East Pakistanis was responsible for them breaking away. Mujib won elections, and the West Pakistanis refused to honour the verdict. Things can only go downhill from there.
I don't think the Bangladeshis on this forum will agree that India "created" Mukti Bahini. Pakistanis have been making this allegation since '71. They refuse to acknowledge that their ill-treatment of East Pakistanis was responsible for them breaking away. Mujib won elections, and the West Pakistanis refused to honour the verdict. Things can only go downhill from there.
Time and time that philosophy we are seeing in all muslims world... Now we saw in iraq, Libya, Syria, Sudan... In the name of inner conflict US and West company attacked these countries and sent them to stone age...
Same thing was happened in Bangladesh.. I am not going to prove that who created mukti bahini...
But sooner or later it will be thoroughly investigated how it happened by bangladesh people only.. and then you are going to hide your face..
Same thing you are doing with Nepal...but this time you will not succeed.. Supporting the terrorist madhesis..
Time and time that philosophy we are seeing in all muslims world... Now we saw in iraq, Libya, Syria, Sudan... In the name of inner conflict US and West company attacked these countries and sent them to stone age...
Same thing was happened in Bangladesh.. I am not going to prove that who created mukti bahini...
But sooner or later it will be thoroughly investigated how it happened by bangladesh people only.. and then you are going to hide your face..
Same thing you are doing with Nepal...but this time you will not succeed.. Supporting the terrorist madhesis..

Actually, the simple fact is that sectarian disenfranchisement is the single biggest hallmark of certain nations. In the former Pakistan, Bengalis were second-class citizens. In today's Pakistan, that position goes to Hindus, Chritians, Shias and Ahmediyyas. In Iraq the Shias dominate the Sunnis. In Syria the Ba'athists used to dominate the Sunnis. In Sudan the Northern Arab Muslims dominated and subjugated the Southern Christians. In Libya the Tribes are locked in internecine warfare. There will be no peace in lands where one group subjugates the other. It is very easy to blame others instead of looking within.
Actually, the simple fact is that sectarian disenfranchisement is the single biggest hallmark of certain nations. In the former Pakistan, Bengalis were second-class citizens. In today's Pakistan, that position goes to Hindus, Chritians, Shias and Ahmediyyas. In Iraq the Shias dominate the Sunnis. In Syria the Ba'athists used to dominate the Sunnis. In Sudan the Northern Arab Muslims dominated and subjugated the Southern Christians. In Libya the Tribes are locked in internecine warfare. There will be no peace in lands where one group subjugates the other. It is very easy to blame others instead of looking within.
Sir..Every country has some problems..You can't finger on some..
Biharis are treated second class citizens..Sikh are targeted as fools.. North East Indians too facing discrimination..
South Indian hates north Indians and in chennai they prefer to avoid speaking hindi language....
Naxals attacks CRPF and govt employees on daily basis...
Hindu hardlines want to kill every muslims in india....Ghar Wapsi, Love Jihad and beef politics is the latest example....
Killed sikhs in 1984...Thousand riots took place every years.. Muslims are deprived from major facilities as per your Sacchhar Committee reports published in 2010 where it said that in government jobs muslims participation is below 2 percent and 80 percent muslims do not have their own home and living in scum..Marathi beats north indian bhayyas in maharashtra openly...Finally you can't say single word against government which is call intolerance..
So advice you before looking at others look at your own land..
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