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Indian Muslim Lawmaker Assaulted and Beaten for Taking Oath in Hindi

Abu Azmi did by pointedly refusing to take his oath in Marathi inspite of being an elected MLA from Maharashtra.

So, isn't that his personal choice? others took oath in Hindi, English and sanskrit too, how is that an insult?

That's called racism.

You people don't realize that the vast majority of Indians are dependent on their local government for everything. If they see that people from another part of the country are being given preference just because they don't speak the right language, it will lead to trouble.
That is why, one should not try to ride roughshod over the feelings of the majority in the name of national unity, otherwise you end up with people like Raj Thackeray.

When Laloo Prasad Yadav fills the vacancies in Railway Jobs with Biharis, and on top of that, doesn't even bother to advertise in regional language newspapers, it leads to resentment. That is the real threat to national unity, not regional sentiments. Regional sentiments are essential for the development of India. A person from Maharashtra loves his language, culture and history. To deny him the opportunity to advance and preserve it is called injustice.

It's just a problem which has been created in the minds of people by our so called so called politicians. Raj thakrey has a 300 crore empire which spreads as far as Dubai. What has he done for vidharbh where a poor marathi farmer commits suicide every 4 minutes? Why doesn't he give 100% reservation to marathis in his companies or the shops and offices spaces he builds under the kohinoor group or even at a subsidized rate (ironically his malls are coming up on the mill land and the poor mill workers are deprived of their compensation). Mumbai is beautiful today because today when I and 3 of my friend go around, one is maharashtrian, one is north Indian, one is Rajasthani and one is Bengali and about opportunities Mumbai is such a place that it won't let anybody go to bed empty stomach, the one who is willing to work and strive
It's just a problem which has been created in the minds of people by our so called so called politicians. Raj thakrey has a 300 crore empire which spreads as far as Dubai. What has he done for vidharbh where a poor marathi farmer commits suicide every 4 minutes? Why doesn't he give 100% reservation to marathis in his companies or the shops and offices spaces he builds under the kohinoor group or even at a subsidized rate (ironically his malls are coming up on the mill land and the poor mill workers are deprived of their compensation). Mumbai is beautiful today because today when I and 3 of my friend go around, one is maharashtrian, one is north Indian, one is Rajasthani and one is Bengali and about opportunities Mumbai is such a place that it won't let anybody go to bed empty stomach, the one who is willing to work and strive

I'm not defending Raj Thackeray, he's a politician like any other, but the point is that what he says makes sense to a lot of Marathis, and you can't escape from that fact.

Anyways, its not ethical to give reservation to only Marathis in a company, and neither does it make business sense. I wouldn't do it if I was running a business.
I'm not defending Raj Thackeray, he's a politician like any other, but the point is that what he says makes sense to a lot of Marathis, and you can't escape from that fact.

Exactly, people have to understand this and not fall in to the "Divide and Rule" politics of raj thakrey and abu azmi. The economical development of India or matter of fact any country can't be and won't be uniform and migration is bound to happen, it's a phase that every big city goes through and migration is not bad, it stimulates the economy, surely people from all over the contry don't come here and sleep, they work, become buyers and sellers and actually the more cosmopolitian we get the more progressive we would be

Anyways, its not ethical to give reservation to only Marathis in a company, and neither does it make business sense. I wouldn't do it if I was running a business.

Again exactly there is a rule that 80% jobs should be for locals and recent survey proves that it is followed, it just a monster created by our politians (both congress and others) who just know how to play with people's emotions or do you believe even after the dismal performance over the 10 years price rise, power cuts, de-industrilization of the state, how has congress managed to hold on to power? They just want to keeep people's attention away from the real issues
Exactly thats the point.Thousands of people wanted him to represent them in a state whose official language is Marathi. If he shows disrespect to marathi then he is setting a trend for his thousands of followers.

Perhaps the MNS, should go around beating up the thousands who voted for him instead. Trendsetter? What sort of trend in the MNS setting? Trouble with your neighbor? Colleague? Don't call the cops, don't speak to your boss? Roll your sleeves up and start swinging away. In fact, do it in a police station or your boss' office.

And if he can speak marathi as you say then what was the problem in taking oath in marathi? is it a ego problem?:disagree:

I didn't say he spoke Marathi. And in his place, I damn well would have taken the oath in English or Hindi, if the MNS threatened me against doing so. Its not an ego problem, its a question of knuckling down under thugs.

It And if he cant speak marathi then that means he has never given importance to marathi which shows how much respect he has for maharashtra.

How would you explain his getting elected then?
As many have pointed out, this has hardly to do with being a muslim althought some people would like to make it seem so. However, this does not make it any less wrong.

As I have mentioned in other posts, extreme religious/ethnic nationalism is dangerous and always leads to fascist extremes.

Marathi langauge was'nt saved because these legislators stopped Azmi from taking oath in Hindi, which he did by the way after order was restores in the house. Nor did Noth Indians get some "benefit" out of this excercise by Azmi. This was pure political point scoring and completely unacceptable. Even Bal Thackery has said that he condemns these attacks in the assembly.

The SC verdicts and consitution is clear on this, the oath can be taken in any of the 18 official langauges as per the eight schedule and these range from sanskrit, hindi, bengali, urdu, telgu, sindhi, punjabi, kashmiri, assamese, manipuri, Konkani e.t.c. So no one can stop a person in thsi regard.
Languages of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Instead of sparring on scoio-economic and developmental issues, these non-issues are used to appease each other and consolidate their respective consittuencies. For example, this is very similar to when the Congress used the Shah Bano case to "pseudo-appease" in the eyes of the BJP the muslim community who got no benefit watsoever from the judgment and in the aftermath both the Congress and BJP tried to consolidate their respective vote banks. Not on developmental issues but on non-issues like this. And even in this case a major part of the blame goes to the Cong-NCP government for allowing partyworkes of the MNS and SP to taking law in their own hands and not cracking down on them. As well as the BJP for not decisively taking a strong position on this matter being the main opposition party.

I would'nt be surprised if I put on my "conspiracy theory" hat on and say that this was staged managed by the SP and MNS because both were able to cannibalise into BJP and SS votes respectively by oppurtunistically raking up this ethnic issue.
i have seen many people on this thread proclaiming the "great obvious truth"- we are all indians first as a counter argument to being a maharashtrian when in maharashtra.
Who said we are not Indians? Did raj thackrey say so?or did bal thackrey?did the tamilians , kannadigas or the andhraites say we are not indians. If an enemy of the country says or does anything harmfull to any part of the country i gues the thackreys would be the first to condemn .If tommorow war breaks out and the indian army resorts to conscription these would be the first people delivering speeches inspiring people to join the army.
When all the languages of the country are equal,why does opposing hindi mean we are not" indians first"?If this logic is right then one must also say that opposing marathi also means that you are not indian first. There is absolutely no connection between the language- hindi and the indian identity . Hindi is the regional language of the north indians. people elsewhwre have their own languages. and bringing back the glory of each and every language of the nation shud be the goal of the people who say we are "indians first". Bcoz ,,remember we pride ourselves on our unity in diversity
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