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Indian positions getting toasted

To Hanuman's ;)
ICYMI- Hanuman is an imaginary creature. Lol
Other than Raheel Sharif asking PA to respond effectively I do not see any news where there's any mention of Indian posts and toasts.
@Windjammer can help us I guess. Your thread doesn't have any source. Does it?
Nope that is something they don't report because Rajnath jee goes to rail tracks for that. No toilet here.

Arnab is also of same category but he was not in Pakistan at that might be referring to your media :D :D

Arnob has done the job. But if needed we would ask Hussain Haqqani to do the remaining work.
Just FYI- India is about 3287260sq.Km .You can't be attacking the entire country in one go. :)

Don't be smart a$$ you know exactly what I meant and for your FYI your mighty indian army ....
I guess someone is soon running to UN. Till then show them what actual revenge really means, not that cowardly killing of innocent civilians as what they mean by revenge.
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