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Indian democracy loses to Chinese efficiency - by 160 votes

This is exactly how dangerous freedom of speech and freedom of information can be in the hands of people who have no brains especially with the help of internet.

One can find any sources to back up their weired notions and believes. However for people with brain to think and abilities of logical deductions, they can reasonably filter through those false informations and derive a reasonable conclusion, but for those who don't they just believe whatever the informations they can find to strengthen their ridiculed believes. Our jester of the court has demonstrated this too well here. It might not be their intention to troll, but they are just born stupid that way.

For demonstration purpose, I can find information for backup the belief that Obama is indeed an alien instead of human.

Is Barack Obama an Alien? | Verum Serum
Obama: Alien in the White House?
see the main point of a system is to deliver results, and the Chinese system has done that, so its not wrong. Yes we can all criticize China but you have to stand in awe of their achievements. Im sure once China has reached a stage where its people will demand democracy, they will get it. Democracy isnt an overnight thing, its a slow transition and China has no reason to rush it. Its government has done a wonderful job in terms of pulling people out of poverty but as the incomes of people increase it also will require to give them the perks that Democracy brings. Altogether India has its own system and so does China, they cannot be compared. Both follow two totally different models.

Most dictatorships and totaliaran goverments deliver results for a while, look at Japan and Germany prior and during World War II.
Look at China, The USSR, but then look at more then 100 million dead that help deliver those results.
^^^ But most of China's achievement is in the last 30 years after mao has gone.
Mao Zedong was not a bad man, under Mao Zedong Chinas population grew from 400 million to 1.2 billion.

Mao Zedong made women equal to men in chinese society, he allowed them to go to school

a famous quote of Mao Zedong is

"women hold up half the sky"

He got rid of evolution and paved the way for scientific thinking

Mao Zedong fought off the Japanese invaders and the American imperialists and united a country that was torn apart by war in the death throes of collapse

The so called 70 million people that died all died from hunger because of a government mistake.

Mao Zedong love his country so much that he sent his own son to fight and die in the Korean war.

When Mao Zedong took over China, China had nothing no buildings, no steel, no food.

Mao Zedong destroyed most of the racism between different ethnic groups in china.

Even when Mao Zedong was the leader of China he lived a plain lifestyle his most expensive dish was "pork braised in brown sauce"

Under Mao Zedong he created the Chinese academy of sciences which developed the atomic bomb making China one of the 5 countries allowed to have nuclear weapons.

Mao Zedong gave free high school to all children and free university to whoever can pass test.

exactly, so why are some apologizing for his accomplishments? there's good and bad, without Mao there is no new china, period. deng would not have had the chance to do anything without Mao paving the path - destroying bad traditions so modernity has the chance to settle in. We accomplished what Britain did in 10 years what took them 100.

however most of his accomplishments were before 1964. if he died in 1964 he would've been the greatest leader for all eternity, but unfortunately he died in 1976.
^^^ But most of China's achievement is in the last 30 years after mao has gone.

But you still have the 1000s of re-education camps being used as slave labor,, censorship, corruption and other abuses and democracy is not something that comes natural or easy and with out blood shed. I dont think democracy will come easy to China, too many people in power are going to want to retain power at any cost.
This is exactly how dangerous freedom of speech and freedom of information can be in the hands of people who have no brains especially with the help of internet.

One can find any sources to back up their weired notions and believes. However for people with brain to think and abilities of logical deductions, they can reasonably filter through those false informations and derive a reasonable conclusion, but for those who don't they just believe whatever the informations they can find to strengthen their ridiculed believes. Our jester of the court has demonstrated this too well here.

For demonstration purpose, I can find information for backup the belief that Obama is indeed an alien instead of human.

Is Barack Obama an Alien? | Verum Serum
Obama: Alien in the White House?

From the way he writes he isn`t a native English speaker. There`s certain words, sentence construction and mistakes which completely give him away.

Anyone 70 years old wouldn`t be posting like that. Even if a 70 year old learned how to use the Internet, they were brought up in a time where plagarism was extremely serious.

He`s clearly a troll and I wouldn`t make any conclusions based on him. There`s no reason to think the Internet is dangerous any more than newspapers or the library.
Most dictatorships and totaliaran goverments deliver results for a while, look at Japan and Germany prior and during World War II.
Look at China, The USSR, but then look at more then 100 million dead that help deliver those results.

So is Japan after WW II until 1993, South Korea until 1988, Taiwan until early 1990's, Singapore and Hong Kong now .
Indian democracy loses to Chinese efficiency - by 160 votes ... i agree 100%.

it is how you view it..

In Inida,

ever state will fight for other state for water , boundary.
Every cast people will fight for calling themself as most backward people
Every regligon will ask for quota in jobs and education
every Opposition party will not allow ruling party to condut its business in parliment..

and the list goes on and one. surly india has to change. and it will change gradually..

All these has already given enough tolerence to the society which is a New Strenght
He`s clearly a troll and I wouldn`t make any conclusions based on him. There`s no reason to think the Internet is dangerous any more than newspapers or the library.

The thing is that people who actually read newspaper with exception of tabloids and go to libraries are mostly the ones who actually have the ability to distinguish right or wrong, and have the intention of finding what is real. But the internet is too accessible for those brainless ones.

From the way he writes he isn`t a native English speaker. There`s certain words, sentence construction and mistakes which completely give him away.
He claimed that he got high scores in GRE. His behavior is identical to pathological sociopath
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Actually on the internet one has more freedom to find more sources. Imagine the pain of having to find something by going to the library when you have debates or do research.

People nowadays are less knowledgeable in the sense that they store everything in their brains, but they are accessible to informations unimaginable to the previous generations, studies shows the younger generation are getting better at finding and distinguishing information, but also shorter on concentration span.
From the way he writes he isn`t a native English speaker. There`s certain words, sentence construction and mistakes which completely give him away.

Anyone 70 years old wouldn`t be posting like that. Even if a 70 year old learned how to use the Internet, they were brought up in a time where plagarism was extremely serious.

He`s clearly a troll and I wouldn`t make any conclusions based on him. There`s no reason to think the Internet is dangerous any more than newspapers or the library.

I drew attention to his less than perfect English in a earlier post as well, and the dude said it was a personal attack. I will hazard a guess --- he certainly talks like a Falungong follower or some such self-styled phony democracy advocate.
I really doubt if you all are genuine concerned about my writeing skills.

What you are concerned with is the truth and are trying to bully me into not telling that truth...its not going to happen.

Empire of Lies: The Truth About China in the Twenty-First Century

Empire of Lies: The Truth About China in the Twenty-First Century vidio

Empire of Lies: The Truth About China in the Twenty-First Century News Article

"Because the Party seeks power and control more than it seeks social development and the advancement of human rights, huge swathes of territory are populated by people whose lives have benefited little or not at all from the new wealth and liberalization infusing the larger cities of the new China.

Although there may be many incentives for us to see the Chinese regime in the most favorable light, it seems clear that China, to the countless numbers who are oppressed, remains a strong Communist Party state—cruel, corrupt, and fully in control.

Thirty years ago, everybody was poor and everybody was repressed. With the new economic policy of China, you have this economic growth, economic progress, that we all know about. This, as a consequence, creates rising expectations. It is because of rising expectations that people are more and more violent, aggressive, and hostile to the regime."

The 18th century in France was a century of rising expectations. It is because of political progress and because of better education, a better economy, that the French people revolted against the king, because of expectations. The Chinese situation is very much the same."

Now you see why the Chinese are engaged in censorship, the leadership of China is scared]to death with good cause.
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I really doubt if you all are genuine concerned about my writeing skills.

What you are concerned with is the truth and are trying to bully me into not telling that truth...its not going to happen.

Empire of Lies: The Truth About China in the Twenty-First Century

Empire of Lies: The Truth About China in the Twenty-First Century

Oh poor baby, everybody despise you, look down on you, bullying you, go ask your mom to kiss you better.:smitten:
The truth is people getting sick and tired of an "uneducated troll" trying so hard to be a smart ***, pretending to be a white American even on the expense of shamelessly stealing posts of others from other forums, too bad you got busted many times, since you show no dignity at all, everybody will keep treating you like a clown period.:rofl::rofl::yahoo:
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