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Indian economic growth is good for Pakistan

Now you are making this racist,india has more meat-eating society than you if we leave hindu society.
Even hindu eat meat too....

so how this philosophy come from and what it prove...

Racist? :rofl:
Settle down, cowboy. We are the same race, so how can I be racist?
Most Indians I have known were vegatrian, so I assume it's true nationwide. And I know rice is the predominant staple in the East and South India. In any case, this is getting way off-topic.


Wow.. the stuff people do to gain higher moral ground.


World Factbook webpage was first published in 2004 and has been updated for 2008 figures. You simply refused to mention it because it had higher figures for India.

No, I didn't bother looking at the page since the URL said 2004 rank. Even if the figures are to your liking, what does it prove? The IMF has conflicting figures and we are long past that discussion now.

Please return to the topic.
So you think India's economic growth is because of the software industry? If that is what you think, than you're wrong. It is India's domestic market that is fueling growth and not some IBM call center.

India is doing better than Pakistan not because of some anti-muslim bias but because - it is far more stable, it is a bigger market, it's private sector is second to none, it has better laws and better infrastructure - all of it make India a far more attractive investment destination.

Yes we have bigger emerging and stable market.
and its just a start.
Honestly I don't like and understand developoo Philosophy....that since india economy will grow and pak establishment feel tension and they start working toward pak economy.
No, I didn't bother looking at the page since the URL said 2004 rank. Even if the figures are to your liking, what does it prove? The IMF has conflicting figures and we are long past that discussion now.

Please return to the topic.

Nope.. IMF's figures for GDP per capita (PPP) are in accordance with those of World Factbook and WB.

Only for the nominal figures, IMF lists Pakistan higher than India while both Factbook and WB list India higher.

Now, back to the topic -

As seen by these figures, the per capita income for both India and Pakistan are deplorable. It is high time we join hands to increase economic cooperation for the betterment of our people.
There is no doubt in my mind that Pakistan suffers due to an anti-Muslim bias in the West. Not just Pakistan. Look at Turkey and Malaysia. They have had stable governments also, but they haven't progressed as much compared to their capabilities

Are you kidding me? Turkey is a European nation, so lets not kid ourselves and say that it has not progressed as much as it should have. Indian and Pakistan would be a far better nations if we could match Turkey's economic indicators.

And i don't see what you mean by Malaysia - Kuala Lampur, Shanghai and Singapore are THE three hottest east asian investment destinations.

This anti-muslim thing is really nothing more than an attempt to play the victim card - We're not doing well because they hate us. Absolute rubbish. You're not doing well because of the choices your country has made with regards to its leaders, policies, etc.

We in India did (still doing?) the same thing for the last 60 years as well.

Coming back to the topic, Yes India's economic growth is good for Pakistan. Economic competition against the "Enemy" is probably the best medicine to rouse a people from a collective slumber.
Back to the thread topic, I think India’s economic growth is bad for Pakistan. It can be used by India to extort concessions from Pakistan.

True to some extent, but I wouldn't worry about it too much.

If you are talking about international pressure, then India already has that advantage. Pakistan is out of favor these days because of terrorism and India still hasn't been able to get its way in everything.

One danger would be if China and India have significant trade and reconcile. India will try to convince China to stop military cooperation with Pakistan, but I don't think the Chinese would give up their strategic friendship with Pakistan, no matter what.
yup games, Indian game companies have contributed to games like Microsoft's Forza motor-sport, EA's Battlefield Modern Combat, Atari's Asterix and Obelix XXL2, Project Gotham Racing 4, Colin McRac Dirt, Guitar Hero and many more.

The game development industry is estimated to reach $65 billion by 2011 in the US. In India itself, NASSCOM says, it's expected to value at $212 million.

For this you need following -

Proficient with C/C++
Knowledge in 2D vector
Very good maths, Physx
3D math, knowledge of Direct X and Open GL.
BE / BTech degree
3Dmax and Maya, Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw, other such 3D animation software.
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Yes we have bigger emerging and stable market.
and its just a start.
Honestly I don't like and understand developoo Philosophy....that since india economy will grow and pak establishment feel tension and they start working toward pak economy.

I am saying that a prospering India will make the Pakistani public less tolerant of misperforming governments within Pakistan. The public will put more pressure on politicians to show results.

Are you kidding me? Turkey is a European nation, so lets not kid ourselves and say that it has not progressed as much as it should have. Indian and Pakistan would be a far better nations if we could match Turkey's economic indicators.

Turkey would have advanced much more economically if it was part of EU. It has been (and will continue to be) excluded only because it is a Muslim country. The Europeans will not admit it openly (although France's Sarkozy was frank enough to do it), but everyone knows what game is being played.

And i don't see what you mean by Malaysia - Kuala Lampur, Shanghai and Singapore are THE three hottest east asian investment destinations.

Malaysia's currency was almost destroyed in the 90s by currency manipulation by one individual: George Soros, the Jewish businessman.

Coming back to the topic, Yes India's economic growth is good for Pakistan. Economic competition against the "Enemy" is probably the best medicine to rouse a people from a collective slumber.

True to some extent, but I wouldn't worry about it too much.

If you are talking about international pressure, then India already has that advantage. Pakistan is out of favor these days because of terrorism and India still hasn't been able to get its way in everything.

One danger would be if China and India have significant trade and reconcile. India will try to convince China to stop military cooperation with Pakistan, but I don't think the Chinese would give up their strategic friendship with Pakistan, no matter what.

It can be possible,I think BRIC has future if India and China stabilized their relation.Then BRIC togather can become super power and take over US otherwise no chance.
I know you don't like word "super power".
yup games, Indian game companies have contributed to games like Microsoft's Forza motor-sport, EA's Battlefield Modern Combat, Atari's Asterix and Obelix XXL2, Project Gotham Racing 4, Colin McRac Dirt, Guitar Hero and many more.

The game development industry is estimated to reach $65 billion by 2011 in the US. In India itself, NASSCOM says, it's expected to value at $212 million.

For this you need following -

Proficient with C/C++
Knowledge in 2D vector
Very good maths, Physx
3D math, knowledge of Direct X and Open GL.
BE / BTech degree
3Dmax and Maya

Believe me, I worked in the IT industry. For every ten people in the project, only about 1 uses the above skills and does any actual design. The other 9 do routine coding.

We routinely had people coming in claiming all the expertise in the world. It quickly becomes apparent who did actual work, and who just read a book before the interview.
It can be possible,I think BRIC has future if India and China stabilized their relation.Then BRIC togather can become super power and take over US otherwise no chance.
I know you don't like word "super power".

This may be true, but it is somewhat off-topic. Sorry.
I think the ability to design (super)computers is not an issue for call center and software jobs, which form the bulk of India's economic growth. Even the level of education is not an issue for call center (India) and manufacturing (China) jobs since ordinary Pakistanis and Indians have more than enough skills to do these jobs.

China and India benefitted in these sectors mostly because of a stable government.

An utterly irrelevant post.

The overwhelming bulk of India's economic growth comes from service sector (office) jobs where innovation is not an issue. These are basically paper pushing jobs, most of which do not require high levels of skill. Even the software jobs are mostly low level coding jobs which can be performed by anyone with a year of training. I know. We outsourced some of our work to India and the quality was less-than-stellar. India continues to get IT outsourced work because Indian labor is much cheaper than Western labor and even hiring three Indians is cheaper than hiring one American or Brit locally.

i agree to ur first part but not necessarily ur second part... innovation doesnt mean developing some rocket technology... indian outsourcing did some pretty innovation in terms of decent services and great cost cutting sth what china did to manufacturing... no business patronizes any nation , unless they get some synergies... last decade, it was majorly due to cost saving , but slowly things r changing... research labs are coming up in india itself, nobody makes a long jump, u need to take a step at a time...like Cisco, and many others r doing....
Agree with everything except the anti-Muslim bias.

There is no doubt in my mind that Pakistan suffers due to an anti-Muslim bias in the West. Not just Pakistan. Look at Turkey and Malaysia. They have had stable governments also, but they haven't progressed as much compared to their capabilities.

I don't get it, why are you arguing so much?! Just let them have their cake. Do you really want call-centre jobs that badly?! :angel:
research labs are coming up in india itself, nobody makes a long jump, u need to take a step at a time...like Cisco, and many others r doing....

That's true that Cisco, Intel and Microsoft are building R&D centers in India but I still don't think they would constitue a significant percentage of the outsourcing income.
True to some extent, but I wouldn't worry about it too much.

If you are talking about international pressure, then India already has that advantage. Pakistan is out of favor these days because of terrorism and India still hasn't been able to get its way in everything.

One danger would be if China and India have significant trade and reconcile. India will try to convince China to stop military cooperation with Pakistan, but I don't think the Chinese would give up their strategic friendship with Pakistan, no matter what.

China's big mistake was when they did self-isolation during the Qing Dynasty. We learn from history. :smitten: Rest assured Chinese don't practice favoritism (perhaps a little inkling but that's inevitable). :angel:
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