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Indian economic growth is good for Pakistan

China's big mistake was when they did self-isolation during the Qing Dynasty. We learn from history. :smitten: Rest assured no Chinese don't practice favoritism (perhaps a little inkling but that's inevitable). :angel:

China will do what's best for China's interests. Like every other government.:cheers:
China will do what's best for China's interests. Like every other government.:cheers:

Yes, but China (and Chinese people in general) have a policy of Mutual Cooperation. Not saying everyone is a saint, but under-handed and backstabbing and gossiping are things that have been historically despised for thousands of years by Chinese.

About the truth, your truth is Kashmir you call kashmiris fighting for freedom as terrorists, your truth is Gujrat and yiou call it a riot we call it a deliberately orchestrated massacre to win elections.

Babri mosque, we call it a despicable and extremist act and during this act of violance you police stood by and watch those goons destroying 500 years old monument.

man get some life... it is this paranoia abt the so called religion based riots and mosques and kashmir thats sapping all ur energy.... U can't stick to one thing and bring it to every other topic... even if these r true, they have nothing to do with economic growth... u see thats what is distracting u guys from development.. u people r just too much into one issue and bring that to every other discussion....
phew.... no doubt why there is only and only one thing and that's anything to do with ur religion and things related to it... get over it...this topic isn't to do with islam or religion related issues....
This is just a guess and may be inaccurate , I think ur leaders too r much narrow minded and keep trolling abt these same issues decades after decade with no vision on development
Indian economic power is GOOD FOR INDIA and indians. .

World class metro system USA fast breeder nuke reactors, new ports new airports massive growth in internal aviation growth huge 300 million middle class indians are pushing india,s GDP TOWARDS same level as France UK & Itlay.

India,s 1.2 trillion GDP is not based on call centres allone.

India is the 2nd largest user of internet in the world

2nd Largest user of mobile fones in the world.

India has the 2nd highest GDP growth in G20 ( THE WORLDS TOP 20 INDUSTRAIL NATIONS)

Call centres or Western bias is not catapulting India,s GDP.

Its India,s new middle classes. buying TV fridges computers and thats why there are hundreds of western style shopping malls opening al over india.

India has the highest number of billionaires in Asia

India also has has some of the powerful multinational companies too

A sure sign of a rising Industrial power.

25 years ago 70% of india,s GDP was agricultural

Today its just 20%
I already explained that, except for a small percentage, most IT jobs are for junior level coding grunts. I know all about testing, developing, and debugging. On Wall Street, they are contemptuously referred to as "code monkeys".

dude u might be from the same industry... but guess what most indians if i am not wrong are/were also from the same Industry, including me, though not anymore.... so don't need this extra-emphasis on "I know all, I am from software industry" likewise again and again.

Coming back to the topic, we sometimes discount too much the way some say how china just copies or imitates in manufacturing with no or little intelligence, to an extent even India had very humble start.. call centers , testing ,bug fixing which don't really need one to be an expert of that technology as u need some few testcases and some assisting applications not to mention u hire 2 people for 1 persons job becoz they r cheap... but guess what these are a lot better than working at some govt backoffice, and these start inspiring people to achieve more.. just as an example, Indians going for MBAs in USA are primarily from software industry becoz somewhere most of these people think they can do sth more and may be grow more ambitious.. I felt the same and changed my career path.. and to my surprise, almost all indians in my class had similar background like 80%..felt i wasn't alone :):woot:

My point is u start from a humble background and then may achieve bigger things, not other way around... india is far better than what it was 15 yrs back.. in a span of 20 yrs, Indian IT industry has grown from a couple of thousands $ to $65billion and growing.. even if this industry grows at 15% per annum on average over the next 10 yrs , its going to be close to 250$ B, last decade it grew more than 35% p.a
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Now you are making this racist,india has more meat-eating society than you if we leave hindu society.
Even hindu eat meat too....

so how this philosophy come from and what it prove...

For once i beg to differ u and agree to developereo, it nothing racist.. lets not stereotype everything as racists if we dont understand what exactly is ppp and why it makes and doesn't make sense...

every statistics has got some inaccuracies and so does PPP but just becoz of it u don't neglect it as developereo seems to suggest...

Though hindus eat meat, our % of meat in our entire diet is minuscule compared to western food habits... thats what brings inaccuracies.. economists suggest McDonald's big burgers price as a rough proxy for purchasing power parity but beef isn't a gud option in india , thats why economists consider a bag of commodities and goods .. again their % s of usage differs but thats the closest one can get...

SO keeping aside these technicalities, i dont see any racist comments but again, comparing nominal per capita GDP is also ignorant when people find faults with PPP, becoz an X item in pakistan may cost $1 and the same good may cost $.9 in India so even if Indian have comparable per capita nominal GDP , actually Indians are better off, thats where people really want to use PPP, though may be inaccurate, still gives a gud understanding..
If the west stop handing india everyt hing in a silver platter, India would still be in a deep hole.

Let me give some examples.

what is the difference between India and Pakistani talents when it come to setting up call centers, Why India is preferred over Pakistan, only one can guess, and it looks fishy.

The Mini car a true copy of German smart car was so much talked about in western media where as Pakistan had developed a car few years prior to Indian car and the name was Revo (revolution)never got such attention. Why?

Photos: Pakistan's first locally designed car Revo picture and comments.

Computer industry in Pakistan is much better and more vibrant in Pakistan than India but somehow India is given more access than Pakistan.

Pakistan has been fighting for the world since Russians walked in Afghanistan, but world denies it and do not want to see the truth, it is very bad when your neighbor joins the array of harming Pakistan by trying to stop developments. and use false propaganda and surveys by those who are known adversaries of Pakistan and talk about its breakup and neighbor who bring in the adversary who is killing Muslims by scores.

Nevertheless we believe in truth decency and honesty, these traits shall win.

It is law of Nature and of Universe.

You hit the nail on the head. There's a conspiracy that is using IT contracts to sway and bribe Bharat towards Israeli/US side.
Malaysia's currency was almost destroyed in the 90s by currency manipulation by one individual: George Soros, the Jewish businessman.


the problem is we play victim card everywhere when we don't get what it is !!!

George Soros made tons of money on UK pound too when he considered it to be over valued, U dont see a british playing a victim card !! tomorrow somebody will play with chinese currency and who knows any other currency if it deviates from the reality of the local interest rates, demand for the currency, projected inflation rates and current accounts not to leave economic forecasts.... I may be able to keep on talking abt these more technically, but thats not the thread is all about...
Ur point is inaccurate and feeds conspiracy theory...
even if these r true, they have nothing to do with economic growth...

To be fair, asq was making a point about the Pakistani car Revo until a couple of Indians ganged up on him with rude, off-topic comments. I guess that's why he reacted emotionally.

Indian economic power is GOOD FOR INDIA and indians.

Another off-topic, pointless post by our Indian-behind-two-British-flags. At least, you are consistent. Consistenly irrelevant.

Check ur karachi street u wil know the truth. Endless people sleeping on footpaths :smokin::smokin::smokin:

Wrong thread. You want this one

Indians going for MBAs in USA are primarily from software industry becoz somewhere most of these people think they can do sth more and may be grow more ambitious

Many people from IT go into MBA programs. This will be interesting how it pans out in the long run, because the management field is notoriously overcrowded. Also, managers have been largely complacent to outsourcing because it was "low-level" jobs going to India. Once it starts cutting into their piece of the pie, how will they react?

George Soros made tons of money on UK pound too

UK was not an emerging economy like Malaysia when Soros played with the pound. Malaysia is far more vulnerable to currency manipulation than the UK, and why did Soros pick Malaysia? It may not be a coincidence that a Jewish banker tried to ruin Malaysia after it banned Schindler's List as being Jewish propaganda.
To be fair, asq was making a point about the Pakistani car Revo until a couple of Indians ganged up on him with rude, off-topic comments. I guess that's why he reacted emotionally.

Well I didn't check all the posts, guess u might be true... but as it's been told already, first the domestic market has to accept it, if it wasn't the case, i am afraid, there won't be any market !!

Many people from IT go into MBA programs. This will be interesting how it pans out in the long run, because the management field is notoriously overcrowded. Also, managers have been largely complacent to outsourcing because it was "low-level" jobs going to India. Once it starts cutting into their piece of the pie, how will they react?

Lets see, even if the managers of west don;t want us to take their piece of pie, it will be ok.. as most of indians doing MBA have age on their side i.e pretty young, late 20s and can grow up the ladder in over 15-20 yrs...

UK was not an emerging economy like Malaysia when Soros played with the pound. Malaysia is far more vulnerable to currency manipulation than the UK, and why did Soros pick Malaysia? It may not be a coincidence that a Jewish banker tried to ruin Malaysia after it banned Schindler's List as being Jewish propaganda.

Dude, if u know by any chance, its not just Soros or any other jew... its the case with many hedge funds. There are soo many hedge funds right from 1980s and they r diversified, today u find hedge funds which target just developing world. To keep this short, the hedge funds targetting developing world exploit our immature markets to earn what they call "Alpha of the portfolio" - greater return compared to the risk taken by the managers of hedge funds...
Now u may ask, why soros didn't exploit chinese currency or Indian currency but made money on Malaysian currency !! there cud be myriad reasons, the easiest argument cud be becoz, Chinese currenccy is still controlled by govt, India was also quasi-controlled by govt in 1990s and also the visibility of our economy was very low. Malaysia was a dynamic economy then and cud have provided gud opportunities...
TO cut the story short, these managers don't leave out their own countries if they find some discrepancy, and the most discrepancies ready to be exploited are expected to be from fast developing economies. Ur argument mayn't be anything more than giving O2 to conspiracy theorists !!! much easier when the hedge funds are run by Jews !!:what::what:
Ur argument mayn't be anything more than giving O2 to conspiracy theorists !!! much easier when the hedge funds are run by Jews !!

Possibly true. I would love to see examples of Western money manipulation on a comparable scale in relation to another, non-Muslim developing country.
Possibly true. I would love to see examples of Western money manipulation on a comparable scale in relation to another, non-Muslim developing country.

Just to name a few madoff scam ponzy portfolio manipulated over 50$ billion , our economies wud have just crashed !! though it's actually different from what soros did , which was legal...
then i dont have names on top of my mind , but there were hedge funds which bet on credit default swaps during 2004-2006 when the default risk for many financial companies was at the lowest i.e they were almost considered as safe as US govt, the reasoning was when this housing bubble busts, many securities will go bust and companies go bankrupt..
Primarily wall street is a gambling place, it leaves none , not even international markets, sometimes they win and times like these they bust, like Lehman, bear sterns , by the way just an off-topic in 2007 when we visited bear sterns, they bloated themselves as being the premier institute, which they were, the only surviving company in their vicinity in last 50 yrs, just after 5 months they became history...:what::what:
Just to name a few madoff scam ponzy portfolio manipulated over 50$ billion , our economies wud have just crashed !! though it's actually different from what soros did , which was legal...
then i dont have names on top of my mind , but there were hedge funds which bet on credit default swaps during 2004-2006 when the default risk for many financial companies was at the lowest i.e they were almost considered as safe as US govt, the reasoning was when this housing bubble busts, many securities will go bust and companies go bankrupt..
Primarily wall street is a gambling place, it leaves none , not even international markets, sometimes they win and times like these they bust, like Lehman, bear sterns , by the way just an off-topic in 2007 when we visited bear sterns, they bloated themselves as being the premier institute, which they were, the only surviving company in their vicinity in last 50 yrs, just after 5 months they became history...:what::what:

I don't consider the US to be a developing country, and Madoff's clients were mostly fellow rich Jews -- hardly comparable to the average Malaysian farmer.
A developing India is good for its neighbours not only because it becomes an example everyone can relate to and wishes to compete with, but also because economic prosperity inevitably spreads to the margins.

But economic growth per se is not created by luck or chance. It is the result of all round development - legal, cultural, social and attitudinal. Which is the reason I am responding in detail to the post below.

If the west stop handing india everyt hing in a silver platter, India would still be in a deep hole.

Nothing, nothing in business is handed on a silver platter. Modern business works on clearly established mutual benefits, not on social philanthropy. This is a fundamental truth and the sooner it is understood the faster Pakistanis will be able to develop their economy.

Today the west needs us, so we have a business relationship. Tomorrow it may not. The trick is to continuously evolve so that we continue to provide value.

Let me give some examples.

what is the difference between India and Pakistani talents when it come to setting up call centers, Why India is preferred over Pakistan, only one can guess, and it looks fishy.

The difference is in infrastructure, scalability and the effeciencies that scale brings. The difference is in a proven track record that clients want to see before they commit to outsourcing their business.

A call center with 20 people is radically different from a call center with 50 people, or 500 or 5000. There are several reasons - operational, financial, business model based. But simply being able to speak English and talk over the phone is just the first step. You need modern management principles, organizational ability, a business model, and years of effort.

The other difference is when you approached the market, the risks you took, and the efforts made when the market was nascent, but that's by the by.

I do not say Pakistan cannot do it as well; but to think that India is being given a free ride is ridiculous. Casting aspersions on someone's success, however meagre is not exactly the first step to replicating that success.

The Mini car a true copy of German smart car was so much talked about in western media where as Pakistan had developed a car few years prior to Indian car and the name was Revo (revolution)never got such attention. Why?

Photos: Pakistan's first locally designed car Revo picture and comments.

Good question. The simple answer is - very few business ideas are truly original. You have an idea? At any point in time, there are at least 30 people in the world with the exact same idea.

In business, ideas are important, but (if by the Indian car, you are referring to the Nano), but operationalization, i.e. the ability to actually make it work as a business is even more important.

I cannot emphasize the point enough. There is a huge, HUGE, difference between having an idea and making it work as a business. In fact in this difference lies the key to business and economic success.

The company that made Revo is out of business today; why? i think you will find the answer in market timing, business models, service support, legal/ government issues. Not in extraneous reasons such as 'favouritism' or 'nepotism'.

Computer industry in Pakistan is much better and more vibrant in Pakistan than India but somehow India is given more access than Pakistan.

I am interested in finding out how the Pakistani computer industry is 'better' and 'more vibrant' than India. In terms of the IT engineers that graduate every year? Quality of programmers? Software products?

I don't think so. But even if that were the case, what is the business model for IT in Pakistan?

Again, I cannot emphasize enough - organizational/ business success is totally different from individual excellence.

There were at least a hundred entrepreneurs who peddled soft drinks in the late 19th century; some of them probably tasted as good if not better than Coke or Pepsi - yet in fifty years Coke and Pepsi had captured the market. Why?

There are thousands of fantastic ideas and innovations coming out of Silicon valley every month. Yet only a handful make it to the business stage every year. Why?

Out of every 100 ideas on 5 ideas actually make it to the business stage (I am not even speaking of business success). Why?

Pakistan has been fighting for the world since Russians walked in Afghanistan, but world denies it and do not want to see the truth, it is very bad when your neighbor joins the array of harming Pakistan by trying to stop developments. and use false propaganda and surveys by those who are known adversaries of Pakistan and talk about its breakup and neighbor who bring in the adversary who is killing Muslims by scores.

Nevertheless we believe in truth decency and honesty, these traits shall win.

It is law of Nature and of Universe.

The law of business is that efficiency, foresight, scale, organization, enterprise, understanding of the market and timing plus a bit of luck - these traits win most of the time.
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