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Indian Kashmir Singh released after 35 years

^^^Oh please...that article is yet another puff piece. A similar article can be written by juxtaposing a mutilated Indian prisoner with a well-fed Pakistani one.

On a side note, I think the guy who released the prisoner has done a wonderful thing. The ball is now in India's court to respond positively.
^^^Oh please...that article is yet another puff piece. A similar article can be written by juxtaposing a mutilated Indian prisoner with a well-fed Pakistani one.

On a side note, I think the guy who released the prisoner has done a wonderful thing. The ball is now in India's court to respond positively.

That is absoultely correct.

Musharraf has done a great thing and it will go down well with all and snuff out the critics in India.
^^^Oh please...that article is yet another puff piece. A similar article can be written by juxtaposing a mutilated Indian prisoner with a well-fed Pakistani one.

On a side note, I think the guy who released the prisoner has done a wonderful thing. The ball is now in India's court to respond positively.

How is the "oh please" fitting in with the exact same point I am making, which is Indian reciprocity? Is it too much to ask for that? :what:
I agree, its a win win situation for us now. :cheers:

Burny is going to India to take up the issue of Pakistanis languishing in Indian jails for last 30 years.

lets hope if they can be carried back to Pakistan.

The difference is these Pakistanis are not spies rather they are paying for either overstaying in India for few months or other such problems. And most of them had already served the jail term.
Burny is going to India to take up the issue of Pakistanis languishing in Indian jails for last 30 years.

lets hope if they can be carried back to Pakistan.

The difference is these Pakistanis are not spies rather they are paying for either overstaying in India for few months or other such problems. And most of them had already served the jail term.

and of course, you would know, right?

What makes you give such categorical statements as if you are God Almighty?

For Christ's sake, shed your pink coloured goggles!

You come out as a scratched LP record and without a spot of sanity in logic!!
and of course, you would know, right?

What makes you give such categorical statements as if you are God Almighty?

For Christ's sake, shed your pink coloured goggles!

Go and check reports from your side of the border most of them are langushing in Indian jailes either for over-staying or other such violations.

BTW you dont believe in Almighty so dont bother much Sir.

You come out as a scratched LP record and without a spot of sanity in logic!!

Sir Ray i never knew my face works as a mirror and every time it reflects your image ;)
Go and check reports from your side of the border most of them are langushing in Indian jailes either for over-staying or other such violations.



BTW you dont believe in Almighty so dont bother much Sir.

You have seen the Almighty?

Sir Ray i never knew my face works as a mirror and every time it reflects your image ;)

The comparison is a wee bit egotistical on your part!
Sudhi Ranjan Sen
Sunday, December 2, 2007 (New Delhi)
Once sought after by military intelligence to spy on Pakistan, today dozens of former agents have been left in the lurch by their former employers, Research and Analysis Wing (RAW).

Now, the agency even refuses to accept that these agents were once recruited by India's intelligence agencies. In fact, as far as RAW is concerned, these men don't even exist.

These 'sources', as they are called by the intelligence agencies, remember the days when they were sought after by senior officers of the military intelligence (MI).

Today, after several years in Pakistani jails, they are an exhausted and spent lot.

Their neighbours look at them suspiciously and their former employers refuse to even recognise them.

The promises that were made when they were launched across the border to spy on Pakistan are broken, and once glorified, these men are now left out in the cold.

One wonders whether it is only a failure of the India's intelligence or a total collapse of the security set-up.

One such individual is Diwender Sing, who was a military intelligence source for over six years and spent over 12 years in a Pakistan jail after he was caught near Lahore as an Indian spy.

Today he lives on prayers. His former employers refuse to pay his dues or the Rs 2 lakh compensation promised when he was recruited. Their other promise of helping his family while he was in Pakistan wasn't kept either.

''I work as a labourer and earn between Rs 50 to Rs 60 a day,'' said Devender Singh, former agent.

Left in the lurch

A letter to the President of India, seeking help did move few stones, but the military intelligence claimed he never worked for them. However, Devender says that they offered him a deal.

''The MI wanted to pay Rs 50,000 and settle the case. They wanted him sign on a blank pieces of paper but he wanted the full settlement,'' said Devi Das, former MI operative and Gram Pradhan.

Bhogal Ram, another source of the military intelligence, is a labourer now. In 1992, he was caught in Multan on his 65th undercover mission to Pakistan.

When he returned after 12 years, he found that all his employers had done for his family in his absence was that they gave his father Rs 350 a month for two years.

Another master of spy games, Harbans Lal, guided over two dozen operatives across the border and worked for both RAW and the military intelligence for 10 years.

He spent over 13 years in a Pakistan jail after he was caught in 1993. Today, it's only his neighbours who care for him.

''The military intelligence did give me some monthly rations after I came back, but it stopped suddenly,'' said Lal.

Another similar case is that of Babu Ram - a RAW source for about a decade who spent six years photographing Pakistani army posts, ammunition dumps, army bunkers and checked on Jehadi build-up across the border.

When he returned to India last year, after 18 years in a Pakistani jail, he was told that as far as RAW was concerned he did not exist.

For some years, his mother received a mysterious money order of Rs 500 every month, but when that stopped, his family fell apart.

''I worked as maid servant earning Rs 20 to Rs 30 monthly,'' said Soma Devi, Babu Ram's wife.

Easy recruitment

Similarity of language, customs and plain land across the border offering easy access to Pakistan and most importantly rampant unemployment make Jammu a fertile ground for security agency for recruitment sources.

But their track record as employers is far from tempting. Now, when the need for such sources is crucial, most old hands are refusing to take the risks, and it is nearly impossible to find new recruits.

For example, Tirathram, a RAW operative for over 15 years, stopped working when the agency refused to help his nephew.

''I stopped working for the RAW when I saw the state of my nephew and his family and how the MI refused to help them. I had introduced him to the MI. It was also my responsibility,'' said Tirathram.

''No one wants to work for them now. The kids refuse to work for security agencies,'' said Devi Das, former agent.

A James Bond mission has gadgets, fast cars, champagne and a party, but intelligence is a dangerous business. More often their journey ends in poverty and complete disillusionment.

Perhaps, this is one of the reasons that India's intelligence agencies continue to remain in the dark.
NDTV.com: Ex-Indian spies get a 'RAW' deal

Pakistan cricket fan who lost his passport is tortured to death and his body sent back in return for release of indian spy.

They killed the poor fellow in a reciprocal approach to Pakistani gesture.
Does this carry a message for Indian agents working in Pakistan? or vice versa? or both? or they don't want Pakistan to release more Indian spies?

They killed the man immediately after the release of Singh and returned the body, their ought to be an objective to such act.
Are all the indians hiding...?
Any other subject and they will be the first to voice an opinion.......whats with the total silence from you indians about this shameful act your people have carried out.

At least have some shame you indians and condem this torture/murder.

On the outside they want to be friends but in there heart there is hatred for us.............we try to shake there hand and they slap us in return.

There been plenty of indians that know what has taken place put not one mention by any..........
Are all the indians hiding...?
Any other subject and they will be the first to voice an opinion.......whats with the total silence from you indians about this shameful act your people have carried out.

At least have some shame you indians and condem this torture/murder.

On the outside they want to be friends but in there heart there is hatred for us.............we try to shake there hand and they slap us in return.

There been plenty of indians that know what has taken place put not one mention by any..........

Nobody is hiding here. You can read my reply in my other post discussing about this so called pakistani cricket fan.

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