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Indian family steals accessories from Bali hotel, caught by staff. Viral video shocks Internet

They shud be grateful .. Usually they are charged with rape and stealing
I read somewhere its a punjabi family..is that true? Punjabis becoming like biharis...shameless fellows
I read somewhere its a punjabi family..is that true? Punjabis becoming like biharis...shameless fellows
Look at the woman, you will have good idea they are Punjabis or Anna Rascalla mind it .... :lol:
Look at the woman, you will have good idea they are Punjabis or Anna Rascalla mind it .... :lol:
They are talking hindi with each other..there is no way they are south indians...south indians are much more refined and sophisticated than biharis,UP walas , haryanvis and punjabis...majority of scum of india resides in those places
it could easily have been a Pakistani family, this is a disease both in Pakistani and Indian people, i have dined at people's house where they served food using cutlery from different hotels across the world, people having money to stay in 5 star hotel but having audacity to steal miser stuff is beyond me, i personally think its some sort of disorder our people have.
it could easily have been a Pakistani family, this is a disease both in Pakistani and Indian people, i have dined at people's house where they served food using cutlery from different hotels across the world, people having money to stay in 5 star hotel but having audacity to steal miser stuff is beyond me, i personally think its some sort of disorder our people have.

talk about cheapskates
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