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Indian Businessman Jindal secret visit to PM House, conveyed embattled PM Modi’s special message

Jindal is a business men, key global player in steel business, Sharif group is also in to steel. So it is purely a business meeting, however considering current relations between countries there will be conspiracy stories

JSW steel alone produces 3 times entire production capacity of Pakistan.

Nawaz Shariff ki personal business meetin thi :P

NS has no official capacity to be running/managing any of the businesses (he's a mere shareholder), and if he is then that's trouble for him.
I am still waiting and want you to remember this message. We will buy your politicians and your military if needed. You Pakistani will know the clout we have within your own establishment. We will get Jadhav free right before your eyes and you won't be able to do anything about it. Trust me.
the monkey will die mark my words
the monkey will die mark my words

What happened with Jadhav's case is not the way India and Pakistan operate. I made a post in other thread that, neither India nor Pakistan touch such senior officers even when they know. They mostly keep tap on them. This is SOP.
No doubt Pakistan was asked to get this man. Who pressurized Pakistan is a known fact. China is using ISI to play safe with India. MSS is keeping it's agents safe where as Pakistani operatives are at verge of getting kidnapped now.
Intelligence agencies normally do not come under pressure like that I am sure the message to Indians from GHQ has been forwarded that we cannot help you as MSS is also involved.

It wont be wrong to articulate that Jadhav is in Chinese custody and not Pakistan's though he is present in a Pakistani jail.
the monkey will die mark my words
If not I bet a civil war.
MSS is keeping it's agents safe where as Pakistani operatives are at verge of getting kidnapped now.
Doesn't matters actually,Indian operative was caught in Pakistan.
Would have been intelligent response if a Pakistani operative from India was caught and paraded,some idiot in Indian Establishment has surely opened can of worms for ex-service men of both countries,who are always trying to earn bread after retirement and that too in whole world.
Hatred towards India is making you insane. Arresting a prominent Indian businessman without any evidence will escalate things out of hand pretty quickly.
I know there is mutual hatred but at least save it for something real.

When there is one indian terrorist publicly confessed his wrong doings in Pakistan and killing innocent People. Also there are so many Innocent Kashmiries being killed not to mention the TTP and RAW involvement. then this is not just a private visit...

Arresting a prominent Indian businessman to investigate his involvement against Pakistan and the purpose of his visit make sense and should be taken seriously...
Doesn't matters actually,Indian operative was caught in Pakistan.
Would have been intelligent response if a Pakistani operative from India was caught and paraded,some idiot in Indian Establishment has surely opened can of worms for ex-service men of both countries,who are always trying to earn bread after retirement and that too in whole world.
It matters a lot, because no sate security institution would come under pressure from any country , no matter how friendly it is, to serve them dishes. And ISI knows this very well. If there are MSS agents roaming in Gwadar, would ISI be not countering them? Of course they would be.

Yes, Jhadhav was in Pakistan. But for what? To counter China so who would have trouble and pain Pakistan? No, it's China. Because Chinese want that port, CPEC is a white wash.
Amateurs here do not understand that in the world of intelligence the truth remains secret. Chinese wanted this man and we served them. What ever the narrative goes in the public is never a complete truth.
Yes, Jhadhav was in Pakistan. But for what? To counter China so who would have trouble and pain Pakistan?
So you are saying,because in you opinion he came for chinese,he should have been left untouched?
It matters a lot, because no sate security institution would come under pressure from any country , no matter how friendly it is, to serve them dishes. And ISI knows this very well.
If you want to sabotage Pakistani activities in Balochistan and want to Gather Intelligence on there assets, the only possible way is BLA or BLA because locals will not help and if you will try will be caught at sight in tribal system,so only left over is a terrorist organization which will help you in exchange for help.
We are under pressure from china for what,he helped to bomb our police,FC and infrastructure for,this?
Chinese wanted this man and we served them.
For what they wanted him.
So you are saying,because in you opinion he came for chinese,he should have been left untouched?
That's Chinese narrative not Pakistan's. We were asked to keep him. Otherwise there is understanding between both India and Pakistan that back channel talks do happen in such cases. As Pakistan's operatives are also at stakes of getting nabbed. And ISI is not a foolish agency that they will nab official straightway bringing it's own officials abroad at risk.
No sane intelligence agencies does that. We are getting played by Chinese a lot. Fine we have cordial relations with the Chinese they are funding projects but Pakistan has not taken responsibility to protect Chinese people and fight for them, just like we did for Americans. Or we have?

We are under pressure from china for what,he helped to bomb our police,FC and infrastructure for,this?

How do you know it was not China or Iran or India or all three to bring BLA in confidence to create a proxy there? Of course Chinese would be working too to lure BLA or am I wrong? :)
How do you know it was not China or Iran or India or all three to bring BLA in confidence to create a proxy there? Of course Chinese would be working too to lure BLA or am I wrong? :)
Lure them for what,kill there citizens or destroy there plan of linking that port to there country via road and rail and possibly build a pipeline from there to china?
Otherwise there is understanding between both India and Pakistan that back channel talks do happen in such cases
That understanding went to drain when Indians directed TTP to attack ISI personal.
And ISI is not a foolish agency that they will nab official straightway bringing it's own officials abroad at risk.
We have been very lucky in past decade,that's why Indians desperately kidnapped a retire person after surfing his LinkedIn profile:coffee:

Fine we have cordial relations with the Chinese they are funding projects but Pakistan has not taken responsibility to protect Chinese people and fight for them, just like we did for Americans
When in Pakistan there life is our responsibility.As I know if a Chinese is killed in Gawadar we will be responsible of catching the culprits,or that's too someone's else job.
An Indian businessman visits the PM and PDF jingoists going bonkers. :lol::lol:

I need to grab by popcorn right now. :pop: This is gonna be a lot of fun.
Guys we have an attention seeker here....give him his due or he will wet himself...
When there is one indian terrorist publicly confessed his wrong doings in Pakistan and killing innocent People. Also there are so many Innocent Kashmiries being killed not to mention the TTP and RAW involvement. then this is not just a private visit...

Arresting a prominent Indian businessman to investigate his involvement against Pakistan and the purpose of his visit make sense and should be taken seriously...

I know Pakistanis have a slightly different view on this matter. Hanging heads of state and exiling your own leaders is par for course. You must understand that not everyone shared the same word view and in other countries they do not try to nab someone in such flimsy pretexts.

Did India arrest and interrogate every Pakistani who visited after it became clear that ISI was involved in promoting terrorism here? If we didn't, neither should you. As simple as that.
Lure them for what,kill there citizens or destroy there plan of linking that port to there country via road and rail and possibly build a pipeline from there to china?

You obviously did not get what I said. Any how it's okay!
That understanding went to drain when Indians directed TTP to attack ISI personal.

The difference was, it was kept a bilateral activity. There was no one to direct terms to ISI. They countered Pakistan , and Pakistan countered them back.
We have been very lucky in past decade,that's why Indians desperately kidnapped a retire person after surfing his LinkedIn profile

I will again bring, Chinese factor into it. Only non state actors who are not commissioned used to be nabbed. Nabbing the officials is no where respected unless until it's a war at border, and we call them POW.

Chinese have fired gun on our shoulder. And want to have a safe exit. I am afraid, Pakistan has become a battle ground for India and China.

When in Pakistan there life is our responsibility.As I know if a Chinese is killed in Gawadar we will be responsible of catching the culprits,or that's too someone's else job.

Yes they are our responsibility no doubt. But catching a gangster culprit/criminal or goonda is way different than catching a commander level officer who worked for Research and Analysis Wing.
Jindal’s visit: Modi’s support package to Nawaz?
Global Village Space |

PM Nawaz Sharif’s clandestine meeting with Indian steel tycoon, Sajjan Jindal has sparked outrage throughout the country; this dealt another blow to the already insecure government. The fresh controversy has sent the government into damage control overdrive and has resulted in multiple representatives of the Prime Minister justifying the visit as an attempt at ‘back-channel diplomacy’.

Read More: Clandestine Indian visit sparks outcry

Ex-foreign minister Khurshid Kasuri characterized the speculation surrounding the visit as ‘unfortunate’ while stating that back-channel diplomacy can prove to be effective in some cases.

The visit is being seen as even more inappropriate because of the Indian reaction to the sentencing of the spy, Kulbhushan Jadhav to death by a military court.

Anonymous government sources have revealed to the media that this visit was an effort to coordinate a meeting between the Pakistani and Indian prime ministers on the fringes of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit to be held in June in Astana, Kazakhstan. It has also come to light that Mr. Jindal was carrying a personal message from PM Modi. It is yet unclear why these basic diplomatic undertakings required such covert methods. To address the media speculation, daughter of the Prime Minister, Maryam Nawaz tweeted:

Her response also fails to address the main query of the media which is questioning the secretive nature of the visit.

“We are concerned over the visit. Nawaz has business relations with Indians. It is not a mere coincidence that Newsgate scandal report and arrival of Jindal were timed so close,”

The visit is being seen as even more inappropriate because of the Indian reaction to the sentencing of the spy, Kulbhushan Jadhav to death by a military court. India had recently summoned the Pakistani high commissioner Abdul Basit and handed over a demarche which described the court proceeding in the Jhadav case as farcical and characterized his sentencing as ‘premeditated murder’.

Read More: India’s first use Nuclear Policy: Should Pakistan be worried?

“We are concerned over the visit. Nawaz has business relations with Indians. It is not a mere coincidence that Newsgate scandal report and arrival of Jindal were timed so close,” PTI spokesman Fawad Chaudhry said while addressing the new development. The opposition has seized this chance and has labeled this visit as highly suspicious. On the floor of the Punjab Assembly, opposition leader and PTI member Mehmoodur Rasheed promptly passed a resolution inquiring after the nature of the visit. He stated that an Indian visit that circumvented the Foreign Office to directly meet the Prime Minister was highly inappropriate and reiterated the demand that the Prime Minister should resign.

Another important point to be noted is that Mr. Jindal violated the terms of his visa as he was only allowed to visit Islamabad and Lahore but it has been reported by credible sources that the meeting took place in Murree.

Read full article:

Jindal’s visit: Modi’s support package to Nawaz?
People will still defend nawaz and his haram pana. There is a clear divide between haramkhors and very few of those who want to free Pakistan from these haramkhors and their tatoos. SC of Pakistan had a tremendous opportunity to sack this traitor nawaz and rest of his dack of cards would had fallen but they chose the easy way out except two judges. Knowing the haramzadgi of nawaz and his cabinet I have no doubt that he will ever go of his own free will. He will have to be thrown out by force and this force can come only from we the people. Not army or any other institution.
This Thread is full of Burger Kids and their usual diarrhea, you will never grow up.......God willing!!
Look at the grownups still defending their king instead of asking why pm of a country secretly meeting with business tycoons of a country that is involved in direct terrorism in Pakistan? Not a word from you grownups on why your pm chose to remain silent on yadav in the UN? People like you are the reason this country is where it is today and it will remain so.......... God wiling.

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