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Indian diplomat held for counter espionage for Pakistan

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An Indian Spying Lady... lol
I never thought India have such courageous people
One is always an exception :flame:
Ask a Price for Maduri Gupta - the brave girl who worked as per her conscious against fascist Indian policies for the betterment of mankind.

hmmmmm i think the same way about indian spies in pakistan of pakistan origin
hahahaha... took u two years to track her and u r talking about her handlers and that also in pakistan

she was under observation for last one year meaning, she's one hell of a genius & a hard nut to crack

& under observation by Indians mean that ISI might have known that she's busted & gave away her reality as she was of no use for ISI
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& look at this line....

Indian agencies believe that the 45-year-old is just a part of a massive Pakistani spy ring and there may have been others in the Indian diplomatic establishment also engaged in counter espionage. Currently the exact nature of the inducements to Gupta for her services is not known.

Ohh my, i Know ISI ain't stupid but if she really knows something(which i think she does, as ISI bought loyalty of a Indian Diplomat), Indians have got hold of a BIG FISH & her loyalty will be broken sooner or later
LOL, one of the comments on Times of India is, 'what is happenning to indian women :('

A couple of women do something that Indians in general did not like and all women are being generalized.
LOL, one of the comments on Times of India is, 'what is happenning to indian women :('

A couple of women do something that Indians in general did not like and all women are being generalized.

One guy made a comment and you start jumping up and down. Should I also generalize by your comment and say that all Pakistanis are generalizing people incapable of a balanced perspective? Think before you type.
& look at this line....

Indian agencies believe that the 45-year-old is just a part of a massive Pakistani spy ring and there may have been others in the Indian diplomatic establishment also engaged in counter espionage.

Being a women she was a soft target for the indian establishment to singleout a scapegoat.
One guy made a comment and you start jumping up and down. Should I also generalize by your comment and say that all Pakistanis are generalizing people incapable of a balanced perspective? Think before you type.

Unfortunately, the possibly thousands of derogatory and tasteless comments that have been posted on ToI, HT and elsewhere by Indians, regarding the Sania-Shoaib marriage, belie your assertion that this is 'one guy making a comment'.

It is rather obvious that a majority of Indians commenting on the web share these sorts of views.
well you all need to read this book called 'profile of intelligence' dude she aint the first indian diplomat to do that, and definitely not the last!!!!
One guy made a comment and you start jumping up and down. Should I also generalize by your comment and say that all Pakistanis are generalizing people incapable of a balanced perspective? Think before you type.

i dont think thats one guy thats ToI your most reliable source of providing sources to a rubbish press release.. generalise this :rofl::rofl:
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& look at this line....

Indian agencies believe that the 45-year-old is just a part of a massive Pakistani spy ring and there may have been others in the Indian diplomatic establishment also engaged in counter espionage. Currently the exact nature of the inducements to Gupta for her services is not known.

Ohh my, i Know ISI ain't stupid but if she really knows something(which i think she does, as ISI bought loyalty of a Indian Diplomat), Indians have got hold of a BIG FISH & her loyalty will be broken sooner or later
Depends on how many additional assets she cultivated on behalf of the ISI, and whether she was aware of other assets elsewhere.

Assets cultivated by her would likely be lower level primarily, and I don't see any reason why she would be aware of any ISI assets within India.

As an intelligence agency I imagine you want to keep your spies as isolated from each other as possible, so that one going down does not take everyone else with them.
Unfortunately, the possibly thousands of derogatory and tasteless comments that have been posted on ToI, HT and elsewhere by Indians, regarding the Sania-Shoaib marriage, belie your assertion that this is 'one guy making a comment'.

It is rather obvious that a majority of Indians commenting on the web share these sorts of views.

Thank you for saying what I was about to write, just look at what I came across on an entertainment site when searching for wedding pictures of Sonia and Shoaib.

Why on earth did Sania marry Shoaib ??? | PINKVILLA

If you read the utterly stupid reasons given for this 'news' regarding how this marriage is doomed and why did this happen. You would realise the psyche that is common and evident among a very vocal and notable population.
An Indian Spying Lady... lol
I never thought India have such courageous people
One is always an exception :flame:

Don't worry you guys also have very brave and courageous people.Asif Zardari and Yousaf Gillani are two most courageous people of Pakistan.:azn:

A mole in an Indian mission can do great damage

Madhuri Gupta, the indian diplomat arrested for spying in the Indian mission in Islamabad [ Images ], may not have access to sensitive information, but she has access to the high commission and could have planted transmitting devices and tapped phones, writes B Raman.

Madhuri Gupta, second secretary in the press and information wing of the Indian High Commission in Islamabad, has been arrested on a charge of working for a foreign intelligence agency. She was called to New Delhi [ Images ] ostensibly on consultation duty in connection with the SAARC summit opening in Thimphu on April 29 and taken into custody after her arrival.

Apparently, she was not aware that she was under suspicion. If she was, she might not have come to New Delhi. Instead, she might have fled to some other country to escape arrest and interrogation as Major Rabinder Singh, an alleged mole of the Research & Analysis Wing, did in 2004.

It has been reported that Home Secretary G K Pillai, has confirmed her arrest. He has not given any other details. There are two possibilities -- she was either working for Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence or for the intelligence agency of a Western country through its intelligence officer working under the cover of a diplomat in Pakistan. I would not rule out the second possibility. Western intelligence agencies, particularly the Central Intelligence Agency, had in the past tried to recruit Indian diplomats posted in Indian missions abroad through blackmail or offer of money or offer of resident status in their country. Madhuri Gupta is reported to be an unmarried woman in her 40s.

The ISI normally uses money or blackmail for recruiting India [ Images ]n diplomats posted in Pakistan. In the 1980s, when Rajiv Gandhi [ Images ] was the prime minister, the ISI had allegedly recruited a senior Indian Armed Forces attache by trapping him with the help of an attractive woman in Karachi and then blackmailing him with her help. He was called back to India under some pretext and removed from the armed forces. He was not prosecuted.

If the allegations against her are correct, Gupta might have been recruited by the agency which was using her either as an information agent or as a service agent. An information agent consciously supplies intelligence to which he or she has access. A service agent facilitates an intelligence operation of the recruiting agency in various ways.

As a Second Secretary in the Press and Information Wing, Gupta might not have had much access to sensitive intelligence. But, as she was working in the high commission, she would have had access to various offices in the Indian High Commission for performing furtive tasks such as planting bugs in the offices of the high commissioner and other diplomats, attaching transmitting devices for transmitting the telephone conversations of the high commissioner and others to the officer who recruited her etc.

If she had been working as a service agent, she would have caused immeasurable damage by enabling the agency that recruited her to collect electronically a lot of sensitive intelligence. It would never be possible to quantify and assess the extent of damage caused by her. She herself would not know since she would be unaware what kind of intelligence had been going on to her controlling officer through the gadgets which she had planted in the Indian High Commission on his direction.

In the 1970s, a British woman had been recruited by the Indian Embassy in Paris to work as a telephone operator. She had helped the MI-6 (the British intelligence service) in clandestinely recording the telephone conversations of all Indian diplomats posted in Paris. She had caused considerable damage before she was detected and sacked.

A mole in an Indian mission can do great damage: Rediff.com India News
Depends on how many additional assets she cultivated on behalf of the ISI, and whether she was aware of other assets elsewhere.

Assets cultivated by her would likely be lower level primarily, and I don't see any reason why she would be aware of any ISI assets within India.

As an intelligence agency I imagine you want to keep your spies as isolated from each other as possible, so that one going down does not take everyone else with them.

agreed, but i have one more point in my mind, she was under observation for one year , meaning Indians were double minded about her & they must have used her to feed the wrong info plus may be ISI found that Indians are doubtful about her so they intentionally busted her
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