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TN - even 5 is going to be great (with allies included)
AP - I feel people are ignoring Jagan factor. I feel he is being under estimated. I hope he rots in jail though.
MH - Low voter turn out is not a good sign for the NDA.

I am not too sure about the low voter turnout dampening NDA's chances. Atleast in my constituency, there is a huge pro-modi vote even if the percentage of the overall voting is dismal. Also, the secular votes are split between Congress, AAP and Farhan Kazmi (son of Abu Kazmi) of SP .
TN - even 5 is going to be great (with allies included)
AP - I feel people are ignoring Jagan factor. I feel he is being under estimated. I hope he rots in jail though.
MH - Low voter turn out is not a good sign for the NDA.

In TN i think most of the seats would go for ADMK... Jaya poured thousands of crores of cash for the voters... It's going to be tough for other parties
Whatever be the results or affiliations, being a Mumbaikar I salute the people of TN. Compare their 80% turnout to our dismal 45% :hitwall:
voter turnout of only 26.9% ??? whats wrong with the people of maharastra ??? are they happy with the upa govt or what ??
Won't make any difference to them. Most of them will hang towards whoever is in power. Sad part is... people will still treat them like royalty! :sick:
I am not too sure about the low voter turnout dampening NDA's chances. Atleast in my constituency, there is a huge pro-modi vote even if the percentage of the overall voting is dismal. Also, the secular votes are split between Congress, AAP and Farhan Kazmi (son of Abu Kazmi) of SP .

Also what was the previous voter turn out ?
Also what was the previous voter turn out ?
Around 43% in Mumbai. You see we Mumbaikars like to ride the high moral ground (be it vs Delhi on woman safety or vs Bengaluru on city life) but when the time comes, we prefer to rather sleep and spend the day at our sofas instead of voting for pathetic democracy. :-)
its showing 35% on mumbai and 27% by 1 am in Mahrashtra in TV

also Dr. Swamy had talked about 6 million voters removed from voters list few days back ...

The no. of people on polling booth are low because NO ONE IS COMING OUT TO VOTE. Takes a lot of pot smoking to convert it into a conspiracy. PEOPLE DON'T CARE. Just admit it instead of painting it this way and that way.

from 5forty3 looks like DMK AIADMK and BJP are neck to neck

Dude, BJP isn't gonna make a breakthrough in TN.
I don't see why so many people are shitting themselves over the low turnouts in Mumbai. It's looking like a 6-7% improvement from 2009.
So? DO you see street protests out there? DO you see 'disenfranchised voters' crying shame shame? They're going about having a nice holiday. NO ONE CARES MAN.

thats a different matter and not my problem , So you have been proved wrong once again and have to end up eating your words

I don't see why so many people are shitting themselves over the low turnouts in Mumbai. It's looking like a 6-7% improvement from 2009.

thought its from 43- 45% , or am i wrong ?
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