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Indian Rightists urged to stop connecting terrorism to Islam


Dec 28, 2006
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Indian Rightists urged to stop connecting terrorism to Islam​
New Delhi, April 30, IRNA

Stating that India has a composite culture where people have lived in harmony for ages, Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit on Monday asserted it was high time they stopped connecting terrorism to one particular religion, especially Islam.

"We have a composite culture, we have lived together. We have had differences and fought because of political reasons. If we have to survive we will have to change, we will have to rethink and stop connecting terrorism to one particular religion that is Islam," Dikshit said here at the launch of the official website of Jama Masjid United Forum (JMUF), www.jmuf.org., an NGO set to identify and ameliorate the root causes that spur terrorism, UNI reported.

"Thousands like Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi can be fought against if we all come together," the chief minister added.

"Delhi is mini India where all the cultures and religions are in sync with each other making it city's USP, if the drive to change the opinion on terrorism begins from the city it will be a sure defeat for many like Modi who have been propagating the thought that all terrorists are Muslim," she said.

Also present on the occasion was Haroon Yusuf, power minister in Delhi Government, who echoed the same thought and said, "The need of the hour is to change this sterotype opinion about Muslims. Why is it considered that all the underworld dons and terrorist are Muslims or that the community is propagating terrorism in the name of Islam.

"Muslims have been targeted by organizations like the RSS, VHP, BJP (Bhartya Janta Party) and Shiv Sena (a anti-Muslims militant party) for their personal political benefits. The anti-Muslim CD released by the BJP in the ongoing Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections is a proof to that."
JMUF president Syed Yahya Bukhari, who was also present on the launch, said, "We want to recapture the lost glory of Islam. We want to tell the world what Islam says on terrorism. Islam is all about respecting each other, embracing each other and that's what we want to tell everyone."
Bukhari added, "Our fight is not against terrorism only but against poverty and illiteracy also. We want to lay focus on primary health as well and for that we will be opening dispensaries where a free ECG and X Ray facilities will be provided."
The NGO will hold a seminar on May 26 in Indian capital to dispel myths about Islam, he revealed.

In line with the suggestions that will be made in the May 26 conference, JMUF will have an International Congress in Delhi in October this year, the NGO president added.
Smart woman this Minister Sheila Dikshit. India needs more people like her :tup:

Maybe they should tell the whole world
We need to clean our house before telling the world what to do. I believe Dikshit is a young moderate voice, the kind that India needs to become a true secular and moderate society.
I do believe India is a truely a moderate society, a scattered one. You can see the height of moderation and secularlism in Kerala(google Kerala
Model; our social indicators are higher than Canada) at the same time you can see the heights of bigotory and intolerence in Gujarat and Kashmir
I do believe India is a truely a moderate society, a scattered one. You can see the height of moderation and secularlism in Kerala(google Kerala
Model; our social indicators are higher than Canada) at the same time you can see the heights of bigotory and intolerence in Gujarat and Kashmir

All true about Kerala mate but compared to the rest of the country its an exception.
Bull, I've travelled around in India, seen more than average Indian on this board...I know what I'm talking about.

I wouldnt put it at that extreme, And I have seen much of India. There are a few states which do have a religious element, there are few states which have Rich/Poor divide. But as know, just like only Terrorism out of Pakistan is highlighted by the media, only the unrest of India is shown. There is NO NEWS LIKE BAD NEWS.
The four Southern States are the least affected in this context.
If you see muslims being harrassed in Gujarat , all the while you see the same in Kashmir being done to Hindu's
If you see muslims being harrassed in Gujarat , all the while you see the same in Kashmir being done to Hindu's

Dud! don't think others are so silly. It's a systematic policy of Indian army and secret agencies to clear hindu's from kashmir valley before starting the massacre of muslims there to teach them a lesson for supporting the freedom fighters.
Muslim in India have to decide weather they accept to be treated as terrorists in their homeland or they need to wake up and ask for their rights, no one from outside can help them unless they are united.
Indian Muslims are Indians. So good luck with that. Most Indian Muslim absolutly loathe Pakistan, The Next Indian Army Chief is a Muslim...

Dont we love all these Bangladeshi conspiracy theories, Indian Government drove out all the ethnic Hindu's Kashmir, ie forced them out of their Good Homes into Refugee Camps, so as to eradicate the Kashmiri Muslim population. 20 years on; Population is still there; I would say then Indian Government is doing a crappy job of eradication. Hindu's are still in Refugee Tents...lol they got such a crappy deal...!!! Let me guess, there are only muslim victims, and there are no Muslim victimizer's.
No wonder.....
I think they are victums, no day passes when there is no news of Muslim slaughter, this is todays news on BBC



Gujarat police given court order

Muslim MPs protest in Delhi demanding Gujarat government's dismissal
The Indian Supreme Court has given two weeks to Gujarat state police to submit a final report into the investigation of a Muslim couple's killing.
Sohrabuddin Sheikh was killed in 2005 Police said he was a militant plotting to assassinate the state chief minister, Narendra Modi.

But in March they admitted that he was killed in a staged gun-battle.

On Monday, the government told the court that his missing wife, Kausar Bi, was also killed and her body was burnt.

Last week, three top policemen were charged with Mr Sheikh's murder and on Monday, Gujarat government's lawyer, KTS Tulsi, submitted a sealed interim report to the Supreme Court on the case.

The court said it would "pass an appropriate order" after the final investigation report has been submitted in two weeks.

The killings have been widely condemned by civil society groups and human rights activists.

The issue also generated heated debate in Parliament with several Muslim MPs alleging that Muslims were being treated unfairly in Gujarat.
Yes, Did I say anything else about Gujarat, than what you are saying....

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