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Indian Navy Threat to Gwadar 2017

Not the IAF only the Indian Navy Aviation which operated independently 45 Mig29K and 14 Sea Harriers.

As the INS Vikramaditya is doing operations beyond our waters that means all Mig29K problems are solved because when we had problems with the Mig29K the Vikramaditya kept close to Indian shores so in case of emergency the Mig29K could land on share based airfields.

When inducting a new platform there are always challenges which have to be overcome. Look at the F-35. It's doing better than 5 years ago.

A tool is only as good as its operator. Absolutely true.

Your assumption that IAF pilots are inferior to PAF pilots is your hangover from 1965.
When Mysteres and Vampires both bombers against F-86 and F-104 both fighters.

Who wins in air to air combat between bombers and fighters?

Forward to 1971 the IAF gets fighters the Mig 21.

Now both forces have fighters.
IAF knocks the senses out of PAF.

Complete air superiority over East Pakistan.
West Pakistan the PAF has fled into Afghanistan and Middle East.

Why? Do we now say IAF pilots are far superior to PAF pilots?

You won't have any numerical advantage as your PAF is totally deployed against IAF and when IN naval aviation strikes total disarray.

112 old Mirages all will fly out to sea ?

Even if you did that today with no war ongoing less than 100 would return.

IN aid procuring 57 more Naval multirole fighters and they are 2 contenders.

Rafale M and F-18 SH.

Both being procured by their respective home countries currently unlike some aircraft.

F-16 vs Rafale.

AMRAAM vs Meteor + Spectra.

Rafale already has AESA.

No comparison.

IN will strike where it wants when it wants.

600km + range supersonic cruise missiles against aging PN frigates.

SSN vs age old ASW.

It's game over.

Sea lanes blocked.

No oil from your west.

No water from your north east.

In the event nukes are held back indefinitely then the PN surface fleet is sunk, sub fleet is unaccounted for as the wrecks cannot be confirmed by either side during all the confusion of combat.

Said costal defence batteries would have been overwhelmed by Baloch fighters. After all when will the 6 consultes come of any use.

Looking at a ground landing force at Gwadar to link up with BLA and ANA.

I think I'll let you live in your little fantasy.
Amazing vedio

Incredible rare footage AND details of India,s naval base in Oman with listening post across to Gwadar

Indian Navy has some incredible hardware including it appears dedicated satalites for Navy ship comminucation

ENJOY tell us what you think

It is very childish.
Another self fellatio video?

The IN is easily one of the most potent navies that could give the USN a run for its money if such a situation did occur.

And it should be, India's ample coast and EEZ demand nothing less, vs a barely 700km coastline of Pakistan and the general ease with which the PN can monitor it in peacetime; the IN (and coast guard more so)has a huge responsibility on its shoulders as the Mumbai attacks showed.

In addition, India needs its Coast as it has a hostile neighborhood all around to ensure one "secure" "border". It would be nothing short of idiotic if the IN was not given the greatest priority.

It is next to impossible for India to effectively protect all along its coast due to overwhelming numbers required and even laws of physics such as coastal clutter for surveillance systems.

Yes...Indian Navy is stretched to its limit....The reason why terrible accidents happened in recent past. Navy used to offer an awesome royal life unlike Army which was always tough...However ...Last decade the things have changed.....Defending such a huge coast line is very very tough.
Yes...Indian Navy is stretched to its limit....The reason why terrible accidents happened in recent past. Navy used to offer an awesome royal life unlike Army which was always tough...However ...Last decade the things have changed.....Defending such a huge coast line is very very tough.

Is it really stretched to it's limits? I know the coastline is massive and all, but that's surprising.
So you think
Is it really stretched to it's limits? I know the coastline is massive and all, but that's surprising.

The Indian navy cannot be stretched when it's
main adversary is small coastal brown water navy from Pakistan.

This is year 2017 you saw the vedio showing data linking network between massive radars on land to satalites to huge aesa radars on multi billion dollar surface fleet.

You have no idea what modern naval net centric communication is about .

India navy is spending billions not to defend it's coastline it's building to dominate the Arabian sea and the Indian Ocean

You so off the mark Indian has reach to go anywhere in the Indian Ocean to force it's will it's political will end protect its interests

Your naval aviation can not come close to EEZ in war because if they do, IN knows what will be coming to them, Pakistani air defense is not as weak as Indian thinks.

IN will suffer huge losses if they put huge force to take out PN also tactics also matters, PN is not going for sea control instead they will go for area Denial which is mostly done by Submarines and other supporting assets combined. Also PN also have better TNW delivery capabilities then PA because many of their weapons can carry TNWs. West have used TNW threat against foe Navies effectively and PN can take note from their doctrine.

India is already in your EEZ.

It's Known fact that Indian navy operates survaliannce across from gwader in Oman.

Soon their will more navy assets chabber in Iran.

The Indians have more listening and survey posts in Maldives and Madagascar.

Finally the idea is to keep you boxed in and to suffocate your energy and trade
So you think

The Indian navy cannot be stretched when it's
main adversary is small coastal brown water navy from Pakistan.

This is year 2017 you saw the vedio showing data linking network between massive radars on land to satalites to huge aesa radars on multi billion dollar surface fleet.

You have no idea what modern naval net centric communication is about .

India navy is spending billions not to defend it's coastline it's building to dominate the Arabian sea and the Indian Ocean

You so off the mark Indian has reach to go anywhere in the Indian Ocean to force it's will it's political will end protect its interests

India is already in your EEZ.

It's Known fact that Indian navy operates survaliannce across from gwader in Oman.

Soon their will more navy assets chabber in Iran.

The Indians have more listening and survey posts in Maldives and Madagascar.

Finally the idea is to keep you boxed in and to suffocate your energy and trade

Same goes for Pakistan, as both send assets to monitor each other, now PN can put pressure on IN to keep more assets to patrol their coastline and ports as SLCM threat from Subs are there, this will reduce the number of assets previously IN could have deployed against PN, also PN ASW assets patrol round the clock to monitor EEZ so it's cat and mouse game going on between two, Pakistan have good NCW capability too with AESA radars monitoring sea and air threats.

It's not that easy as you think.

If you see the purchases PN is going for you will know how difficult PN will make things for IN as IN is not USN.

Your surface fleet has only point defence AA.
Easy picking for our sea launched Brahmos.

When surface fleet is eliminated Zulfikar, and U.K. frigates etc the ASW of IN the Helis and corvettes kamorta move in with the SSN hunter killer, the Type 209's, Scorpenes, Kilos to eliminate the small sub fleet.

At the same enjoying its huge size IN seizes all oil ships and cargo ships heading to Pak.

Complete embargo imposed with little effort.

Free oil for India if we decide to divert them to Mumbai.

1971 December.

When IAF was given a proper fighter aircraft they delivered very well.

Dint you retire the F-104 out of shame ?

To fire brahmos your IN and IAF have to come close to fire those and PN subs, MPAs with PAF fighters can keep them away, PN subs can hit targets up to 450km now, also we are not immediately going to war so in near future new subs, stealth ships (for ASW and patrol EEZ) along with multirole ships will available to protect EEZ and keep shipping safe.
Our Brahmos have range of 600km public ally and possible more in reality and perfect accuracy even at max range

What torpedo have you deployed that has 450 km range?

PAF fighters will need to face Carrier based Mig 29K and shore based Su 30MKI based from Gujarat, Maharashtra bases.

Jaguar strike aircraft deployed when air superiority achieved

Bold part is hilarious, you don't even know what is SLCM and talking big here. :rofl:
What remote accuracy can the Babur have against a sea target? It's meant for land targets.

Even if the accuracy is there it is subsonic and is destined to be intercepted by the Barak SAM.

What chance do 5 submarines 2 of them aging have against 50+ ASW helicopters, 19 SSK's, 1 SSN, 12 ASW Surface Combatants, 12+ ASW Aircraft (P-8I) ?

Unless missiles are launched from within Karachi harbour the SSK's are only joining the Ghazi.

SLCM comes in two versions Land attack and AShM and Babur is not only AShM PN have with long range, FACs also have Long range AShM t
What remote accuracy can the Babur have against a sea target? It's meant for land targets.

Even if the accuracy is there it is subsonic and is destined to be intercepted by the Barak SAM.

What chance do 5 submarines 2 of them aging have against 50+ ASW helicopters, 19 SSK's, 1 SSN, 12 ASW Surface Combatants, 12+ ASW Aircraft (P-8I) ?

Unless missiles are launched from within Karachi harbour the SSK's are only joining the Ghazi.

IN in any future conflict will not be able to deploy full strength against PN as latter is rapidly enhancing it's capabilities to strike any port of India.
IN does not need to deploy its full strength to wreck Karachi port and once Karachi port is wrecked the PN is 100% out of the picture.

Gwadar in all likelihood would be wrecked from within Pakistan by the BLA if push comes to shove

With the success of CPEC, The BLA is an all but crushed outfit. Even more so than the sikh kalastan movement in india.

If any of what you say is true about the indian navy then india would have attacked Pakistan long ago. The view you have of Pakistan's military/naval capabilities is based on myths and propaganda. Especially in light of TOT of advanced high tech weapons systems by China to Pakistan. This is increasing massively especially in light of CPEC & Chinese strategic assets now being spread all over Pakistan. Case in point, the SLCM tests by Pakistan earlier this year which has now given us a nuclear 2nd strike capability. A lot of indians claimed it would be decades before we gained this capability. The indian military high command are FULLY AWARE of our capabilities which is the REAL reason there hasn't been a major war between Pakistan & india for nearly 50 years.
Good old running and hiding behind the nuke.

Carry on

That's rich coming from someone from a nation that cannot destroy an enemy that is more than 7x smaller than it even when you have unlimited access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege. Not to mention the backing of the West and Russia. So are we really hiding?
Destroy what?

Already split into half.

Not looking to capture land with hundreds of millions of Muslims. Last thing on earth we need.

We would be happy to raise the fence a few feet higher

In that case india was destroyed on August the 14th 1947, as it was ripped, carved and dismembered to create Pakistan and the land that went on to become bangladesh. Both were ultimately made from conquered india territory. india will NEVER get those lands back.
Whatever happened the British did as we lacked a proper armed force, a proper govt and zero strategy.

Now when our country is in our hands and our fate is in our hands we will do as we like and nothing can stop us

Likewise, please come and try.........:azn:
IN does not need to deploy its full strength to wreck Karachi port and once Karachi port is wrecked the PN is 100% out of the picture.

Gwadar in all likelihood would be wrecked from within Pakistan by the BLA if push comes to shove

PN don't have it's full fleet at Karachi since long and it's not 1971 when PN didn't had AShMs and SAMs.
So you think
The Indian navy cannot be stretched when it's
main adversary is small coastal brown water navy from Pakistan.

This is year 2017 you saw the vedio showing data linking network between massive radars on land to satalites to huge aesa radars on multi billion dollar surface fleet.

You have no idea what modern naval net centric communication is about .

India navy is spending billions not to defend it's coastline it's building to dominate the Arabian sea and the Indian Ocean

You so off the mark Indian has reach to go anywhere in the Indian Ocean to force it's will it's political will end protect its interests

Dominate the Arabian Sea


Our submarines can just practice anti area access denial to prevent a blockade. Even if you do start one, keeping it for too long might just force our hand to press that big red button.

Hindustan lost its edge over Pakistan the day we got nukes.

1971 December.

When IAF was given a proper fighter aircraft they delivered very well.

Dint you retire the F-104 out of shame ?

Hindustan had several months of planning, and the element of surprise. Nobody expected another war to occur 6 years after the last.

Also, according to Chuck Yaegar (who PERSONALLY counted the planes that were downed) Pakistan lost just over 30 where as Hindustan lost just over 100. Of course, perhaps his count for the Hindustani aircraft could be sceptical, but even according to Hindustan itself, you guys lost just over 40 aircraft.

Yeah, your airforce did better than the last war, but still didn't manage to gain air superiority or even down more planes.

Besides, all that progress went away during Kargil, when your fighters were downed by bloody ground troops.

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