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Indian family steals accessories from Bali hotel, caught by staff. Viral video shocks Internet

They look and sound like Gujjus..

This behavior could very well have come from Delhi, Hyderabad or Kolkotta.

Being brazen and shameless is universal among those who indulge in such acts.

But to the point, based on his accent, he seems to be from Delhi or definitely from around there.
It's almost always from the illiterates from the north...
It is shameful for the individuals in question, I wonder why would the creator of the video and this thread in particular thread want to defame the Indian community at large for actions of one family?
And then there are comments on the thread, which is just a reflection of the individuals upbringing, or lack thereof.

By the same standard of reasoning. would you look at the 2015 San Bernardino attacks and label entire pakistani community as terrorists?

By this definition, because of the acts of few nut jobs whole Islamic community shouldnt suffer and get defamed but you Indians start jumping like monkeys and if there is word Pakistani then it's orgasm
By this definition, because of the acts of few nut jobs whole Islamic community shouldnt suffer and get defamed but you Indians start jumping like monkeys and if there is word Pakistani then it's orgasm
And you are 100% correct, that is how logic works.
And you are 100% correct, that is how logic works.

Just to comment, I didn't see the video judging by thumbnail I can guess they stole ordinary things. There was no need to release video or at least should have blurred the face
Saw the video.. Utterly disgraceful. Stupid people, who should not even step out of their home. The kind of stuff they sold is beyond laughable.
This is not something unique to Indians.

Every country has a section of people who lack class.
This incident will surely erode India's military capabilities :D
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